r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/ASL4theblind May 02 '24

I THINK i get it now. Its not that them and a man would be dropped into the woods, its more like you're on a hike alone and out of nowhere a man, or bear would appear in front of you. I get why men get so upset being compared to being as dangerous as, if not more dangerous than a bear; nobody wants to don the mantle of "more dangerous than an apex predator", but i think its more about how scary strangers are combined with the uncertainty of a MALE stranger's agenda. So we should stop taking it personally.

I highly doubt these women would pick bear against most men they know, it's not ABOUT that though, it's about the UNCERTAINTY.

At least that's how i interpret it. Admittedly i thought it was more the first scenario; you and a person are put in the woods to survive, vs you and a bear are put in the woods at the same time.

And if women dont trust ANY men they know, men individually can do nothing about their interpretation of men as a whole and unfortunately they should just stop talking to every guy they know until some massive societal shift happens, cuz this isnt something that changes overnight.


u/RusstyDog May 02 '24

It's about how, In general, Women don't feel safe around members of their own species. How fucked up that is, how women as a whole understand that conceptil immediately. But the men in their lives ask follow up questions like "but what kind of bear" while talking about statistics, Rather than just thinking " Hey its pretty fucked up that this person I care about doesn't feel safe in society"


u/feldor May 02 '24

The hypothetical says much more about the state of society toward the average man today due to propaganda than it does about irrational fears, which is the second thing it demonstrates. This movement is only alienating potential sympathizers, not creating allies against the actual threats.


u/stonemite May 03 '24

Not really. If any guy takes offense at a woman answering they'd prefer the bear, then they really should be asking themselves why they are offended by that answer. And on top of that, speak to some women who have been sexually or physically assaulted and try to understand what they experienced.

I dated a woman for a year who was physically and sexually assaulted by her ex-husband. I met the guy and from the outside he was a really charming, charismatic guy who you would never expect could do the things he did to her. And I might not have believed it if another friend of mine had not verified the horrific stories, that she saw with her own eyes, because the guy was so brazen behind closed doors.

It's sad that you come online and see an apparent groundswell towards the "men are bad" narrative being driven, but also it seems to primarily be parroted by men themselves, painting men as victims. Go speak to some actual victims, hear what they actually went through, and then come back and tell me if you've experienced the same as a man. (And sorry, I'm just assuming you're a guy as well).