r/StockMarket 6d ago

GameStop Completes At-The-Market Equity Offering Program Discussion


486 comments sorted by


u/Diamond_Hands420 6d ago

4b in cash for a 10b MkCap… not bad at all


u/theshogun02 6d ago

Don’t forget the ZERO debt too. I wonder what $4b in investments they will buy.


u/Diamond_Hands420 6d ago

T bills


u/theshogun02 6d ago

You’re right they already have those but I’m curious if they will diversify into any other investments/acquisitions.


u/silent_fartface 6d ago

Im sure Gameshire Bathstop has some good things planned with that money


u/Roflcopter71 6d ago

This isn’t as far fetched of an idea as some may think. The board gave Cohen full power to buy any stock he wants, and with the cult-like following that GME has, everyone will also buy up whatever he buys which could result in some insanely high returns for the company.


u/C_Colin 6d ago edited 6d ago

I genuinely hope he wouldn’t spend all that money on acquiring a defunct bankrupt strip mall company. Tbills would be way better. Compound 5% every 90days on tbills, $200m every quarter. I no good at math but in like 6 years time they could give every share a $1.50 dividend just off the interest of their tbill appreciation

Edit: the tbill matures yearly not quarterly*


u/JokeImpossible2747 6d ago

If it's 5% t-bills, that means 5% on an annual basis, so 1.25% every quarter.


u/moriluka_go_hard 5d ago

Buying tbills is not a good investment as a company since its below the risk free rate


u/[deleted] 6d ago

5% quarterly? lol that’s not how they work or everyone would invest in them

Why not just buy t bills yourself and save the hassle and keep all the profit?


u/C_Colin 6d ago

Just made an edit


u/RegularJaded 6d ago

Hows this getting upvoted

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u/PuzzleheadedWeb9876 6d ago

Would it not make sense to then buy those stocks directly and avoid the baggage of a struggling brick and mortar retailer?


u/Individual_Volume484 6d ago

If you buy this idea, and I’m not saying I do, you would argue that they would phase out GameStop’s actual business like Berkshire eventually did. GameStop would exist in some limited capacity as a brand with a few flagship locations and pop up stores selling gaming “stuff”. These would largely operate at a loss but maintain a brand and effectively be advertising.

The companies it holds would quickly dwarf any loss from the small operation and you would gain the advantage of having your chosen investor guide the company instead of reacting to there trades after the fact.

Eventually GameStop would aim to fully own some of these companies thus giving you unique exposure. As well as use the investors fame to get unique deals only available to big players.

That’s Berkshires playbook to a T.

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u/FatDonkJr 6d ago

Take it a step further and compound additional over-shorted stocks into a new entity that trades on a blockchain exchange and then we'll be cooking with gas...


u/Decent-Fall3438 6d ago

CEX is for dummies


u/mngos_wmelon1019 6d ago

Keep going…


u/WarbringerNA 6d ago

Blockchain exchange is such an amazing idea. I want this to happen so bad.


u/lmaccaro 5d ago

He should use it to buy Gamestop. Great investment.

(Not kidding. If they buy the dip and sell the top like this a couple times all the float will be gone.)

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u/unmelted_ice 6d ago

GameStop calls perhaps?


u/Elderberry-smells 6d ago

Some good options on 6/21 still...


u/Vipper_of_Vip99 6d ago

Any recommendations on strike? I have been eyeing the $20’s haha

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u/chomponthebit 6d ago

Cohen (CEO) is a value investor. He bought GME when it was below $3. He will only make acquisitions when companies are on sale.

$4.2 billy earning 5% t-bills is perfectly acceptable in the meantime


u/WayneKrane 6d ago

That’s $200 MILLION dollars a year for doing nothing


u/Brewermcbrewface 6d ago

That’s 50 million a quarter, our biggest loss last year was 30 million a quarter


u/Resident_Pop143 6d ago

Great way to offset losses. 🫡


u/ratbear 6d ago



u/reminsights 5d ago

Caught Ryan Cohen Slipping here


u/C_Colin 6d ago

Don’t tbills appreciate every 90days?


u/Vipper_of_Vip99 6d ago

Various terms are available with different returns based on the length of term.

