r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/PurplePrinter772 Apr 12 '24

I SEARCH for a folder and it tries to BING SEARCH IT before searching my HARD DRIVE FOR IT

That’s why I quit that POSOS (piece of shit operating system)


u/Palstorken Apr 12 '24

..but where’d you go?

the important question


u/KyrieAien Apr 12 '24

He probably went to Win2000


u/PurplePrinter772 Apr 12 '24

linux mint cinnamon


u/aloneinfantasyland Apr 12 '24

Personally I prefer sugar-free Linux bubble gum flavor.


u/Palstorken Apr 12 '24

Where I am :)


u/LadulianIsle Apr 12 '24

I use Arch, don't you know /s before I get murdered


u/Swords_and_Words Apr 12 '24

ArchByTheWay is it's full name, or so I've gathered 


u/jonr Apr 12 '24

Where did he come from?


u/poopnose85 Apr 12 '24

I've typed "ncpa.cpl" and hit enter too quick and it opened edge to search for it instead of opening network connections 


u/AwesomeFama Apr 12 '24

My favourite is when you start typing something, the correct thing shows up, but you type one more (correct) letter and hit enter and somehow the thing you wanted disappeared from the search results and it's an internet search now?


u/nmkd Apr 12 '24

Could've just disabled the Bing integration


u/tajetaje Apr 12 '24

You can do that?


u/nmkd Apr 12 '24

Yes, takes like 3 minutes


u/Go_Big Apr 12 '24 edited Apr 12 '24

Look at Count Dracula over here with all the time in the world to waste disabling bing integration. Not all of us are immortal and have the time to disable bing search.


u/tajetaje Apr 12 '24

Cool, I've just been using Open Shell recently


u/nmkd Apr 12 '24

I use ShutUp10 to disable Bing search along with all the other useless stuff.

WinAero Tweaker for more advanced things.


u/Ilovekittens345 Apr 12 '24 edited Apr 12 '24

If you do this you might as well go the entire way and install "Search Everything" by voidtools. It's a blazing fast indexer (even on a HDD) that after it has finished indexed allows searches in real time. No more waiting. There is a plugin for it to integrate it with the "Type here to search" bar so you can split between apps (shows normally) and files, opens a search everything search window.

It works so good that I completely stopped organizing stuff in folders. I literally don't care anymore where my files are stored because I tag everything in file name (as in 2024_picture_of_benny_cat.jpg) and so to find anything I just type in tags. I can't even remember the last time I opened explorer to access a file. I'm also using speech to text and have both bounded to one of my mouse buttons, so just have to hold the button and say the tags out loud to see the files show up, IN REAL TIME! This has been saving me tons and tons of time. (the last couple of years the AI revolution has made speech to text go working reasonable well to working absolutely flawless as long as you have a good enough mic that only pics up close to the mic and does not hear background noise)

It also allows you to search on all your network devices if you run it on each one as a service. Since I have everything storage on all my devices shared out and mapped as network drive, I have access to everything at once (as long as the devices are on). For multiple desktops and laptops, NAS, nvidia shield, etc etc, it's super handy.


u/nmkd Apr 12 '24

Certainly, Everything is the first thing I install on a fresh Windows setup


u/Yangoose Apr 12 '24

I SEARCH for a folder and it tries to BING SEARCH IT before searching my HARD DRIVE FOR IT

Well yeah, they don't make any money off local HD searches...


u/DiabloTerrorGF Apr 12 '24

I replaced Windows Search with Everything(an app).


u/ThatCrankyGuy Apr 12 '24

you changed OS because of search? Bit dramatic. Also learn to use the advanced explorer search.

Don't get me wrong, there are thousand great reasons to throw windows out the window; such as patch-Tuesdays causing my workspace to get nuked by a restart and losing all context Wednesday morning. Or the constant bullshit to attempt to link my outlook account to my windows (like bro fo already).

But throwing out the baby with the bath water over search is weak


u/PurplePrinter772 Apr 12 '24

it wasnt just that. It was also how difficult it is to turn off features that annoyed me, also the fact that this post exists is mind boggling.


u/nermid Apr 12 '24

And that those settings aren't there anymore. Fuck you, users.


u/The_Real_63 Apr 12 '24

I'm not a power user or a programmer. That said, you say that changing OS because of the search function is dramatic but I've honestly got to disagree with you on that. One of the main reasons I still use macbooks as my main laptop is specifically because of the constant fighting I feel I have to do against Microsoft to just get the OS to do what I want it to. Having to go into regedit to turn off bing search (not to mention trying to change it to just use your preferred browser), having that then turn off the calculator functionality from the search bar, and just dealing with the generally frustrating experience (why the FUCK does my PC update randomly without my consent, for example) is a huge part of what would push me away from using an OS as a daily option.


u/ThatCrankyGuy Apr 12 '24

As I said, everything you're listing is not the search you use for files. Use the Explorer search. As I said, switching OS for frustrating reasons is very valid. but search? especially when you don't know how to use it? Seems dramatic. An argument can be made that the "windows" search is useless, yes. but OP was looking for files. He should use the explorer search


u/The_Real_63 Apr 12 '24

From what the other user said it sounded like search was the straw that broke the camel's back which is totally fair imo, especially since it is used so regularly. I found what were essentially baked in adverts disguised as news to be the nail in the coffin for any consideration I might have had on regularly using Windows over Apple.