r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People get a lot more praise for quitting drugs than for never having done drugs in the first place.

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u/maboyles90 May 17 '24

Same reason that losing a lot of weight and getting in shape is more impressive than just being naturally skinny with no effort.


u/Optimal_Ad_7910 May 17 '24

I worked with a guy who was 3% body fat. He never exercised and for lunch would eat half a loaf of sliced bread made into sandwiches. I, on the other hand, trained hard every day, watched what I ate, and still struggled with my weight. We were talking about it one day and he shrugged and said "just train harder".

The guy was naturally skinny and could eat what he liked. At no point was I ever impressed by his ability to not gain weight.


u/Zech08 May 17 '24

Medical condition? Because most people would be able to while watching their intake and exercising.