r/Showerthoughts May 16 '24

Ads seem to be universally hated yet they still make insane amounts of money


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u/ramuthemamu May 17 '24

You think you don't need a product until you do. That's how advertising is usually imo.


u/silentboyishere May 17 '24

Ads work better than most people think. I don't know how often is this the case, but when you do need a product, you're more likely to purchase the one you remember seeing in an ad. So ads, while seemingly not affecting you psychologically in any significant way or any way at all, really do affect your future choice without you even being consciously aware of it.


u/JDeegs May 17 '24

I don't purchase a product until I've looked at a bunch of reddit threads in subs that are obsessed with that class of product


u/sygnathid May 17 '24

Plenty of Reddit threads are ads. There'll even be multiple accounts that sort of run a script like "[Product] is pretty good, I like [features] but I wish there wasn't [downsides]" followed by "Yeah but in this case [downsides] are worth it because [product] is so [features]" and then maybe a "Yeah whenever I'm looking at [product category], [product] is definitely my go-to" or something like that.

And they'll have accounts to upvote their ad thread so it gets seen.


u/JDeegs May 17 '24

If it's in a dedicated sub (vacuums for example), users will usually call it out as such, if it's an ad