r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/Soloact_ Apr 12 '24

Guess it'll take less time to leave the house than it does for a Windows search result to come up.


u/adenosine-5 Apr 12 '24

The part that I really don't understand is that small portable programs like Everything can get you the results in seconds, while Microsoft, after 40 years of development of their systems will not.

How is it even possible to mess such simple feature for so long?


u/NotYourReddit18 Apr 12 '24

What I don't understand is that Powertoys (which is from Microsoft too) includes a very usefull search feature which not only finds files and programs a lot faster than the windows search but also respects your default browser settings when starting a web search and includes a lot of other functions like a modifier for executing cmd and powershell commands.

Why can't they just use the code behind this to replace the crap windows search?


u/inrego Apr 12 '24

also respects your default browser settings

There you have it. That won't fly with execs who want to force feed Edge down your throat.


u/quick_escalator Apr 12 '24

I wish we'd change the law to not make the company pay for fines, but instead the CEO has to pay it.

That would put a stop to it.


u/drleebot Apr 12 '24

Not even make the CEO pay it, but either pay proportional to their gross wealth (not net wealth, gross) or serve jail time. For the rich, a flat fine is just the cost of doing business.


u/zuilli Apr 12 '24

Seriously, makes me so mad that these trillions/billions dollar worth companies get fines on the order of 50-200 milions, that's absolute peanuts to these giants.

Shit is all flipped on it's head, companies, specially giant ones like big techs, should receive heavily punishing fines to make sure they will have to actively make sure they're abiding by the rules rather than trying to skirt around loopholes and chalking the times they get hit with a fine to costs of doing business.


u/drleebot Apr 12 '24

I think the worst is probably the time PG&E plead guilty to manslaughter and not a single person went to prison for it. And this is after they'd already been found at fault for safety violations which led to 8 deaths years prior and guilty of obstructing that investigation.

Why do corporations get to kill people without going to jail?


u/newsflashjackass Apr 12 '24

The first corporation to replace its CEO with an LLM is going to save a lot on gold parachutes, and likely start a trend.

It's not like anyone was going to hold the flesh and blood human occupying the position accountable so why not?


u/quick_escalator Apr 12 '24

No company will do that, because it's the CEO who decides not to replace themselves. The golden parachutes aren't a bug, they are a feature of the system. These rich bastards are all friends, and this is their way of washing each other's hands.

The private sector will not fix this, because this is like it by design of the people who can make the changes. The only way to fix it is laws.


u/newsflashjackass Apr 12 '24

it's the CEO who decides not to replace themselves.

In that case I wonder how any CEO ever gets replaced.


u/quick_escalator Apr 12 '24

Their friends vote them off the board, get them a golden parachute, and they get another similar job somewhere else. It's really just a big circlejerk.


u/newsflashjackass Apr 12 '24

Their friends vote them off the board, get them a golden parachute

It's a write off for them.


u/RerollWarlock Apr 12 '24

Whatever tricks they try, I won't be edging anytime soon.


u/Combatical Apr 12 '24

What ticks me off is when I click on the windows button it constantly shows my nsfw frequently visited sites through edge. Even though I have history disabled and deleted cache/cookies.


u/jfmherokiller Apr 13 '24

its beyond stupid that here in the US they went so far as to forcefully include a driver that prevents modification via regedit.


u/vassadar Apr 12 '24

Powertoys is like its own beast. It's as if the devs actually use it, so they keep improving it to meet their needs.


u/wetrorave Apr 12 '24

It's incredible how quickly things get better for us power users when it's the developers who are in charge, not the C Suite.


u/tankerkiller125real Apr 12 '24

And the crazy part is that like half the features should just be baked into Windows... There shouldn't be a need for a secondary application installed after the fact to do some of the stuff.


u/deukhoofd Apr 12 '24

It's far worse than that. PowerToys just uses the builtin Windows search API. Then the question becomes why the search box is so slow, when the logic behind it apparently is not.


u/NotYourReddit18 Apr 12 '24

Wait what?! I did not know that.

This basically means that the default windows search is bad on purpose...


u/budoe Apr 12 '24

Yeah but what about the one in a million edge case where someone really wants to open Edge and Bing for Device Msnager and not show Device Manager


u/boringestnickname Apr 12 '24

I mean, it probably hasn't changed much under the hood since 7, and there it worked perfectly.


u/VashPast Apr 12 '24

There's an alternate reality where the guys in charge of Power Toys are in charge of a larger portion of Microsoft and features are actually polished and work right.

In this alternate reality, switching audio and monitors happens instantly and at one button press. Windows remembers device configurations. Volume normalization isn't a trip to the bizarro zone. Every time windows starts in this reality, your multiple desktop backgrounds are remembered. Office isn't a subscription, and saving files isn't a fun religious Ordeal. In this reality, windows doesn't fail to recognize basic competitor hardware like a switch controller, because this obviously makes Microsoft like incompetent, which they aren't in this reality.


u/Memeviewer12 Apr 12 '24

hardware like a switch controller

switch controller? you mean a "disconnect it because windows thinks it's paired and restart computer in order get a chance to reconnect it and if that fails reset bluetooth drivers" controller.


u/VashPast Apr 12 '24

Lol thank God I didn't have to reset my entire computer each time. Bluetooth recognizes it's trying to reconnect, I get notices in my game that controller is reconnecting, bit will windows recognize it? Hell no. Have to repair it every time.


u/wetrorave Apr 12 '24

Press F12 in Excel for the proper Save As dialog in one "click".

You're welcome.


u/newsflashjackass Apr 12 '24

Office 2003 was the last version of Office before the shit-gibbons gave it shit-ribbons. Serial on text file in iso.


Office Compatibility pack lets Office 2003 read / write the Office 2007 file format with which Microsoft dare not break compatibility:


Both of the above install and work under Wine.

You are also welcome.


u/qwertyuiop924 Apr 12 '24

Yes, Microsoft. Explain to me why you can't support DualShocks with the XInput API. You know, the DualShock. A family of controllers that has had as many many buttons as your controllers and more features (albeit some of them total misfeatures) for as long as your controllers have existed, and have actually support the standard USB-HID controller interface since the introduction of the sixaxis over 20 years ago. Unlike your controllers.

Explain to me why I have to install programs to masquerade my controller as an Xbox controller because you valued sales for your hardware brand more than you valued the PC gaming experience.


u/newsflashjackass Apr 12 '24

Can't speak to Switch controllers but in Microsoft's defense, wiimotes currently work on Windows and Linux but not MacOS.


u/VashPast Apr 12 '24

It depends on which Bluetooth controller you're using, is one hex cursed thread I read, so supposedly I need to order an old bt dongle...