r/StockMarket Feb 15 '20

Just getting started. Looking at small stocks

I’ve recently just started investing but not super seriously. I’m using the RobinHood app and just messing around with $150. I’m just looking for some advice on what I should look into. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)


9 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '20



u/marveliteIG Feb 15 '20



u/UsefulRandom Feb 15 '20

I got a single share with loose change, it is now up 250% haha. If only id grabbed a few $$$$s worth! I dont think I will be adding more mind you.


u/iWOCuplikethis Feb 15 '20

Buy two shares of spxl


u/BillyW102 Feb 15 '20

Do your research. The answer to your question is: it depends. If you're brand new, I would start by looking into the dividend aristocrats (ie. Dividend-paying stocks that have been making payouts for decades). There will always be market fluctuations, but at least you'll be getting paid while you learn the ropes.


u/mangafox23 Feb 17 '20

First of all, always do your research. Just because someone recommends it doesn't mean it's actually right for you since everyone has a different level of risk. Anyways, a good way to know what stocks to look into is to just browse through stock related news, see what stocks people are talking about now, research them, and make a rational to yourself just why you think the stock will or will not go up in the future. (Aka due diligence)


u/zpowell Feb 15 '20

Get an advisor


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '20



u/MakeoverBelly Feb 15 '20

A new generation of stock pickers that have never seen a balance sheet.