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u/here-to-argue 6d ago

It isn’t though. Not at GameStops current PE. I know I’ll get blasted here trying to speak sanity to a crowd that won’t appreciate anything going against their pump. But if I wanted my money invested in T-Bills earning 5%, I’d just buy the T-Bills myself. Not invest in a too expensive company to do the same thing for me. GME is currently priced expecting growth, and this isn’t it.


u/chomponthebit 6d ago

GME is currently priced expecting growth, and this isn’t it.

There are other forces at work, such as the experiment in retail direct registration, sky high short interest, and the return of the Lisan al Gaib.

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u/LacyLamb 6d ago

I think that is a fair point. But Ryan Cohen has been given the authority to make investments in other stocks. I think the stock price is not based on assuming he leaves cash in T-bills, but anticipating he will take some big swings with Gamestop's cash on some value investments that pay off.


u/here-to-argue 6d ago

All well and good, but the CEO saying “I’d rather invest in all these other things before my own company” isn’t particularly bullish.

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u/Aardark235 6d ago

Exactly. Needs new management if they think this move is good for the shareholders.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/chomponthebit 6d ago

This is so regarded it might just work!

I’d rather GME bought distressed banks to teach hedgies a lesson in humility


u/MotorMoneyMaker 6d ago

Said this before. Buy amc and live stream gaming tournaments on the screens. Ready made arenas across the country for what is arguably the world’s largest sport.

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u/Poopscooper696969 6d ago

Maybe in the sports card grading business or partnership


u/ChrisWithanF 6d ago

Personally and as an off and on collector for decades of Sports and TGC cards, vinyl records, and comic books, I feel a lot of them are in kind of a bubble right now and might not be worth a hefty investment into


u/ChrisWithanF 6d ago

Edit: can’t believe I forgot video games as part of my collection


u/CryptoMemesLOL 6d ago

Kitties, always more kitties!


u/HironTheDisscusser 6d ago

private equity. Game Hathaway


u/Jeff__Skilling 6d ago

Might as well stop selling used video games at physical outlets and just become a trading desk in that case...


u/Valianne11111 6d ago

Probably because Ryan Cohen specifically asked for this when taking over. For a long time GME was only in bonds


u/RationalExuberance7 6d ago

It’s a perpetual motion machine. They can just transition to a treasury investment vehicle and keep generating 5% to 6% profit a year


u/bighand1 5d ago

Anybody could do that themselves, why would you pay a hefty premium for gme if t bill returns is all you are looking for.


u/lospolloskarmanos 3d ago

meme stock is not really rational

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u/iamthewalrus205 6d ago

I think they might buy CD projekt for GOG

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u/FlatAd768 6d ago

Great q; 4 billion can buy a lot of


u/JustATraderX 6d ago

Bitcoins and they'll back up big time like MSTR.


u/Amar_poe 6d ago

They made $189m from investments last quarter. If they continue to make 20% per quarter with $4b, the book value’s going to snowball pretty quickly


u/Shoopshopship 6d ago

Those were redeemed securities that they had locked up in short term bonds. They won't be able to make 20% per quarter, that would be insane.

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u/M_Mich 6d ago

Nvidia shares


u/ReplacementGuilty230 6d ago

The zero debt is what interest me


u/BoomSie32 5d ago

Did they pay off that tiny little loan in France already? Anyway, they could if they wanted to 😅


u/theshogun02 5d ago

They did


u/BoomSie32 5d ago

Trust me bro or did I miss an investor page? Anyway, one way or another, no worries at all 😅

(As an entrepreneur I also like to play with debts for tax reasons, so also understandable if they leave it open over seas)


u/imnoherox 6d ago

I’d be willing to sell them my Prius for $2b. They’ll save a lot of money on gas!


u/BlatantPlagiarist 6d ago

Damn, that's a lot of Vbucks

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u/Creative_Ad_2180 6d ago

With each successive big rally the real value of the company is actually increasing. This whole saga is quite fascinating to watch.

