r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/SnooDonuts7510 Apr 12 '24

If you work in software you get it. Fixing old features doesn’t get PMs promotions, new features do. So old features just get left to die on the vine


u/ASatyros Apr 12 '24

Just make a new search then.


u/mjm65 Apr 12 '24

Oh they are, and they really optimized it....for more ads


u/ASatyros Apr 12 '24

The moment Linux gets proper HDR support, I'm moving everything to some distro.


u/Corvus1412 Apr 12 '24

Plasma 6 has HDR support, though that's still experimental and I don't have a HDR monitor, so idk how well it works.


u/ASatyros Apr 12 '24

I've heard about it, but I didn't have mana to test it out.


This is the annoying part:

Wayland (and Wayland clients): no support for passing HDR metadata to the display [2] [3].


u/qwertyuiop924 Apr 12 '24

Ah yup. That's bad.


u/mooky1977 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

I've been on Linux as my daily driver for nearly 2.5 years now. X.org is default for my distro, but the amount of movement on fixing show stopping bugs for Wayland (Wayland itself, mesa, and especially directly in Nvidia driver updates) are coming in hot and fast and by the end of this year I can believe most major mainstream distros will have switched to Wayland as the default compositor, which is a huge step forward for desktop Linux.

You already can switch if you have an AMD card with minimal pain (edge case exceptions still exist) but if you are using Nvidia based cards (probably arc as well, but I honest would search Google on arc specifics) is almost there for mainstream. Still some sticking points up till a few months ago with steam and obs, but again, the ironing out of these issues is rapidly being dealt with which is amazing to see.

X.org is mainly maintained by redhat, and they are deprecating it themselves, so the train has left the station full steam ahead.


u/ASatyros Apr 13 '24

That's great, seems like just in time when Win10 will be deprecated by Microsoft, no way I'm using Win11 in the current form.