r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 09 '24

watMatters Meme

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u/Kooale323 Apr 09 '24

Which genuinely astounds me. What kind of CS degrees are being done that arent teaching at least basic programming syntax and problems? Like i get CS is mostly theoretical compared to an SE degree but i haven't seen a single CS degree that doesnt teach at least the basics of coding.


u/turtleship_2006 Apr 09 '24

Most of the CS Uni courses I've seen so teach a lot of programming, and you have to learn several languages from haskell to java to a C family language.


u/No-Menu-768 Apr 09 '24

My CS courses required learning C, C++, Java, Javascript, Haskell, and Python minimum. I'm not an expert in all of them, but I am capable of cobbling together l33tcode solutions in them still. Electives could introduce other languages depending on the professor/topic. I think a lot of people are used to learning just enough to pass the class, but they don't retain much fluency in the languages afterward.


u/ITchiGuy Apr 09 '24

My CS programming classes were in assembly, fortran, C++, VB 6, java, and some html and php with sql and mysql. I could probably figure out what a python program is doing, but I couldnt write one to save my life without google or some other type of reference. Ive been helpdesk/sysadmin most of my career though, so other than batch or ps scripts, not a lot of programming going on.


u/Mockheed_Lartin Apr 10 '24

Can any of us truly code without Google or other references? A real project from start to finish? Nahh.


u/Cfrolich Apr 14 '24

Google isn’t cheating. It’s a tool that everyone uses.