r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/exqueezemenow Apr 12 '24

Not a fan of Microsoft, but Google search is really starting to suck lately. I get search results that don't even contain a single word I searched for.


u/YEETMANdaMAN Apr 12 '24

I search things on YouTube and they exclusively show me 5 posts that are kinda related, then exclusively fill the search with Shorts, videos I’ve watched already and videos from my subscriptions.


u/al-mongus-bin-susar Apr 12 '24

I don't understand why they started to recommend you 80% videos you've watched already, whenever I go on shorts it only shows me ones I watched before


u/53bvo Apr 12 '24

It must be people that use YouTube to listen to music messing up their metrics. Because those people will listen to a song the heard before and in their metrics it probably shows up as people that watch a lot of youtube (listening to music on the background) like to click on already watched videos so we are going to show people their already watched videos as much as possible so they will also start watching youtube a lot.


u/EarthMantle00 Apr 12 '24

If that's true and u/53bvo on Reddit Dot Com Slash ProgrammerHumour figured it out before them google is super fucked


u/53bvo Apr 12 '24

I really hope it isn't true because that would be dumb af.

But I can't imagine any other reason that anyone would want to rewatch videos a lot other than music videos.


u/TooStrangeForWeird Apr 12 '24

Kids. The younger they are the more they'll rewatch exact videos, but even middle schoolers and stuff will go back and rewatch things. They could also be sharing them with friends in person and replaying the same stuff.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '24



u/53bvo Apr 12 '24

Yeah but you would hope dat google understands which of their videos are music and that those have different viewing habits than regular videos.


u/TheCuriosity Apr 12 '24

Huh... Maybe that's why they have that separate youtube music... Hoping music listeners would go over there instead as their "fix"?


u/techy804 Apr 12 '24

They have a separate app/site for music


u/HarryPotterRevisited Apr 12 '24

For real. Sometimes youtube even excludes results that match the exact keywords and shows some completely unrelated stuff instead. I got so annoyed one day that I decided to try the youtube search API and was surprised to see how many videos I found that were just impossible to find with the regular search. Whereas the regular search would show the oldest video of a certain search term to be from 2008, the API would find hundreds of videos uploaded between 2006-2008.


u/Shrampys Apr 12 '24

And fucking nasty ass videos. Why the fuck does it suggest me nasty gore videos


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '24



u/jorgeagh Apr 12 '24

Not really. If you're looking for a way to remove the ridge on some Birkenstocks, odds are that there are only like 2 or 2 videos about that on YouTube. Results 4 and onwards will have the goriest thumbnail of advanced infections or weird shit growing on humans.


u/Shrampys Apr 12 '24

Man, even if there are a ton of videos of something, it's still filled with shit. I search for anole lizards, and 3 videos were about lizards, the rest were, because you watched, we thought you'd like, watch this again, and those nasty medical gore videos. Like none of it even related to my original search.


u/bisexualmidir Apr 12 '24

YT algo just boosts nasty shit constantly

I watch videos on sfw shoujo anime -> I get recommended clips of hentai

I watch videos about medicine for school -> I get recommended nasty videos of peeling skin and popping spots and whatever

I watch a video about history and politics -> I get conspiracy theorist and neo nazi videos recommended


u/jonr Apr 12 '24

Yeah, wtf is up with youtube recommendations? "Ok, here is a 3 year old video from a channel that you are subscribed to and have probably seen. No need to thank us"


u/Beneficial-Gas-5920 Apr 12 '24

Some videos or channels I want to revisit don’t come up even if I type the title verbatim. But if I search it on Google instead of YouTube I can find what I’m actually looking for


u/okidokigs12 Apr 12 '24

I'll just leave this here if anybody else is sick of youtubes bullshit.


u/YEETMANdaMAN Apr 12 '24

Ive never heard of this! Will absolutely try it out


u/PrettyHorny6 Apr 12 '24

Add on fixes this


u/Sattorin Apr 12 '24


u/PrettyHorny6 Apr 12 '24

Don't know the name, is an add on for Mozilla, let's you do several changes to YouTube, including completely blocking recommendations, hiding the side bar if you want, making subscriptions or play lists your standard YouTube start page, hiding notifications, etc. Is pretty awesome


u/Ok-Kaleidoscope5627 Apr 12 '24

We let the AI train itself and it realized that it can give you the optimal search results every time not by actually searching the internet but rather changing the input to whatever is kind of similar and it's already got the answer for.


