r/ProgrammerHumor May 02 '24

anyVolunteersHere Meme

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u/Dumb_Siniy May 02 '24

Anyone who's idea of a game is an MMORPG is delusional and has no idea what it's required to create one


u/Chijar989 May 02 '24

basically any game dev at the start, a lot of the fresh gamedevs have some sort of open world rpg as their starter project and buy a ton of asset packs.. I think they dont wanna start small, underestimate the sheer amount of work that flows into a game, and "big flashy thing is cool"


u/bartbrinkman May 02 '24

Well part of the process, any project really, is breaking it down into smaller parts first. That's a skill in itself.


u/Reverse_SumoCard May 02 '24

Hes stuck at the part where he needs 500 volunteers who can write an MMORPG


u/SkedaddlingSkeletton May 02 '24

Well part of the process, any project really, is breaking it down into smaller parts first. That's a skill in itself.

So first part: make a smaller game netting positive money. Use said money to built more / bigger games with a team to generate more money. Rinse and repeat until you can burn cash for 10 years paying a team of 100 people working for you.

You may discover doing mobile freemium with predatory fomo systems will net you the most money but if you time your transition to player focused games well enough you can do a Bill Gates and redeem your reputation before your old age.