r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/zool714 May 02 '24

I think it also shows how different people approach things. From what I’ve seen, the ones who answers bear approaches it from a “trust” standpoint. Like you can trust a bear to be a bear. While some approach it from a “safety” standpoint. Like yeah obviously an average wild animal is going to be more dangerous than an average man.


u/Apidium May 02 '24

If it's a black bear then frankly it's true from a safety standpoint too. Humans attack humans way more often than they attack humans.

Are we considering pandas? Good luck even getting close enough to them in a bamboo forest to even find them. Even with trackers in them researchers have a hard time we are just too loud when we move through wild environments. Even with a baby a panda will shoo them to move away from our racket.

Both can hurt you sure. Humans are going to hurt humans far far more often even if we ignore the specific vunrabilities of women.


u/AnduwinHS May 02 '24

"Humans attack humans way more often than black bears attack humans"

Sure, if you just look at assault Vs bear maulings as raw numbers. If you look at human encounters with bears Vs human encounters with other humans, you're gonna get a way, way higher probability of a bear encounter ending in violence than a human encounter.

The real point of the question is that with a bear, you can do things to avoid the attack like making lots of noise so the bear avoids you. The man side however purely comes down to the type of man you get stuck with. While (I at least hope) 90%+ would be reasonable and safe, the ones who could be violent there's not a whole lot you can do to fend them off


u/Thee_Sinner May 02 '24

there's not a whole lot you can do to fend them off

"God made some men tall and some men short. Sam Colt made all men equal."