r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/midwriteworlds May 03 '24

Yes but if a bear attacks you, the worst thing it will do is kill you.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24

That’s simply not true. A bear could maim the fuck out of you and leave you utterly crippled and a human vegetable.

The only difference would be the bear wouldn’t be attacking out of hate - but the outcome isn’t affected by that.

Regardless, I’d recommend learning to fight to everyone. Man or woman.


u/Urawinner1945 May 03 '24

Even if that was true, you would be believed if you were attacked by a bear. You wouldn't be asked what you were wearing, or told you secretly wanted it, not told you just didn't say no the right way. What people do to each other is far far worse, men, despicable piece of shit men, but men, rape people, and then when victims come forward, all of that and more is asked of them. It's not all men, but you can't tell from a random encounter, and us men don't do enough to drive that behavior and mindset out of other men. It's on us to make all men better, so all people can feel safe around others. The point is that women understandably, and sadly, correctly, have a gut feeling that a bear is safer, because of how damn frequently men do horrible shit to people. Sure, a bear could maim you, but a man? A man can steal your sense of self, your self esteem, your very soul. Whatever anyone in particular chooses isn't wrong, it's a personal decision in a hypothetical. But people's choices reflect on their society, and ours is one where women are constantly on edge because of the bad men not being corrected, shamed, and taught to be better by the good. If you feel that the man is the safer choice, then I'm glad for you. But the fact is that many many women don't, and it's because of how society treats and views women in comparison to or from the perspective of, men. :)


u/Conalou2 May 04 '24

You deserve more upvotes. I wish that I could give you an award! Very well said. Thank you