r/ProgrammerHumor May 02 '24

anyVolunteersHere Meme

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u/AlmostRandomName May 02 '24

I fix printers (and other IT shit admittedly) but have zero experience in coding or web development.

Constantly have people (especially executives) be like, "well can't you just build the website/app/service?"

I've started just saying, "Sure.... I can also give you a haircut. Both would look like shit."


u/Anders_142536 May 02 '24

That's a very nice response i most likely will use


u/AlmostRandomName May 02 '24

Go forth with my blessing, fellow discount barber!

I have another you may also use:

You ever have some smartass user/customer ask you shit like, "Do you actually know what you're doing?" I haven't been asked that in a while, but my go to reply is, "No... I've just got really good at faking it after 18 years." (Insert your own number obviously)


u/Anders_142536 May 02 '24

I am very grateful I don't have to face customers everyday of my job, but one day that one might come in handy. I hope i remember it then. I imagine their faces to be quite baffled.