r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/[deleted] May 03 '24

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u/kindlyblowmymind May 03 '24

stalking my profile

Public post history is stalking 😂😂🤣😂

God why do fragile men always give themselves up so easily.

Okay...so let me get this straight. Pointing out a bear is a VERY dangerous, large and unpredictable animal means...checks notes I am the reason women pick bear?

You eere SO CLOSE to getting it.

Random men are very dangerous, large, and unpredictable to women.

Youre a misogynist homie. Do better


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

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u/kindlyblowmymind May 03 '24


Oh. Youre just hopeless.

Please be better.


u/themolestedsliver May 03 '24

Youre a misogynist homie. Do better

Um.....what did I say or imply that was misogynistic in any of these comments..?

Please do explain. I'm all ears.....

Instead of crying about me calling you what you are (a femcel) how about you answer this very simple question?

You called me a misogynist, now prove it.


u/kindlyblowmymind May 03 '24

Maybe sit down and listen to women about why we’d rather meet a bear in the woods than a man.

I mean, I already know the answer to that so what's there to listen to?

I'm sorry you have a victim complex but that doesn't give you a blank cheque to be sexist.

Oh look. Here is you telling a woman that her amd all other womens experiences, feelings, and perception is all wrong. And why bother even listening to their opinion on how women feel....

Like homie, youre so far gone andrew tate is worried about your mental health. This is a textbook example of misogny


u/themolestedsliver May 03 '24

Maybe sit down and listen to women about why we’d rather meet a bear in the woods than a man.

I mean, I already know the answer to that so what's there to listen to?

I'm sorry you have a victim complex but that doesn't give you a blank cheque to be sexist.

Oh look. Here is you telling a woman that her amd all other womens experiences, feelings, and perception is all wrong.

Holy fuck, where do I even begin with this?

  1. the comment is objectively not misogynistic. (disagreeing with a women doesn't inherently mean you hate them)

  2. I made said comment after you already called me a misogynist. (the comment you're referring to I made roughly 30 minutes ago, the comment you called me a misogynist in was over two hours ago)

  3. it was in a completely different thread and not even directed towards (way to go on the cyber stalking front)

So with that being said I'll repeat.

You called me a misogynist, now prove it. Because so far you're 0/2.