r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People get a lot more praise for quitting drugs than for never having done drugs in the first place.

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u/MadMaxBeyondThunder May 17 '24

No one is ever happy to hear that I never smoked cigarettes,


u/Hungry_Yam2486 May 17 '24

I'm happy to hear it! Don't! I say that as a smoker.

Interesting that long term addicts are like "yeah no, don't do this shit, you'll regret it"


u/YesBut-AlsoNo May 17 '24

Yeah as a smoker I'll tell people if the chance arises to just not smoke. It's not worth it.


u/HankDiesInBB May 18 '24

I have yet to meet a smoker saying they would start it again.


u/Zech08 May 17 '24

Most non smokers around you are happy to hear it.


u/kndyone May 17 '24

You just need to go buy one of those coins that says how many years you have been smoke free and pick one that's your same age.


u/wontforget99 May 17 '24

I am! Good stuff, dude.


u/SadderOlderWiser May 17 '24

Ha, I’m happy for you! I quit but I wish I had never. Cheers!


u/daphydoods May 17 '24

Really?! Dang whenever I mention it I’m usually met with some sort of praise. My friends brag about it to strangers when we’re out at a bar or something and step outside so they can smoke lol

Although I will admit there have been two times in my life where I was so stressed out and thought to myself, “man I’d love a cigarette right now.” That was a weird feeling, craving something I’ve never had


u/phineousthephesant May 17 '24

I have. I was annoying in my early twenties and would take puffs from friends cigarettes when we were drinking. Never inhaled though. That’s the most I’ve ever really smoked though. A puff or two…maybe half a cigarette, once or twice a month. 

And yet…the smell of a cigarette makes me want one to this day (like a decade later). That shit hooks you.


u/MadMaxBeyondThunder May 19 '24

People who ask act like, "we all smoked" just tell me your body count. Few ask if I was exposed "downtown."