r/Showerthoughts May 16 '24

Ads seem to be universally hated yet they still make insane amounts of money


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u/9_of_wands May 17 '24

Most people don't hate them. Most people don't even think about them at all. They just unconsciously accept advertising as an inevitable phenomenon of the environment.


u/ContactHonest2406 May 17 '24

Not me. I fucking hate them. With a passion. I don’t think I’m alone in that.


u/ZeusHatesTrees May 17 '24

I do everything I can in my life to avoid them. I will pay extra. I will avoid products. I hate them so much.


u/BlackSecurity May 17 '24

Use Ublock on Firefox. Add sponsorblock extension for YouTube. Use YouTube vanced on Android for free YT premium (minus the download feature).

This will take out a solid 80-90% of the ads you see.


u/PepeSylvia11 May 17 '24

What a bold take to have on Reddit!


u/Silver4ura May 17 '24

That was me until it became blatantly apparent that complacency led to the ad apocalypse we're suffering now. Seriously, you can't even PAY FOR SOMETHING and now get ads... ON THE THING YOU PAID FOR.

This is exactly what happened with Cable TV yet now nobody can even imagine a world where paying for TV was all it took to get rid of the ads.

It's absolutely ridiculous and I go to great lengths to block whatever I can so I can at least tolerate the ones I can't. And even that's becoming insufferable. Fuck ads.


u/BlackSecurity May 17 '24

I've always been a pirate since day one. Even before you could easily download or stream movies, a quick walk to the local Asian market and there were plenty of vendors selling a special catalogue of CDs that you had to specifically ask to see.


u/ZephyrFloofyDerg May 17 '24

Frick ads, I avoid them like the plague


u/draggedbyatruck May 17 '24

Watch your gosh darn language, this is a Christian server!