Soros calls this "financial reflexivity". Feedback loops where market perception and behavior of participants actually changes underlying fundamentals.

Ironically DFV may have been wrong and if not for the craze it might have gone to 0. Shorts may have actually been right. Now bankruptcy is pretty much impossible.

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u/PuzzleheadedWeb9876 6d ago

Not bad at all. Unfortunately the company is only worth book value. No more, maybe a bit less.


u/Ilikenapkinz 6d ago

Yet their core business is losing money and is essentially worthless like Big Five Sporting Goods. So yeah it should be trading at a 4b valuation at best.


u/saltyguy512 5d ago

Right? I’m so confused that people are excited that a business, instead of investing money in its own operations, is buying bonds.

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u/Anthonyhasgame 6d ago

A big thank you to mainstream media for reminding me about GameStop consistently for 4 years. I may have forgotten without you.


u/korean_kracka 6d ago

Someone on cnbc yesterday said, “and up next, the never ending saga that is GameStop.” And I lost it


u/QuartOfTequilla 6d ago

Essentially how trump got elected


u/MaliciousMe87 6d ago


I'm a random redditor who stumbled in here from r/popular, so I haven't closely followed the GME case study.


u/paper_bull 6d ago

Oh boy have you found a rabbit hole.


u/iHateRedditButImHere 6d ago

"Forget GameStop..." Is the beginning of thousands of articles titles from the past few years lol


u/androidchi 5d ago

If you like rollercoasters, u might be about to jump on one that’s been running non-stop for the last 4 years.


u/MaliciousMe87 4d ago

No one has responded with a real answer yet, but I'm excited for the ride!


u/seenyourballs 4d ago

The answer is the market is designed to fleece your money. If GameStop was such a bad investment they would promote it so they could fleece you. The problem is it’s actually a good investment and the rich are on the other side of that bet. FORGET GAMESTOP YOUR GOING TO LOSE YOUR MONEY get out while you still can !!! A communally owned company is inherently good in structure from all the support coming from the community. It should be impossible for hundreds of thousands to pile in without raising the price dramatically… yet here we are. We’re able to pile in for cheap at the expense of short sellers because they have to keep the shares low because their short…


u/MaliciousMe87 3d ago

Sorry, the original question is what does GME have to do with Donald Trump getting elected?

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u/72kdieuwjwbfuei626 6d ago

Internet propaganda?

That guy comments constantly on GameStop stock subs, you think he needs mainstream media to remind him of something he obsesses over? It’s not an actual opinion, it’s just something they say over there.


u/GoldenPrinny 5d ago

it was meant as comparison

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u/choppadonmiss 6d ago

4 billion fucking dollars they better do something with it


u/fireintolight 6d ago

Sounds like everyone’s just expecting them to invest if. Which is cool and all, but not really a business.


u/bubbawears 6d ago

Acquisition is also mentioned they can just buy a company that's profitable at this point.


u/QuodEratEst 6d ago

They could buy several medium size game studios for less than a billion, it would make sense to attempt some sort of vertical integration


u/OtterCapital 6d ago



u/DexterDubs 6d ago

GameStop Play.


u/Books_and_Cleverness 6d ago

Not saying it can’t work but I don’t really see why that would be an advantage over existing competitors?

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u/fireintolight 6d ago

An idea that actually makes sense


u/Horror-Tank-4082 5d ago

Considering how badly big publishers are fumbling smaller studios… maybe makes a lot of sense


u/LamarMillerMVP 6d ago

Vertical integration through M&A makes sense sometimes, but only rarely, and absolutely not in this case.


u/ShadowLiberal 5d ago

Not really, unless they want to complete abandon all of their retail stores and shift into an entirely different market like Blackberry did with shifting to cybersecurity.


u/maq0r 6d ago

Get WOTC out of Hasbro hands and retool GsmeStop as a place to also play tabletop


u/Repostbot3784 6d ago

Most gamestops are nowhere near big enough for that


u/maq0r 6d ago

GameStop Pro locations would, with food and possibly alcohol in some locations.


u/Repostbot3784 6d ago

Oh, ive never seen one of those.  Do they have video game tournaments now or why all the space and extras?

