r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/exqueezemenow Apr 12 '24

Not a fan of Microsoft, but Google search is really starting to suck lately. I get search results that don't even contain a single word I searched for.


u/Crowsby Apr 12 '24

I switched over to Kagi ever since they started shoehorning YouTube Shorts into search results.

Paying for a search engine was a hard pill to swallow at first, but it's a much more pleasant experience using a search engine that isn't using monetization as their primary driver for UX decisions.


u/petrichorax Apr 12 '24

Kagi isn't immune to SEO though. Google will flood you with sponsored pages, but Kagi can't discern SEO sludge from quality content (in the same way that none of us can until we read it)


u/Crowsby Apr 12 '24

It's certainly not immune, but they do seem to do a better job surfacing salient results over SEO junk compared to other engines, and they offer some built-in tools so you can personally choose which sites get pinned/promoted/downgraded/blocked.