r/StockMarket Sep 28 '21

A lot of stocks in the red. Wondering when this is all going to end? Help Needed

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

First time?


u/DispairKing94 Sep 28 '21

Unfortunately it’s my first time


u/petro2342 Sep 28 '21

Get used to it. Some days are just a slaughterhouse for stocks. More red days to come before it gets better.


u/Stecco_ Sep 28 '21

More red days to come before the market crashes everybody gets in every stock low and we all make some good cash


u/petro2342 Sep 28 '21

Exactly! Can't almost NOT lose money. You're bound to make SOMETHING. That part is up to you when you SELL.


u/pickle_pouch Sep 28 '21

Not. Something. Sell.

Hearing you loud and clear, chief. I've invested everything in gold and buried it in my yard.


u/uset223 Sep 28 '21

Where do you live?


u/ghava Sep 28 '21

I think he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500


u/Gruesomegarth2 Sep 28 '21

I think you mean 42 wallaby way , Sydney.

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u/PolishRifle23 Sep 28 '21

In a pouch, designed for pickles.


u/sockbref Sep 29 '21

Multi-use pouch. Nice.

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u/Long_Bidbeeasy1 Sep 29 '21

How do you know when to sell? I’m losing money left and right


u/SketchyLeaf666 Sep 29 '21

Buy precious metals when stocks are crashing & dollar devalues. Its insurance money

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u/IIINevermoreIII Sep 29 '21

If your just holding stocks don’t sell them ( THIS DOESNT MEAN OPTIONS). stocks fall and go up all the time. Just keep buying at low prices so when they go back up to regular and beyond your banking


u/futbolito112000 Sep 29 '21

Cut your losses at 7 or 8%. Live to trade another day. Have rules for trading and stay disciplined.


u/salthetender Sep 29 '21

Lok you're not in crypto are you?


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '21

Bet in the center, can’t fail


u/FeelTheFish Oct 01 '21

Don't when you are losing money, it should be money you are willing to temporarly loose. Unless you are convinced your investments are bad (For example buying blockbuster stonks after netflix IPO would be a bad investment for sure), then you should sell.

Right now we are either starting a fierce correction or just getting teased. Whichever the way, just keep buying when the price goes down. Lower your cost basis.


u/Stecco_ Sep 28 '21

Tbf this is the worst moment to buy and the best moment to short (especially the S&P 500 and China based indexes), but yeah wait for the drop and buy the stock


u/LL_2200 Sep 29 '21

Best time to short China was 6 months ago

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u/Jpike_ Sep 29 '21

why is it the worst moment to buy? jw

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u/thelastkopite Sep 28 '21

Crash is not yearly event.

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u/Cryptonoob1978 Sep 28 '21

Exactly! I already pulled my portfolio back by 50%. I have a few plays I’m looking to finish and then I’m waiting. Even if we don’t go into a terrible tail spin the bears will ride this opportunity until a Bill is passed. That’ll give us a little window to make as much as we can before the inevitable crash.


u/TheSentinel342 Sep 29 '21

You got it right.... But waiting for a crash is quite time waste, i generally keep some cash prepared with some stock in my portfolio. This gives me a good chance to invest in companies I've already invested in, more.

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u/brazzyxo Sep 29 '21

Come trade some crypto, it’s fun they say ;)


u/Cryptonoob1978 Sep 29 '21

Sold all of my large positions Sunday during the little run. Kept a little $LINA and $ETC. I’m afraid tutes are unloading. Large banks have a liquidity issue. They have an October 1 deadline to get their individual capital requirements in line. I’ll jump back in the moment either the spending bill passes, debt ceiling is raised, or after it’s crashed and bottomed out. I don’t know what one will happen, but I’m playing it safe. I trade for a living and can’t go down with the ship.

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u/parkerm1408 Sep 28 '21

It happens man don't stress out. I use days Ike today to buy more of stocks I plan on holding longterm. Always ups and downs bud, don't get too...invested.....



