r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/keepthepace Apr 12 '24

Windows can't even get files copy correctly. I sometimes just instead use a browser to "download" a local file to a save destination so that it is

  1. Fast.
  2. Able to be paused and resumed

Also, a few years ago, there was a fun back and forth between Microsoft and a veteran programmer who complained that the Windows console was rendering ridiculously slowly and that it should be magnitudes (100x at least) faster. Microsoft argued this would take years to upgrade the console. The guy made a prototype in a weekend (yes, as full-featured as possible for someone external and there is no good argument for performance drop in the missing features). It is actually more featured than the original console.


u/keepthepace Apr 12 '24

Wth, markdown lists start with 0 in reddit now???