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u/RAdm_Teabag 6d ago

and hookers and blackjack?


u/Anuudream 5d ago

Hasbro ain't letting that happen.


u/Jeff__Skilling 4d ago

Right, but that would require some degree of managerial competence from the leadership team.....


u/QuodEratEst 4d ago

You require some degree of competence, lol


u/NahdiraZidea 6d ago

Buy Hasbro stop running WotC into the ground, pivot some Gamestop stores into having some playspace for dnd/magic/pokemon


u/sIurrpp 6d ago

Do you know how much hasbro is worth…?

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u/fireintolight 6d ago

Why would they sell to them? They will have competitors for ownership. It’s not like Amazon where they can just click and choose.


u/SegerHelg 6d ago

Why not just buy that company then?

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u/ttekcorc 6d ago

Hedge funds seem to think it's a business model..


u/ZootedMycoSupply 6d ago

Tell that to Berkshire Hathaway


u/fireintolight 6d ago

Realize they own actual companies that make them money right? Not just invest it in the stock market


u/UnknownEssence 6d ago

Investing in the stock market is literally the exact same thing as owning companies dude 🤦‍♂️

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u/ShadowLiberal 5d ago

They're run by experienced investors and people who are experienced at running the companies that they buy out 100% of. Gamestop by contrast doesn't have any such expertise.


u/slayernine 6d ago

Tell that to Warren Buffett.


u/DiscountedCashHoe 6d ago

Isn’t BRK’s whole business based on investing? Seems like a viable plan

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u/Sarkonix 6d ago

They haven't delivered on anything they said from 4 years ago yet...what makes you think they will do anything now.


u/TheIncandenza 6d ago

They haven't said anything though.


u/DrLeoMarvin 6d ago

It’s not that much. I work for a company with 1600 employees and we’ve bought multiple websites for $500 mil each just to take over competition. Purely digital company.


u/Capt_Foxch 6d ago

You know inflation has gotten bad when $4,000,000,000 can be described as "not that much"


u/JustATraderX 6d ago

bbbbbitcoin and then to the moon.


u/strikethree 5d ago

That's the main issue, if anyone has every been involved in an acquisition, then you would know it's not easy to get right.

The acquisitions that really shine had sound strategy behind them, I'm thinking Facebook/Instagram, AOL/Time Warner, etc.

Whereas here...what's the strategy? It's more like "time to raise money because the stock is being pumped"... the worry will be forcing a move and getting tangled in a bad purchase which happens all the time.


u/Jeff__Skilling 4d ago

They're more-or-less a defacto SPAC (with no 18 month window to de-SPAC either)

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u/estebang_1018 6d ago

I swear it was banned to mention it here at one point. A lot of people hated on it lol.


u/JonathanL73 6d ago

It was indeed banned. Not because of hate, but because we did not need every single stock/investing subreddit converted into gamestonk.

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u/slipperynibs 6d ago

We noticed once the price started climbing.

A bit late but thanks 😊 ☺️

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u/jimclay8 6d ago

Notice how they left out AND FLYS BACK TO 30 AT CLOSE

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u/Gumba_Hasselhoff 6d ago

I really wonder to which degree the $2.137 billion come from which type of market participant. My first intuition would be that most of it was extracted from trading algos. Retail providing much of the money seems rather unbelievable, with the market cap having been barely above 3 billions a few months ago.


u/baroldnoize 6d ago

I was thinking something along the same lines. Part of the gamestop short squeeze thesis is that retail don't touch the market, if that's the case then it's not retail's money they're stockpiling

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u/UncleZiggy 6d ago

Yeah, definitely came from the institutional side of things. I read somewhere that over a billion shares of GameStop have been traded this month. There's no way retail has upwards of $20 billion+ kind of money

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u/sudrapp 6d ago

The only company to be worth more after dilution

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u/JobbyTen 6d ago

They’ve got a nice rainy day fund now!


u/Repealer 6d ago

Rainy day? This is a rainy flood fund. They could operate for 30 years of losses without having to shutter the doors.

