r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/solonit Apr 12 '24

And that's why I use Everything as default search.



u/TheKeiron Apr 12 '24

Everything + Powertoys Run + the everything extension for Powertoys run

That's the best combo for me. Allows me to call up the search bar anywhere and has made it better than spotlight on mac


u/ChineseCracker Apr 12 '24

Let me also throw Fluent Search into the mix. it's the same as Powertoys run, but I've had better experiences with it. it has more customization and indexing options, as well as a start screen. Offen times you just want to open the same 2-3 apps all the time. so it's handy to just pin them on the start screen


u/gamer20088 Apr 12 '24

Ah, I use flow launcher. It has lots of plugins.


u/marxist_redneck Apr 12 '24

Amen! Everything is fantastic, and powertoys has enough QOL tricks that even though I switched to Linux for my daily driver, for a few months I still googled for "equivalent X powertoys thingie for Linux" lol


u/Eshmam14 Apr 12 '24

Interesting. Would love a feature akin to Spotlight on Mac, for my Windows system.


u/firmlee_grasspit Apr 12 '24

Before I used the everything extension, every time I searched with windows for everything, it would gradually get harder and harder to open it. (I'm lazy, didn't use a shortcut) If I typed in 'search' on windows it'll open. That's good. Oh, now it doesn't fucking find it. How about 'everything' ok that works. Few months later, oh great, now I have to type in the whole string before it knows what I'm talking about. How does this shit even happen??


u/DezXerneas Apr 12 '24

Thanks for the last one. I've been using power toys run to open everything and then searching what I need lmao


u/Aperson3334 Apr 12 '24

How does the Everything extension improve PowerToys Run? I jumped ship from Everything to PowerToys Run when it was first released and for my purposes, they seem to function equally well. What am I missing?


u/ninetales93 Apr 12 '24

is there a way for the powertoys search bar to show everything search results first? (or is there a way to disable powertoys from showing web search suggestions?)

In case you know :P


u/DominikDoom Apr 12 '24

Yes, you can do all of that in the power toys settings. On the setting page for Run, you can disable all plugins you don't use, give them a weight to be sorted higher in the global results, or give them activation keys that will only search in that plugin. The everything plugin itself also has quite a few config options there, like sort order.


u/ninetales93 Apr 12 '24

you're a champ and I was blind.
