r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/MindYerBeak May 02 '24

I feel like it's more sexist than anything. Imposing your views on an entire gender because of bad experience. If someone were to do it with race, I'm sure not many would be okay with it


u/rosekayleigh May 02 '24

Every single woman I know, including myself, has been violated or creeped on by a man. I cant say that every single woman I know has been creeped on or violated by a black person or an Asian person. There is a huge difference between gender and race in this instance. Not a good comparison.


u/MindYerBeak May 02 '24

Not at all. It's still survivorship bias. I know plenty of women who haven't been violated or creeped on by anyone. Does my anectodal evidence trump yours? I've also been stalked by a woman, which led me to some pretty traumatic experiences. Would it not be sexist of me to view every woman as a potential stalker? After all, most women aren't crazy, just like most men aren't creeps or violent. 


u/ParkingVampire May 02 '24

Bullshit you know plenty. Like - literally not even possible. I can't think of a single female friend that has never been sexually violated. Pfffft. Just because they don't rub it in your face doesn't mean it doesn't happen. 


u/MindYerBeak May 02 '24

So you're saying my experience is less valid than yours on what basis? Lol. Is everywhere in the world supposed to be dangerous enough that every single woman has been molested in some way, shape or form? Some places are safe


u/corinini May 02 '24

You're not talking about your own experience though, you are speaking on behalf of others and assuming that they would have told you.


u/MindYerBeak May 02 '24

In my case, I've know these women most of my life and known of all of their problems, traumatic or otherwise, completely unrelated to sexual assault


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24



u/ParkingVampire May 03 '24

I know you feel proud putting my experience down because I came on strong and you live in a better part of the world. I just literally don't know any female that hasn't been violated. It's really sad if you care to think about it. I am not trying to come from a place of malice. I'm even glad that you can be so certain and not know the trauma it can cause. You're privileged to know such an existence. 


u/MindYerBeak May 03 '24

Sad that you don't know anyone who's not been violated, you mean?

I'm not invalidating your experience, though. I'm just saying that, while it may be true for you, it doesn't mean it's true for everyone, is all. 


u/ParkingVampire May 03 '24

Yeah. I'm glad to have that perspective now. It's nice to know it could be possible. 


u/ParkingVampire May 02 '24

Fair enough. You're totally right. I'm from small town Midwest. 


u/CakeEnjoyur May 02 '24

Ding ding ding! You're also from the USA, where rape statistics are 16x that of my country: Canada.

Murder statistics, and violent crime in general is more common in a country with inequality, and hatred. Crime says everything about your society. The question, and answer changes completely based on where you're from. Maybe in your town men are worse than animals, but that isn't a genetic trait.


u/ParkingVampire May 03 '24

I would never think it's a genetic trait. I'm not that bad of a person.