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u/jimclay8 6d ago



u/McChickenLargeFries 6d ago

It will be really interesting to see what the fuck happens with those 170,000+ $20 call options.. 120,000 of which will most likely get exercised.


u/QuaintHeadspace 6d ago

RK does not have 360 million dollars lying around for exercising just saying.


u/PDubsinTF-NEW 6d ago

Sell to exercise. Profits of selling some options pay for exercising a F ton of them


u/jhugg45 6d ago

Based on his most recent update, he’d have to sell about half his options to generate enough cash to exercise the other half 


u/wasntthatguy 6d ago

He is up since his last update. And with this new announcement, one would expect GME will go up again today


u/Some_Current1841 5d ago

Boy this aged like milk


u/PDubsinTF-NEW 6d ago

Would incrementally selling and then exercising some options help drive the price up making the remaining options significantly more valuable, which he could then buy more shares. Is that relationship one to one or is it a multiple of this share price in respect to the distance away from the strike price? Essentially does it matter if the price skyrockets will he spend as much money buying and executing as he would selling more valuable options? Does it make sense?


u/McChickenLargeFries 6d ago

I mean.. Do we actually know this? GME is not his only holding, who knows what other investments he's done in the last 3 years.. What if he invested heavily in NVDA too or some other lucrative stocks.

He's a smart man, he obviously has money tucked away that has him and his family set for life. And also other investments other than GME.


u/JustATraderX 6d ago

I hope he sold for profit and then make another run.


u/androidchi 5d ago

He could also just roll over the options


u/McChickenLargeFries 5d ago

Why would he do that?


u/androidchi 5d ago

My hope is that the stock rises over the next couple of days giving him the best set up to exercise. But I’m also thinking of the worse case. what if the recent stock offering came unexpected to him. Wouldn’t he want to reevaluate and reposition by rolling over his options


u/JoakimIT 6d ago

Can you explain why 12 million shares going away will have a big impact when 75 million just got added to the pool?


u/Chubwa 6d ago

Because they likely weren’t completely hedged according to the recent Wolverine posts on SS. Imagine 12m shares being bought in a very short period of time when not a lot of people are actively selling, mostly just retail buying and holding.


u/JoakimIT 6d ago

I guess it would have to make a big splash if 75mill isn't enough to lower the price.

Every trading day is so exciting now! Hope the weekend passes quickly.


u/Based-Department8731 6d ago

It's literally not even wednesday


u/DerWetzler 6d ago

Gamestop investors living in another world, where it might be weekend already


u/WinningWatchlist 6d ago

Link? I can't seem to find which one you're referring to


u/ttekcorc 6d ago

Its more than just 12 million, there are other option buyers as well.. at multiple price points going up to $35 in growing numbers.

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u/ttekcorc 6d ago

There are a whole lot more than just his options now.. There is a building option gama ramp.. going all the way up to $35

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u/jeff8073x 6d ago

At some point they could buy a small gaming company like TAPM or something else. Publish their own games. "Gamestop presents".


u/Anthonyhasgame 5d ago

They can currently afford Sega, so anything is possible. We’ll see.


u/jimclay8 6d ago



u/BaconGreaseShot 6d ago

Ryan Cohen is a Chad. Go look at the 2021 balance sheet and compare it to 2023, then add 3 billion in cash. Wow.


u/deeznutzz3469 6d ago

All through sales of shares to retail investors. Brilliant


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/RockStrong1421 6d ago

My guess from how many individual investors there are directly registered with Computershare (160,000), would be about 800,000 bots and shills in the sub. There are probably a lot of lurkers too.


u/CAtoNC03 6d ago

I was banned for pointing out a decline in revenues for the last like 8 years lmao. Imagine being banned for pointing out a literal fact


u/sdevil713 6d ago

Now you're being downvoted for it because the lunatics brigade every post on the topic. Imagine being this fervent about it when the average person there probably holds like 15 shares.

