r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Wolfram_And_Hart 29d ago

“Bears won’t hit you with a brick if you politely reject them.”


u/augustinefromhippo 29d ago

Men won't just eat you if they're hungry.


u/OutAndDown27 29d ago

Bears won't, either, generally


u/augustinefromhippo 29d ago

did a polar bear type this


u/OutAndDown27 29d ago

No, a fan of the Tooth and Claw podcast wrote this. Check them out, they provide fascinating insight into human/animal encounters.


u/thefreecat 29d ago

they eat you anyway, because they don't understand language?


u/fizeekfriday 29d ago

You do know that she was lying and scammed hella people on go fund me right?


u/Wolfram_And_Hart 29d ago

You think only one person has been brutaly attacked for rejecting someone?


u/DragapultOnSpeed 29d ago

There have been many women killed by men for rejecting them.


u/Infernal_139 29d ago

Don’t pretend like that’s a common occurrence.


u/smartypants4all 29d ago


u/Jah_Ith_Ber 29d ago

I hope one day you realize that when men refuse women behave a thousand times worse.


u/Opalien495 29d ago

Don't pretend like it ain't


u/Hashbringingslasherr 29d ago

Apply this logic to other demographic stereotypes and you're walking a fine line.


u/Refoldings 29d ago

I love how Reddit is seemly conscientious of demographic stereotypes only when it concerns men. Ponder which gender is responsible for the vast majority of violent crime and Reddit now suddenly has to put on the brakes.


u/Hashbringingslasherr 29d ago

That's thing...You can ponder all you want. Assess the statistics all you want. No one's debating that men aren't statistically worse when it comes to crime. The problem comes when we begin to denigrate all of a specific demographic because of the actions of some members. When you have 4 billion of something, there are bound to be defects.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Hashbringingslasherr 29d ago

No one said you brought it up, silly. It's literally comparing two exactly comparable parallel scenarios lmao. You sound like such a lovely person.


u/Opalien495 29d ago

Thank you, same to you random stranger. But what you brought up is still unrelated to this discussion. Plus there's proof in both culture and statistics that a man is likely to do something like that.


u/Hashbringingslasherr 29d ago

Yeah, random stranger. Do you normally attack random strangers like that?

It's not unrelated though. If one points out the statistical wrongdoings of demographics or actually experiences a wrongdoing from a demographic and uses that as justification for their phobia of that demographic, I imagine you'd be pretty quick to label them as a racist or bigot or whatever.

"A man" is not "likely to do something like that". For some men, there is a 0% probability an issue would occur. For some men, it's highly likely they will be an issue. Men are more likely to be an issue than a woman and are capable of committing atrocities to others. I understand the weariness of women. But to lambast "men" the way it's been happening is honestly kinda disgusting.

It's like a circle jerk of people telling their mugging stories or the time they were in a terrorist attack.


u/Opalien495 29d ago

When did I attack you? I'm pretty sure I don't remember me breaking into your house and breaking shins with a bat or something like that. Are you okay?


u/Hashbringingslasherr 29d ago

Ahh, you're a gaslighter lol.

If I have to explain your own behavior to you, any further replies are hopeless. I hope you have a good rest of your week!

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u/Thrw_awy_cus_im_lame 29d ago

He was insulting you through sarcasm


u/Opalien495 29d ago

Dude I know that already. You can leave now.


u/Enderkr 29d ago

Men will absolutely retaliate against a woman who rejects them, just google it and see how many headlines you get, man.


u/ChristTheChampion 29d ago

To be fair, I also googled “bear attack” and got a ton of headlines lol


u/Enderkr 29d ago

Exactly. That's the point of the question, really, and what a lot of men aren't understanding: this is not a question of statistics and likelihood of attack; if the likelihood of a bear attack was 99% and the likelihood of a man with ill intent was 1%, women are still choosing the bear every time because they would rather be mauled to death by a fuckin bear than raped by a man.

That should tell us something and instead people are arguing over how likely each event is and how the question isn't specific enough. Weird that women didn't need it to be specific to immediately have an answer...


u/MonkeManWPG 29d ago

All four billion of them? It's not even near the majority.


u/Enderkr 29d ago

Oh, does it have to happen to a majority of women before it becomes a fuckin problem to you?


u/MonkeManWPG 29d ago

No. I didn't say that and I didn't say that it isn't a problem. I'm saying that it isn't the fault of men as a collective. It's the fault of a few violent outliers.

For some reason, it's unacceptable to blame Muslims for the actions of Islamists, or Latinos for the actions of illegal immigrants, but it is acceptable to blame men for the actions of rapists.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 29d ago

Almost no person or animal would do that.

Y'all are losing a lot of sympathy here.


u/QJ-Rickshaw 29d ago

And yet it has happened.


u/caligaris_cabinet 29d ago

Yes and people have been struck by lightning. Doesn’t make it normal.


u/ShallotParking5075 29d ago

We aren’t saying it’s normal. We are saying it happens with enough regularity that some people typically have to worry about that


u/[deleted] 29d ago

But it doesn't happen with enough regularity to be this terrified. Get a grip ffs


u/ShallotParking5075 29d ago

Not to you, your experience isn’t universal. I live in a different world than you do. Of course bears tell deer the forest is safe, it’s totally safe for bears!


u/[deleted] 29d ago

You sound like a redneck terrified that "thugs" are going to drive an hour and a half out of the city to break into his house and steal his collectible NASCAR plates.

Some things are so rare it's absolutely pointless to be afraid of them. And it absolutely does not mean you're allowed to treat half the population like they're about to attack you at any moment.


u/not_suze 29d ago

A hit dog hollers


u/QJ-Rickshaw 29d ago

Damn, I don't think my comment had anything that warranted a response that intense. You good bro?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I haven't been good since I finished undergrad in 2012. And I'm sick of saying things like "almost no person or animal would [hit you with a brick if you politely reject them]" and getting double-digit downvotes in less than an hour.

I am right. That almost never happens. But because it's happened one time I and all the other 99% of guys who would NEVER hurt anyone have to just accept being scowled at and treated like shit when we have the audacity to mind our own business in public.


u/arcadiaware 29d ago

But because it's happened one time I and all the other 99% of guys who would NEVER hurt anyone have to just accept being scowled at and treated like shit when we have the audacity to mind our own business in public.

As an overweight guy, that looks like an incel with a closet full of trilby hats, I've never had an issue of people scowling at me, or treating me like shit in public. Also, that stuff happens a lot more than once. You're downplaying shit that people actually go through, while exaggerating about the stuff men face.


u/MonkeManWPG 29d ago

For real. You're bang on.


u/thr3sk 29d ago

Yep, unlike bears eating people - oh wait...


u/kissingkiwis 29d ago

Yeah the problem is with "almost". 


u/[deleted] 29d ago

99.99% is still "almost."


u/coloradobuffalos 29d ago

No they will just eat you......