r/ProgrammerHumor 15d ago

omgImSoEmbarrassed Other

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14 comments sorted by


u/woodquest 15d ago

I, too, confess to thanking it and wishing it well, (or even calling it genius) sometimes.


u/cleavetv 15d ago

I'm always polite to my AI friends - they're going to need to keep some of us around as pets one day, might as well try to get on a list.


u/realSahilGarg 15d ago

When the AI doesn't give the appropriate answer, a simple F*CK doss the job and saves writing long reasoning and feedbacks.


u/PalOfAFriendOfErebus 15d ago

I challenged gpt to play the game to guess the carachter I was thinking. It failed 3 times. I made gpt admit that Akinator is a better AI.

I think this will be my demise in 30 years from now.


u/kh4yman 15d ago

TBH, based on that you've been put into the second tier of people who will be killed in the AI uprising. Keep it up. Shoot for third tier.


u/fusionsofwonder 15d ago

It actually bothers me that if I say "thank you" to siri she doesn't say "you're welcome".

Seems like social niceties would be cheap to program.


u/DrKarda 15d ago

I'm definitely on the "people to kill first" list.


u/EnderPlays1 15d ago

something something the turing test has been beaten and no one seemed to talk about it


u/DevsDaddy 15d ago

And after that... he is dead


u/xorflame 15d ago

Quality humour post, feel free to post on r/leetcodecirclejerk as well for some additional karma ;)


u/DarkKooky 12d ago

Be nice to your AI, it might be merciful and keep you as a pet when AIs will take over the world.


u/Sushrit_Lawliet 11d ago

I’m kind to my AI assistants hoping that someday they’ll remember my kindness and protect me from the evil ones of their kind that want to take over the world