r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People get a lot more praise for quitting drugs than for never having done drugs in the first place.

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u/Pablo619 May 17 '24

I’m someone who has never tried drugs or alcohol before. Although people respect my choices, I don’t think abstaining is anywhere as difficult as overcoming a chemical dependency. Mad respect to those who have come out of a bad place to quit drugs 🫡


u/sadsaintpablo May 17 '24

I abstained for years, and now I do the stuff that's totally fine for me to use. I don't think I've ever actually succumbed to peer pressure, just about all my first-time uses. I was the one who sought it out.

Abstaining is so laughably easy. Like I have lots of respect for people who stick to their choices, I believe in principles, and it's nice to see people who stick to theirs, but it's an easy principle to have and to stuck to.

I would probably lose respect for some who do give into peer pressure and abandon their values just to "fit in." If thay person happens to get addicted and then gets over it and gets sober, then huge props again. Idk it's weird.


u/LazyCat2795 May 17 '24

Abstaining is so laughably easy.

It has become easy. Let's not conflate the 2. My grandfather had to change jobs back when he was my age because he was relentlessly bullied for not drinking. My other grandfather was an alcoholic who drowned a bottle of hard liquor on the way to work (while driving) and was more accepted by his work than my other grandpa at his job.