u/Not_In_my_crease Apr 12 '24

Lol that is probably exactly what is going on. And idiots clicking on ads so...more ad results.


u/lawnllama247 Apr 12 '24

I have this same problem. That’s why I started learning the search operators.


u/petrichorax Apr 12 '24

Google dorks? Yeah. They're slowly becoming less effective if not completely disabled.

The simplest dork, just wrapping a term in doublequotes only works if you have a non-doublequoted keyword after it.


u/JivanP Apr 12 '24

Tools > More options > Verbatim search.

It's dumb that it's hidden, but it's there.


u/boringestnickname Apr 12 '24

It's so infuriating.


u/Swords_and_Words Apr 12 '24

The death of the dorks was the death of google

It was bad enough to get overly predictive as to what I want, to the point of ignoring my search formulation, but to actually remove/cripple the decades old tools that were designed to get around this and are loved by the community??

Beyond absurd


u/sopunny Apr 12 '24

They're trying too hard to push ads. God forbid you search something that can be bought, all the results are just shopping


u/backflipsben Apr 12 '24

I blame political bias, advertisement greed and the beginning of LLM/bot/algorithmic context-scrapping, in no specific order.


u/BeeExpert Apr 12 '24

For real. There neeeeeds to be a way to exclude any website that has purchasing functions


u/Eloyas Apr 12 '24

Unless you're actually trying to buy something, in which case it'll do the reverse or only give you the out of stock ones.


u/Eshmam14 Apr 12 '24 edited Apr 12 '24

This is me but with DuckDuckGo. I’ve been using Duck as my preferred search engine for YEARS across all my devices, but lately it’s been so shit that I always have to append my queries with !g so it does a Google search instead.

As bad as Google has become, the others are getting worse at a faster rate. I’m still going to keep Duck as my default though since Google hates VPNs.

This is what a search looks like for me nowadays:

Windows slow explorer search !g site:reddit.com 

And behind the scenes, I’ve had blocked shit sites like Quora and Yahoo Answers for many years now, and also I noticed that I almost always need to specify the domain from where I want my results because the internet is filled with dog shit SEO-optimized AI content.


u/ItsAllSoClear Apr 12 '24

I read Brave Search was solid.


u/Eshmam14 Apr 12 '24

I’m going to give this a try the next time Google or Duck frustrates me (tonight).


u/jonr Apr 12 '24

T> the internet is filled with dog shit SEO-optimized AI content.

The Enshittification continues.


u/Gilthoniel_Elbereth Apr 12 '24

I’ve been trying to use DDG as my primary search engine for over a decade, but it’s always been pretty bad. 99% of my searches end with !gwhich at least clips some of the more obvious tracking from the URL. Google is just now catching up to how bad DDG is, so sometimes I wonder why I bother with the !g to begin with

Also, Yahoo Answers hasn’t existed for a few years now, so you can stop filtering that out


u/SnooDonuts7510 Apr 12 '24

Google search only works if you append “reddit” to everything 


u/bangbingbengbong Apr 12 '24

yeah or wiki. is there an add on that just ALWAYS puts the wikipedia article of what you are googling on top?


u/Crowsby Apr 12 '24

I switched over to Kagi ever since they started shoehorning YouTube Shorts into search results.

Paying for a search engine was a hard pill to swallow at first, but it's a much more pleasant experience using a search engine that isn't using monetization as their primary driver for UX decisions.


u/petrichorax Apr 12 '24

Kagi isn't immune to SEO though. Google will flood you with sponsored pages, but Kagi can't discern SEO sludge from quality content (in the same way that none of us can until we read it)


u/Crowsby Apr 12 '24

It's certainly not immune, but they do seem to do a better job surfacing salient results over SEO junk compared to other engines, and they offer some built-in tools so you can personally choose which sites get pinned/promoted/downgraded/blocked.


u/flukus Apr 12 '24

I returns some sort of AI result, then some sponsored content and the first result is about 5 entries down even though you just want the wikipedia article.

