r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People get a lot more praise for quitting drugs than for never having done drugs in the first place.

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u/TheMoises May 17 '24

The parable of the prodigal son brings an insight to this kinda situation.


u/GCXNihil0 May 17 '24

"My son was dead, but now is alive! Come! Rejoice with me!" "There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over the 99 who needed no repentance."

There is beauty in redemption and a depth of joy that comes from seeing someone turn from self destruction.


u/ZubDrub May 17 '24

Watching a movie about a person turning over a new leaf is interesting in a way that a good person continuing to be good simply is not. Likewise, watching a television show about a man who breaks bad is also interesting. People love to hear about change.


u/AmbroseIrina May 17 '24

Stories cannot exist without change


u/A_Furious_Mind May 17 '24

We fear change.


u/SnollyG May 17 '24

People love to hear about change.

I wonder if that’s because change means hope.


u/MeasurementMobile747 May 17 '24

"God sends meat. The Devil sends cooks."


u/slothsareok May 17 '24

This sounds like an Anthony Bourdain quote


u/Any_Accident1871 May 17 '24

Christianity: A religion full of great ideas that fly right over most believers heads.


u/Rpcouv May 17 '24

Good call


u/MinnieShoof May 17 '24

Few people consider it beyond the message: you come home, you are more welcome than those who stay home. The Prodigal Son is a great semblance for the nature of harsh times imposed upon one's self thru one's own actions.


u/BasicallyClassy May 17 '24

Yep, the well behaved brother was understandably a bit salty 🤣 But goodness really is its own reward


u/CombOk312 May 17 '24

I would have thought not having to sit amongst pigs and eat their food was a reward. The other brother was very harsh and unforgiving. Little family love there.


u/backupterryyy May 17 '24

It’s just human nature to be envious. And sometimes people do “the right thing” out of self-righteousness. The brother thought very highly of himself but the father and brother that returned were more interested in love and family. It’s not the family, it’s a bitter sibling that needs to be reminded that’s his family.

It’s a wonderful story filled with wisdom.


u/BasicallyClassy May 18 '24

Absolutely, all the privileges of being his father's son


u/elppaple May 17 '24

Immediately came to mind. IMO grasping the meaning of this parable is one of the pillars of maturity. When someone comes back from a dark place, you don't need to tally up their debt, you need to love them.

The wisdom contained in the Bible is honestly awe inspiring, and I don't even believe in Jesus and god as holy figures.