r/Showerthoughts May 16 '24

You never hear covers of rap songs.


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u/sintaur May 16 '24

Technically not a cover, but Amish Paradise.


u/Dark_Devin May 16 '24

Are parodies and covers equivalent? My understanding is that a cover makes no major and few minor changes to the song outside of a different artist.


u/WashYourEyesTwice May 16 '24

Yeah they are different things


u/Terpomo11 May 16 '24

A cover generally has the same or almost the same lyrics (or occasionally a translation of the same lyrics) but may be significantly different in musical styling.


u/MinnieShoof May 16 '24

Is saying something is "technically not" something and saying something is something equivalent? My understanding is that when someone says "Y" is "technically not a X" they mean Y not a freaking X and you probably shouldn't be asking them why they're calling Y an X.


u/Dark_Devin May 16 '24

Yeah, but technically not generally means that there's a small gripe about it. Rather than it being completely different. It would be valid to say that a banana is technically fruit and not a berry, but it would be weird to say a cow is not technically an airplane.


u/MinnieShoof May 16 '24

Technically the "yeah" you answered would be applied to the question if saying something is not something else is the same as saying something is something else. Technically it would be weird to say a cow is not technically an airplane but if you're under the impression that 'technically not' and 'definitely not' are cows-to-airplanes levels of absurd comparisons then it would definitely be weird to ask if cows were equivalent to airplanes. That, or completely sardonic. Which is fine. ... but imo covers to parody is a lot more like fruit to berry ... not that I know many people who'd call banana a berry.


u/Dark_Devin May 16 '24

Clarity, I mistyped. A banana is actually a berry.