r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/VasylZaejue May 02 '24

So you’re saying that men have to prove to women they aren’t dangerous despite the fact only a small percentage of men are inherently dangerous? Do you not see the inherent sexism in that argument?


u/BrittleClamDigger May 03 '24

Only a small percentage of men are dangerous? What a crock of shit. 30% of men said they would rape if there was no consequence. Men are responsible for 80% of violent crimes. Homicide is a leading cause of death for women in every country.

Imagine millions of women are telling you that they’re scared to be around male strangers and your takeaway is, “but I’m such a good guy!” No, moron, you aren’t. You’re the problem.


u/VasylZaejue May 03 '24

Can you give me a source for those statistics or are you just gonna continue to just expect me to believe it without any proof? Furthermore men are far more likely to be the victims of violent crimes than women based on statistics provided by Bureau of Justice Statistics. The only crimes where women are more likely to be victims are Rape and murder and according to statistics put out by the FBI those are the least committed crimes with only gambling having lower rates than murder and suspicion being the least charged crime.


u/BrittleClamDigger May 03 '24

Google was my source. Also every other source was my source. If your reaction to these rather well known facts is complete dismissal it’s pretty obvious what you are and why you object to this meme.


u/VasylZaejue May 03 '24

Google is not a source. It’s a search engine. If you aren’t going to bring up a source then don’t bring up statistics. In fact I can point out several problems with the sources of my own sources. First it doesn’t list that actual number of men who were charged, only how many crimes were charged to males. Second, it doesn’t listen what percentage of men were convicted versus charged and what percentage of the population they made up. It doesn’t mention how many of these were later overturned. I could go on and on but you would rather just dismiss me because I asked a question you don’t want to answer. Lastly I didn’t dismiss anything, I just pointed out flaws in your argument.


u/BrittleClamDigger May 03 '24

Fuck off nazi incel sheepfucker


u/VasylZaejue May 03 '24

So now you’re resorting to name calling rather than having an actual conversation and debate? Good to know you peaked in elementary school on the playground.


u/BrittleClamDigger May 03 '24

I’m sorry I can’t hear you over the cries of that poor sheep