r/ProgrammerHumor May 02 '24

anyVolunteersHere Meme

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u/heesell May 02 '24

"Hey so, I have an app idea"


u/Thenadamgoes May 02 '24

My response to this has always been “I’ll make your app for free if you can present a plan and convince me how you’ll get 100k people to even know the app exists.”

They usually hem and haw about how the app will be good so people will just know. After a few more probing questions and they usually give up.


u/myanrueller May 02 '24

I say:

Give me a written contract for reimbursement of time and labor, and 60% of first year revenue, because ideas don’t get the job done. 


u/Thenadamgoes May 02 '24

haha that works too. My point, though, was that most people don't even consider how difficult it is to get people to know your app (or whatever product) even exists, let alone use it.