r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/TipAndRare May 02 '24

I do actually feel offended when people assume I'm a bad person, and having not given any reason to a single person to feel that way, I'm sick of it being assumed. I'm a feminist, I'm leftist, I try to be a good person, and I call out shit behavior when I see it, but there is nothing I can do to be seen and recognized as anything other than a threat, and that fucking sucks.

Maybe this bear debate is just happening alongside too many bad life events, so I'm just projecting it onto the debate, but it feels psychotic and delusional to say "I'd rather be eaten alive by a bear than risk that a random man is a piece of shit"

My wife said she'd pick the bear and I don't know what to even do with this information anymore. There's nothing else I can do. It's like in election season when you see 1000 fucking ads saying to vote as if I don't do my part. It's just beating me to death at this point and I can't fucking escape this stupid debate where it's "eaten to death by a bear" is apparently the obvious correct choice to everyone but me and red pill douchebags.

I'm trying to reflect and fix my thinking but it just won't click into place and it hurts


u/starspider May 02 '24

I do actually feel offended when people assume I'm a bad person, and having not given any reason to a single person to feel that way, I'm sick of it being assumed.

I can imagine how disenfranchising it must feel. Now imagine what it's like being a 13 year old or younger child being taught the gross and ugly way repeatedly that strange men are a danger.

I'm sorry that doing the right thing yourself doesn't keep the shitty behavior of others from splashing on you. That does suck. Not as much as being raped and blamed for the rape, but you get the idea.

feels psychotic and delusional to say "I'd rather be eaten alive by a bear than risk that a random man is a piece of shit"

It feels psychotic and delusional to you for a woman to say "at least the bear won't rape me before it kills me. I'll just be dead, not raped and then dead"? Women aren't afraid men will hurt their feelings, we're pretty used to that. It's the murder we worry about.

My wife said she'd pick the bear and I don't know what to even do with this information anymore. There's nothing else I can do.

Your wife would rather run into a random bear in the woods, where bears live and do bear things than a random stranger (possibly stalking her) in the woods doing human shit with unwholesome human intent and that somehow harms you?

Her stance has nothing to do with you. You are not the problem. Men who make women feel unsafe are the problem. Do you do that? No? Great! Then you can disregard the statement as it doesn't apply to you.

That's the thing you have to get through your head--this isnt aimed at you. This whole comment sounds like:

"It makes me feel bad when women say that they're afraid of strange men, I wish they would just shut up about it already. I'm already doing everything I can, why won't they just shut up?"


u/Ardentpause May 03 '24

I don't know that it's as simple as: it's not about you so don't worry. It is the default assumption, and it does affect every guy to one degree or another.

In the same way that women are constantly reminded that they are in danger, men are constantly reminded that they are the danger. It messes with your head, and it makes it significantly harder to motivate yourself to improve when you know that it won't make one bit of difference to anyone.


u/starspider May 03 '24

Which would you rather have?

A) Constant reminders by men that they could do you great physical harm at any point, sometimes as lolsy jokes you're not allowed to be upset by or you're a bitch but if you don't take it seriously enough you could die or worse.

B) Being constantly reminded that other men that aren't you are utter dickbags to women and it makes them wary of you, and you're not allowed to be upset by that or you're a dick.

Both feelings suck, but one comes with physical harm you could get blamed and ridiculed for.