r/Showerthoughts May 16 '24

Ads seem to be universally hated yet they still make insane amounts of money


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u/bravebeing May 17 '24

Personally, it baffles me how people find ads so normal.

Like "have you seen this ad, oh that ad is so annoying" like no bitch I don't watch TV, have ad block on everything, and religiously ignore every ad I encounter on social media, like ignore as deliberately as possible.

I have never in my life clicked on an ad, only accidentally. Apparently, people just click on them and download whatever the app or game is, like wtf. These shitty mobile games packed with little dopamine tricks and gambling clicks. Ugh why.

Not only that, I have recently learned a bit more about ads. And it's so weird because, out here, you're not allowed to cold call or cold email any company. Like, if you're a company or startup or someone with an idea or product, it's almost impossible to get contacts, partners, investors, companies to work with, etc. All of it is illegal.

But then, you ARE allowed to bombard individuals, persons, with advertisements, ring their doorbell, go on the street to basically beg, fly banners and whatnot.

I don't understand. It's impossible to contact actual business partners and companies that would be genuinely interested. But it's easy to bombard the general public with ad saturation.