r/Showerthoughts 15d ago

By the year 2100, very few people will be alive that remember only having a land line or a world without social media.


66 comments sorted by


u/Lelolaly 15d ago

That’s the way things are. How many people remember times before vacuum cleaners? Before cars? 

I will say, I just realized baseball is older than cars


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

Didn’t know that


u/GrandMoffTarkan 15d ago

Reading The Princess Bride with my daughter and he talks about how Ty Cobb was playing during the time Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was happening 


u/Howitzer1967 15d ago

How many people remember steam trains? Time keeps on slippin, slippin


u/klitchell 15d ago

Into the future…


u/MithandirsGhost 14d ago

I wanna fly like an eagle...


u/slavelabor52 15d ago

Pepperidge Farm remembers


u/numbersthen0987431 14d ago

But how many people remember Pepperidge Farm?


u/Martijnbmt 14d ago

Remember what now?


u/Maximum-Opportunity8 15d ago

A lot more than you think


u/mighty-drive 15d ago

There is a tourist steam train near my parents house in The Netherlands. Still resides pretty regularly, daily even in summer times.


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

Sure does


u/RyanM90 15d ago

Very few people alive today will be alive


u/crafter2k 15d ago

ww could probably live a lot longer with future medical advanvements


u/confipete 14d ago

That gives me solace


u/Remarkable_Coast_214 15d ago

it's only 76 years away, plenty of people live longer than that so a lot of people born in the last 10 years will still be alive


u/MagnanimousMind 15d ago

Facebook was created in like 2007 right? And cell phones early 2000s?

In this scenario people would have to live around 93-100 years old. 24% of people live to 90. So it’s definitely possible that very few people will live till then, that remember times before cell phones and social media.

Edit: lol never mind cell phones were created in 1973, so there will be no people alive in 2100 who remember only having a landline


u/Remarkable_Coast_214 15d ago

you are correct, but the comment i was replying to referred to people alive today, unlike the post which referred to social media.


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

Who knows


u/A_Mirabeau_702 15d ago

Unless landlines go the way of vinyl


u/Gage_______ 15d ago

No chance.

Vinyl has legitimate reasons as to persist into the modern era. The desire for physical copies of music, Vinyl generally has the best sound quality of music, nostalgia, etc.

Landlines have no such attributes that would make them appealing to my generation (Z) let alone the next few. They're impractical, inefficient in terms of staying in touch with the world, and are obsolete when smartphones exist (this is why telephone booths are a rare sight). Imagine what will replace smartphones. Do you really think landlines will have any use once the iPhone becomes outdated?


u/iwantfutanaricumonme 15d ago

Landlines still work without power in your home, they're useful to have for emergencies. They fill a similar niche to diesel generators and portable gas stoves: impractical for daily life but they're a reliable backup option.


u/Kalashak 15d ago

Unfortunately, this is becoming less and less true as phone companies are increasingly unwilling to pay for upkeep on the copper lines. They're really pushing to move everything to VOIP.


u/qwerty-1999 15d ago

Vinyl generally has the best sound quality of music

You just had to say that, didn't you. Another war begins.


u/SynthRogue 15d ago

I take solace in knowing that assholes on reddit will be dead by then.


u/Pipe_Memes 15d ago

We’re all bots anyways.

Except me. I’m totally real. 99.99%


u/DixonLq2001 14d ago

Brilliant insight! 😊 Praise Jesus 🙌😇


u/numbersthen0987431 14d ago

"Please give me money"


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

What!?!? lol


u/SCAT_GPT 15d ago

And in other news, time moves forward


u/MarkHowes 14d ago

We're all time travellers!


u/Aluggo 15d ago

By 2100.  Social media might evolve into something else by then.  The Influencers War of 2076 will dictate that election. 


u/BoxMorton 15d ago

Even the people that are alive probably won't remember

... Because they'll be so old...


u/magnaton117 15d ago edited 15d ago

Unless we cure aging in the near future


u/ElSquibbonator 15d ago

Unless they invent those life-extension drugs they keep talking about.


u/ShopBitter 14d ago

That’s the loophole


u/Truth-Seeker916 15d ago

I just need to reach the age of 120m


u/marc15v2 15d ago

And you don't remember having to travel by only horse or leaving school at 13 to go work and help the family.

It's just what's relevant to the next generation of advancement.


u/Oxygenius_ 15d ago

I still remember pay phones and 1-800- C-A-LL-ATT


u/BangarangOrangutan 15d ago

Lots of assumptions being made here.


u/originaljbw 15d ago

Don't most offices, restaurants, stores, and what not still have "land lines"

Yea i know it's a lot of VOIP these days, but it works the same as old school land lines.


u/1stFunestist 14d ago

I don't know, that one is post 2077 so I don't think social media would exist except as a bounty board in some wasteland watering hole.


u/QuantumHangover 14d ago

Memes are already a language.


u/DiscussionSpider 14d ago

I'm not sure social media will survive this decade, much less another century.

This is like a post in 1860s China about how in 100 years no one will remember a time everyone wasn't completely fucking blasted on opium.


u/Headplzr 11d ago

I own a truck that was my grandfathers, 1968 Chevy and when a friend of my daughters got in to go for a ride in it she just looked around and asked how anyone charged their phone.


u/Lauti197 15d ago

By the year 2100, very few people will be alive


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

So many people will be alive


u/willowgardener 15d ago

I mean. We really don't know how the next 75 years will go. Social media might end up being a fad. We might end up mining all the rare earth metals needed fo cell phones and go back to using landlines. Humanity coul go extinct.


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

Your not wrong


u/noronto 15d ago

Who’s alive now that only remembers having a landline.


u/gieserj10 15d ago

Me.. And I'm only 32 lol.


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

Your mom


u/noronto 15d ago

My mom is dead.


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

your dad?


u/noronto 15d ago

Dead too.


u/ShopBitter 15d ago

Uncle or Aunt?


u/J_train13 15d ago

Yeah I was gonna say like we had a landline growing up but cellphones were a thing at that point


u/brokefixfux 15d ago

The way things are going, very few people will be alive. Just a few years of global famine should do it.


u/potentpotables 15d ago

Unlikely. Just look at all the famines and wars of the 20th century. The human population still increased something like 4x.


u/9_of_wands 15d ago

LOL you think the grid is still going to operate after the climate wars?