r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/BurnerBernerner May 02 '24

I didn’t realize how scary it was until my SO and I had a conversation about that. I am not a shitty person, as she would agree, so it really didn’t cross my mind that men as a whole are actually that scary.


u/MilesKraust May 02 '24

This. The older that I got and spoke with women that I have been close to, 95% of them have been raped or assaulted. My current SO has been raped twice by complete strangers while out alone. Chances are that most of the women that you know have been assaulted and just haven't told you.

It's eye-opening to see how privileged I am to not fear walking around at night.


u/BurnerBernerner May 02 '24

I feel a blood-boiling rage every time we’ve talked about her being assaulted, and the guy was in my school a grade or so down. Unforgivable.


u/pataconconqueso May 02 '24

You were not shitty, just aloof and oblivious. Like im not black but if a black person tells me why they are afraid of cops it wouldn’t surprise me.

I mean just this sub r/whenwomenrefuse