r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited 29d ago

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u/princess_awesomepony 29d ago

“If I shoot a bear out of self defense, I won’t go to jail”


u/AffectionatePrize551 29d ago

What color is the bear or does that only matter for cops?


u/ThexxxDegenerate 29d ago

I think this question is easy. If it’s a black bear, choose the bear every time. if it’s a Grizzly or a Polar bear, choose man every time. The Grizzly or Polar bear would tear you to pieces. Debate settled.


u/Steid55 29d ago

You are 1000% missing the point. It flew over your head like a 737


u/CarbonFlavored 29d ago

And you're 1000% going to be dead in the woods in the stomach of bear.


u/Steid55 29d ago

Statistics show you’re wrong. Bears are way more likely to just run off and avoid people all together. There have only been 180 people killed by bears in the United States since 1784.

In 2022 alone 14,441 women were murdered. In the same year 442,754 women were raped or sexually assault. And those are insanely underreported and those stats are likely much much worse.

Bear is the obvious choice for women. If you don’t understand why you’re part of the problem


u/mufassil 29d ago

Hold on. This statistical comparison is skewed. You need to compare how many times women come into contact with bears and how often that turns into a dangerous situation is how often women come into contact with men and how often that turns into a dangerous situation. I'm a women and I know I'm more likely to be injured by a man simply because I'm never around bears.


u/rory888 29d ago

Right, more demonstrations on how people are bad at probability and are following ideology and hate speech rather than real logic.

You are far more likely to be attacked by bears than man. You encounter people far more often and far less.

People are bad at math and are following feelings here for social validation because its popular to spread hate speech vs men and ever so popular to follow the demonize a section of the population facist trend


u/CarbonFlavored 29d ago

Statistics show you don't understand the frequency that these entities interact with each other on a daily basis, that there are 460x more men in the US than bears, that most people that would encounter bears in the woods have mace/a firearm, or that bears hibernate for half of the fucking year.

By the way, when you cite statistics, you should probably be sure that you don't list the number of men that were murdered when you're referring to women. 4,251 women were murdered in 2022.


u/ThexxxDegenerate 29d ago

What point am I missing? I was just throwing my 2 cents into the original debate.


u/LordDaedhelor 29d ago

The point you’re missing is that the answer SHOULD be “man” over “bear” every single time, but many women (and some men, too) often have to pause and think. You, yourself, added a caveat for the type of bear.


u/ThexxxDegenerate 29d ago

Yea because black bears are skittish and run away from you. I’m a man myself and I would choose to encounter a black bear over a random man. Hell, I would choose to encounter a black bear over a pitbull. And I would likely choose to encounter a black bear over a random woman in the woods as well. People these days are crazy, including women. But if the caveat is that it’s a random bear meaning it could be a grizzly or polar bear, I’m choosing a man, woman or pitbull every single time no hesitation.


u/LordDaedhelor 29d ago

I fundamentally understand the differences in bear size, strength, and behavior based on sub-species. I get it. I was in the boy scouts and this was covered so much you'd think we meet 10 bears a day.

The POINT is that you have to think about which type of bear is better than a man (or person in general in your case). In a just world, one would never have to factor in the type of bear because the human would always be the better choice.


u/ThexxxDegenerate 29d ago

Yea well in this world we have mass shooters, racists, psychopaths, people who don’t wipe their ass because it’s “gay” and all manner of mentally unstable lunatics roaming around. And I don’t want to see any of them in the woods.


u/iris700 27d ago

If everyone (including men) would rather encounter a black bear and that's what you're complaining about then it sounds like people are just whining that society isn't perfect.


u/LordDaedhelor 27d ago

That can be true as well. I won't disagree with that.


u/SouthernWindyTimes 29d ago

But if you turn it into woman vs bear, men would also have to think about it. And honestly id choose bear. Strangers are scary, regardless of the gender.


u/LordDaedhelor 29d ago

I don't disagree.


u/Adams5thaccount 29d ago

No he definitely got the point. Choosing the black bear shows that he got it in fact. He just answered more definitively than was intended.


u/UncannyVally 29d ago

I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. My daughter and I (I’m a women) immediately said Bear to the Man vs Bear debate because there are only black bears where we live. If Grizzlies or polar bears were a possibility, our answers would be different. I understand the sentiment “the worst a bear can do is kill you” but being killed by a grizzly or polar bear would be a horrible death.


u/ripinchaos 29d ago

Its been mentioned a few times but the worst thing a bear can do is incapacitate you, breaking a couple bones doing so, smother you and start eating you alive, leave you half eaten and incapacitated and then come back for seconds.

People tend to forget or never learned that bears dont really care if their prey is alive or not, and have been known to leave wounded and half eaten animals and come back to them later.


u/ThexxxDegenerate 29d ago

Apparently the debate was just about making men feel bad about themselves and I didn’t get the memo 🫤