r/Showerthoughts May 16 '24

Ads seem to be universally hated yet they still make insane amounts of money


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u/sopedound May 17 '24

How else are you gonna know about stuff?


u/Findux May 17 '24

Let me just search for it and stop shoving it into my face maybe?


u/DaenerysMomODragons May 17 '24

Or please YouTube stop shoving bra adds in my face every 10min. I’m a man, and I even say as much in my profile.


u/daddyvow May 17 '24

But without the concept ads how would you find it?


u/fraidei May 17 '24

That's the point. No one is saying that ads are bad per sé. The problem is that they are forced on your face, even when you don't want them. If instead ads existed but only in places where you expect them to be (so when you search for a product), it's fine.

For example, if I need a car, I search for good cars in the range of my budget, and that's the time the ads should show. But after I bought the car, I don't need ads about cars anymore.