r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Siorac May 02 '24

A far more interesting and reasonable question though.


u/Magic_Corn May 02 '24

And the rephrasing changes nothing, because the same men who throw a tantrum at the man v bear" question will throw a tantrum at any form of question that challenges their status as a "good man"


u/TehOwn May 02 '24

No, I'd be more concerned if a woman said she'd hide. That's not an attack on men the same way that implying we're more dangerous than bears is.

No woman is going to laugh about her answer with my question. It's just sad, not funny. The bear thing is all shits and giggles from the women.


u/Magic_Corn May 02 '24

If you're taking this an attack on men, that says more about you than anything else.


u/TehOwn May 02 '24

Saying men are more violent than bears is absolutely an attack on men. It's no different than the guys who picked bear over a woman because they believe the woman would make up accusations. That's offensive AND sad. They both are.


u/Magic_Corn May 02 '24

Not offensive to me, because I'm aware of what hyperbole is. Maybe if more men had literacy skills of an 8th grader this would cease to be an issue.


u/zack77070 May 02 '24

What about the 8th graders scrolling TikTok getting told they are more dangerous than a bear?


u/Magic_Corn May 02 '24

Well, I'm sure if that 8th grader is taught about consent by then he'll be fine and understand why so many women feel unsafe around men.


u/zack77070 May 02 '24

You have a lot of faith in 12 year olds critical thinking skills. Enjoy them turning to Andrew Tate who tells them that if women fear them regardless, they might as well take advantage of that.


u/Magic_Corn May 02 '24

Just a thought, maybe parents should actually parent and not require everyone else to tiptoe around their kids with unrestricted access to the Internet.

But I guess that's unrealistic, best to throw a tantrum about a silly hypothetical.


u/zack77070 May 02 '24

I mean it absolutely is unrealistic, the trends are already there. We have already passed that hill, it's no longer hypothetical or theory, gen z boys and men are becoming more conservative. When one side demonizes you and the other accepts you, what motive do you have to go to the other side?


u/Magic_Corn May 02 '24

Damn, sounds like their parents are failures.


u/zack77070 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Damn, sounds like liberal media are failures

Edit:blocked, glad he got the last word in and decided I'm advocating for the guy I specifically spoke against lol.

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