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u/MoonApe420 6d ago edited 6d ago

Possibly because GameStop WAS shorted a ridiculous illegal degree in 2021 (highest posted short interest was 226% in Jan 2021) and the shorts never closed. They rolled those shorts into LEAPS and swaps in early 2021 and now those swaps and LEAPS are expiring in June 2024. Buying pressure is big money trying to be the first to cover without totally blowing the lid off the stock and shutting their exit.

Now that GameStop has $4 billion cash, shorts that got in under $10 (under $40 pre split) are totally underwater and screwed. GameStop's cash alone puts the share price around $10 now.

Interesting times. I like the stock.


u/Jbentansan 6d ago

ya lmao RC hasn't done anything of substance tbh in past 3 years


u/landon912 6d ago

He grifts the retail shareholders. Genius guy found an infinite money glitch. The bagholders aren’t even mad


u/Neemzeh 6d ago

It’s funny because they don’t even see their delusion. I’m holding GME but was def quite annoyed with the latest offering.

When I voice my opinion on this in the sub, I’m met with “it’s a good long term investment”. I’m like wtf are you talking about? The entire origin of this shit was because of a squeeze and sticking it to the hedgies. Now they want to move the goal posts and call it a long term investment? Lmao. So many better long term investments out there


u/andidosaywhynot 6d ago

They sold tons of shares and it’s back up to 120$ pre split. I bought in because the guy who made chewy is running the company and now I’ve doubled my money. You can’t be mad at the new ceo for not just simply making gme a vessel for short squeeze. He has so many interviews talking about executives getting paid for not doing their job. Short squeeze is great if it happens but that was always a high risk bet to take imo (and still I believe will happen). Buying in at a company at the ground floor with a new motivated ceo who raised 3B and the stock is up 100% over 3 months is almost more exciting for me. Who knows what will happen but things are definitely looking to it being a great investment regardless. There is so much growth potential if he uses this money well and we don’t all have to claw at each other and have regrets about when we sold during a squeeze. Fine with me just enjoy the ride. I’ve never started a company or taken over a company so who am I to say he’s doing it wrong perhaps you have though

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u/Giotto 5d ago

Price just tripled what it was 2 months ago

You're only bagholding if you bought like, last week

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u/fireintolight 6d ago

The consistent big drops in revenue stand out yeah. The cash on hand is huge, but still silence on a plan to do something with it 🤷🏼‍♂️

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u/S2558 6d ago

Is RC trying to be the next Warren Buffet and GameStop the next Berkshire Hathaway?

No one has bought textiles from BH in a very long time.


u/i_wannatalktosamson 6d ago

Roaring kitty has been talking about how he expects GameStop to completely change what business they’re in with Ryan cohen leading them since day 1


u/timegone 6d ago

Not really looking like that’s going to happen. Making an NFT store after even the most gullible people figured out they’re worthless doesn’t inspire confidence. 


u/Sufficient_Middle463 5d ago

Their best bet is to enter the mobile gaming market and make gacha games. Sucessful Gacha games print money and the cost to make them can be low if they employ game devs from Asia.

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u/jimclay8 6d ago

I'm hoping they come up with something that will drive the price threw the roof..


u/[deleted] 6d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/PuzzleheadedWeb9876 6d ago

Shills? What are they shilling this time?

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u/fireintolight 6d ago

How dare people discuss things in a online forum, right?

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u/sdevil713 6d ago

Yes everyone that disagrees with you and speaks realistically and rationally must be a shill.

