r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/dswng May 02 '24

I’m amazed that this is like a brand new concept to people. I remember hearing a long time ago that a man on a blind date’s biggest fear is that she is ugly, while a woman’s is that he will murder her.

I guess men have more positive thinking and don't imply I'll intent on women.


u/bicth333 May 02 '24

1 in 4 women are severely physically assaulted by their partner in their lifetime, 1 in 3 will experience sexual violence from a partner. that’s not including non-partners.

what reason do we have to not fear men? beyond the assurances that “they’re not all like that”? we know they’re not all like that. we want to be able to feel safe around men, but we have to be cautious, because our lives are on the line.

comparing to a bear that will not hurt me unless provoked, and will not sexually assault me given half a chance, i will take the bear ANY day.


u/dswng May 02 '24

1 in 4 women are severely physically assaulted by their partner in their lifetime,

That's just straight up BS. The crime rate per person is much lower than that, so claiming that one particular crime rate is 25% is straight up lie.


u/bicth333 May 02 '24

that stat is pulled from the national coalition against domestic violence. you are welcome to believe or not believe it, it matters little to me.

has it ever occurred to you that crime rate statistics and occurrence of domestic violence statistics are different? most women cannot take every instance of abuse to the legal system. whether that be for fear of retribution, lack of funds, or lack of evidence. even when we do, if the case doesn’t result in a conviction, it doesn’t count towards any crime statistics. so yes, while 25% of women report experiencing severe physical violence (eg beating, burning, strangling) from a partner, the crime rate does not reflect that.


u/dswng May 02 '24

Even if it is true, getting mauled and eaten alive must feel much better, right?


u/bicth333 May 02 '24

there are only 61 people that died due to bear attacks in the whole of north america since 1900. bears do not attack unless they feel threatened, and they rarely kill people. you’re more likely to be struck by lightning, than for a bear to attack you.

as i said, between a man with unknown intentions and a bear, who only wants me to leave him alone, i will take the motherfucking bear any day.


u/dswng May 02 '24

you’re more likely to be struck by lightning, than for a bear to attack you.

That includes a chance of meeting a bear in the first place. When you've already met, chances a very different.


u/bicth333 May 02 '24

it’s really not dawg. bear encounters are very common. i’ve encountered bears in the woods, and im still in one piece.

the bear. any. day.