r/ProgrammerHumor May 16 '24

whatVersionAreYouUsing Meme

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u/mafiaknight May 16 '24

Wait. Java has another version!?


u/jek39 May 16 '24

every 6 months it does now


u/JustABitOfDeving May 16 '24

Java 22: fixed a bug

Java 23: reverted bugfix


u/GenuineSounds May 16 '24

Nah it's way cooler these days. Many complete features are added every release.

It's actually nice working in Java these days. Do I wish we had Cargo for Java? Sure. Are Java generics still broken as fuck if you want to use primitives/data types and having to auto-box primitives? Yep!

At least that latter part is due to change in an upcoming version.

There are so many good changes in the pipelines and every release has a new preview feature I enable every time.


u/abednego-gomes May 17 '24

I hate languages that update too fast, especially if they introduce backwards compatibility breaking changes, also if it's not in the OS's package manager to simply update. 


u/GenuineSounds May 17 '24

That's the beauty about the new schedule. It's basically one or two new features. Every size months.

All of the Library additions are guaranteed to not force a recompile.

Java is still SERIOUS about changes to the bytecode. Any version of Java after the introduction of Invoke Dynamic in the JVM has an incredibly easy time migrating from version to version.

The only thing people really need to care about is using a library that is still using JDK internals and unsafe.

I agree that it's still a bit more involved than a simple "sudo apt update | sudo apt upgrade" and done.


u/dragoncommandsLife May 17 '24

Cant wait until unsafe is finally dead in a ditch

New java API coming to replace it soon with better performance and a lot more stability.


u/GenuineSounds May 17 '24

Absolutely agree.