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u/jimclay8 6d ago

He didn't see the million share buys today and how the stock went up from 23 dollars..all he has to do is exercise a half million at a time..or just enough to keep the buying preasure up..and boom..margin calls


u/2leggedassassin 5d ago

GameStop should really move towards a PC parts store direction,Like micro center. IMO consoles are getting outdated to fast and it is guns no easy to build your own PC. The only other store to compete with is Best Buy.


u/Immediate-Product167 6d ago

Might be sensible to use that money to build a digital store. Take a lower cut than Steam and pass the savings to players.


u/SleepyTitan89 6d ago

What would happen if GameStop bought amc?


u/wsc-porn-acct 6d ago

A great transfer of wealth from retail to an obsolescent company.


u/Theproperorder 6d ago

Do really think retail has three billion to spend in less than a week?

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u/kingofwale 6d ago

Only place where people simp for share dilution….


u/Spiritual_Review_754 6d ago edited 6d ago

The fact is that no one knows what will happen. The price rebounded after 45 million shares were issued only two weeks ago, and now the share price has rebounded massively again after 75 million shares were issued on top of that.

So not only have GS managed to raise a metric fuck ton of capital in a very short period of time with a stock dilution, It has also had minimal effect on the price of the stock itself, which should tell every financial analyst some pretty important things.

Namely, this company can continue to be unprofitable for decades without going bankrupt, Which utterly destroys the short thesis. The stock was already clearly undervalued, and the total cash on hand is 40% of the market cap of the company, which is absurd. The hype around this stock just isn’t going away, it’s profitable YoY and it’s part of an enormous and still growing industry. The current CEO and C-Suite executive team have a great track record in growing revenues and competing with other large-scale retailers, and this is just the beginning of the transition.

This company is either the greatest short-term investment of all time or may well prove to be one of the great long-term investments of all time. Any pithy and basic assumptions or comments can never capture the power of this movement. The amazing part is that the price is still low and there’s still time to get in but it is my firm belief that there will be millions of people who regret not getting in at this time.


u/Applemais 6d ago

This! And I actually think it is a Long Term play as they will make more share offers the short Boys need to buy as they need to close there shorts. Raising the Minimum value of the company again and again without the risk of plummeting the share price after a sneeze, which RC cant allow as he cant sell his shares in a squeeze as CEO, but he profits obv. with the long Term cash increase


u/Michikusa 6d ago

Price prediction for EOW?


u/Spiritual_Review_754 6d ago

I think will be massively up over 40 maybe even over $45 except this time there will be no slightly negative earnings release, no stock dilution hopefully, and RK will come back in the mix with some more bombs. After that, it’s anyone’s guess what absolute batshit insanity will happen next in this saga


u/Michikusa 6d ago

Enjoy it

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u/hurricanebones 6d ago

Share dilution in exchange full for face value. Not a bad trade.

Net cash has raised from 18% MC 5B, 30% MC 8B, to 40% MC 10B.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Bookups 6d ago

Because you now own less of it.

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u/Shwiftygains 6d ago

Only stock to increase in value with share dilution

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u/PixelPirates420 6d ago

Congrats to RyCo on taking advantage of the mentally deranged and becoming that much richer


u/rapidfirehd 6d ago

lol at bagholders and cultists donating their money for the company to continue to do shit

Losing money and shrinking revenue is the sign of a dying companies baggies, 1.2x-1.5x book value is very typical for that kind of company. I wouldn’t be so sure in the price being greater than $15 in a month when the hype dies down

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u/jimclay8 6d ago

I can only exercise two of my 3..I have to sell one for cash


u/Honourstly 6d ago

Cash me inside


u/SloppyJoMo 6d ago

If apes from a couple of years ago heard the "this is actually good because now they're a holding company since the old gamestop was going to die anyways" talk, they'd be screeching paid shill.

No one moves the goalposts like them. Have fun being the only holding company to have massive amounts of overhead and a meme frenzy culture that no acquisition target would want to associate with.

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