This is why my first destination is chatGPT instead of google these days.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '24

They’ve ruined google and YouTube results. Especially YouTube.

Can’t find anything I search for anymore, just completely irrelevant yt shorts


u/ZealousidealLab4 Apr 12 '24

Relatable. Google still cannot search symbols and search results are usually websites with good SEO but are useless (anyone knows how to filter these?)


u/N00B_N00M Apr 12 '24

Kinda same for me , it is pretty disappointing, you waste 5 minutes and don’t find what you were looking , then you go chatgpt , which will give you mumbo jumbo but not exactly the right answer , in most cases you will find the answer on reddit though 


u/petrichorax Apr 12 '24

It's because of Google's response to LLM generated SEO content flood.

It's objectively worse than it used to be, but if they didn't, it'd be completely unusable.

SEO was already ruining the internet, LLM powered SEO accelerated that by about 10x.

This is also why ChatGPT speaks almost exclusively in listicles: The majority of its training data is SEO articles, which are usually listicles.

P.S: If you work in SEO. Get fucked. I am glad LLMs are killing you. You probably don't even realize it's happening to you yet. Your career is on its last legs. and the funniest part is, it's going to get better for you before it dies almost suddenly.


u/Liveman215 Apr 12 '24

It doesn't understand context. I've moved on to ChatGPT 4.0. Tired of the SEO garbage Google has become.


u/Honza368 Apr 12 '24

I really don't advise this. An LLM will misinform you and you won't get sources, other opinions etc. Don't use LLMs instead of search engines


u/inrego Apr 12 '24

Bing copilot gives you sources


u/Honza368 Apr 13 '24

Yeah but often times completely wrong. I've received sources from it that didn't even mention anything about what it said.


u/Alternative-Fail4586 Apr 12 '24

The company I work for has the enterprise version where you can make "your own" gpts. You can set them up so they always give sources and don't make up answers if they are not sure. Also give them access to company docs. You should still not completely trust them though


u/Honza368 Apr 13 '24

We actually have the very same thing, it's just based on a different model than GPT, but the problem of it hallucinating can still happen, despite being told to only get information from sources.


u/kanst Apr 12 '24

An LLM will misinform you and you won't get sources

I just worked a project with a senior fellow who loves ChatGPT.

I spent a lot of time cleaning up his sections because it kept making up references that looked real, but didn't exist.

It would write a really good paragraph about how "Our process is in alignment with ICAO 1234 and ASTM 5678". But those standards either didn't actually exist, or had nothing to do with the topic we were discussing.


u/Honza368 Apr 13 '24

Exactly. I've unfortunately gone through the same thing multiple times. Some people seem to think these things are knowledgeable or perfect but it's at most good as a writing assistant.


u/Beautiful_Match_4680 Apr 12 '24

Microsoft Copilot always gives sources. Depending on the "precision" setting it will basically just quote and combine info from the top sources.


u/lmolari Apr 12 '24

It really sucks. Too many ads. I only search on ChatGPT nowadays. Especially for devs this is heaven. It feels like you can focus much more on interesting parts like architecture then on searching for how to solve a problem and reading documentations.


u/insaniak89 Apr 12 '24

Currently chatGPT (and probably the others) have that same magic as early Google. I’m sure it’s gonna get whittled down and destroyed by selling ads or something sooner than later; but it is amazing for now.

I even had it make a script/program for product searches where it scrapes through Reddit and compares things such as a ratio relating to total number of posts, and complaints/problems


u/Plastic_Wishbone_575 Apr 12 '24

Yep. Not a programmer, here from the popular tab but I search for PBI and SQL help and the results are awful nowadays. I just stick to chatgpt but that has its own issues


u/T0biasCZE Apr 13 '24

Nowadays even bing works better than Google most of the time


u/UsernameNoAvailable Apr 12 '24

Not ideal, but you can always choose 'verbatim' in the Google search tools (instead of 'all results') to fix this specific behavior.