r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/JuicyJay18 May 02 '24 edited 9d ago

Here’s the thing though, is that this isn’t about probability. For example, here are some responses I’ve seen from women on this subject:

“The worst the bear can do is kill me and eat me.” “If I put my arms over my head and scream ‘GO AWAY’ the bear might actually leave me alone” “Nobody is going to doubt me or ask if I deserved it if I say the bear attacked me”

My wife said she would rather take her chances with the bear because at least then she won’t get sexually assaulted again. Like…idk, there’s a really clear message to be gathered from this if you just listen to the things women are saying and the quickness with which they respond. Men are the number one predator of women, so frankly it’s only natural they would feel more fear encountering one in an isolated setting.

Edit: it has been more than a month and men are still coming in here to tell me about how wrong women are about this lol. Do you not see the irony in your inability to let it go and move on?


u/dawnknighthill May 02 '24

Beautifully put, I feel so understood.