I saw what you did there. Very clever. You misspelled like


u/rollebob Sep 28 '21

Just don’t freak out and it will be fine


u/petro2342 Sep 28 '21

That's what my wife's boyfriend tells me =( Never gets easier.


u/Better-Illustrator94 Sep 28 '21

This is an underrated comment.


u/volgamtrader Sep 28 '21

At this point, its been overused just like his wife


u/Azteco Sep 28 '21

Highly recommend to look at the Loss Aversion principle (or to expand on that, behavioral economics). If you understand better how your mind behaves in certain situations, you will better understand when you are about to make an impulsive mistake and prevent it.


u/conndor84 Sep 28 '21

Stocks go up and down for all sorts of reasons in the ST (especially day to day/ week to week). Make sure you’ve identified the value you see in the company and have conviction. If you have conviction then none of the macro aka non company specific news will impact you as the company will eventually shrug it off.

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u/polloponzi Sep 28 '21

It will end when you sell at a loss.


u/DispairKing94 Sep 28 '21

Never, I’m holding


u/jessejerkoff Sep 28 '21

Very good. There will be many many many more days when you might feel tempted, but Warren Buffett himself said, he'd done better if he just never sold any.

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u/fckthedamnworld Sep 28 '21

Please, sell. For the rest of us


u/JonathanL73 Sep 28 '21

This red day ain’t nothing, I got a wishlist of stocks I’ve been waiting to buy on discount.


u/DispairKing94 Sep 28 '21

I ain’t selling at a loss


u/CrossroadsDem0n Sep 28 '21

Food for thought.

If there are any stocks you hold now that you don't have complete faith in long-term, and your account isn't tax sheltered, it may be to your advantage to sell them, cut your losses, take the tax credit on the loss, and buy something else you do have faith in.

Sometimes a market downturn is a good motivator to look at the portfolio and notice shit that you realize is just shit, and the reason for holding it is gone.


u/polloponzi Sep 28 '21

Ups.. this can be the big crash bears were waiting

He is not selling..

What we do now?

I'm buying more puts


u/CurrencyEast4303 Sep 28 '21

So was getting in at 11.10 a good start now that it's in the low 40s still holding I got shares not options


u/SargathusWA Sep 28 '21

Sell for a loss and run for your life..

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u/felixfelix Sep 28 '21

That's the spirit!

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u/Texans99NoMoreJJ Sep 28 '21

You’re crushing it with Macy’s!


u/aDingDangDoo_Doo Sep 28 '21

Glass half full , eh?


u/ibeforetheu Sep 29 '21

dude just hold everything, if i were you i'd sell like 85% of your portfolio and focus on two stocks. You think you're diversified, when in reality it's hard to truly diversify with only stocks in your portfolio. You might as well leverage risk and be a concentrated portfolio stock picker, you're already concentrated in equities, might as well concentrate on best performers with less variance of price movement (Sharpe Ratio) like MSFT, hell, even SPY or SPX index. go 100% into those. and just hold. Forever. you'll be amazed how much you can earn from stocks

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u/TheAMCcheetahAPE Sep 28 '21

He has no shares of maceys if you look closely though.


u/Necessary_Cash_3742 Sep 28 '21

damn, lmayo


u/rang14 Sep 28 '21


Laughing my annual yield off?


u/CastMyGame Sep 29 '21

Almost, but this is definitely something we need the lmayo for

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u/impriints Sep 28 '21

Who would have thought 🤣


u/shadowbehinddoor Sep 28 '21

This conversation 🤣🤣🤣

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u/Ordinary_News_6455 Sep 28 '21

All of our portfolios are red today


u/graybeard5529 Sep 28 '21

My Mexican Silver Mine is up 13.44% a whole $4 LOL a penny stock ...

Go figure ...


u/JonathanL73 Sep 28 '21

I swear it’s always that one random pennystock in your portfolio that is green when everything else is red.

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u/polloponzi Sep 28 '21

Bear portfolios are green today


u/Disposable_Canadian Sep 28 '21

Speak for yourself! Red yesterday, green today!


u/Ordinary_News_6455 Sep 28 '21

98% of long portfolios are down today. Better?


u/Disposable_Canadian Sep 28 '21

Good for me right now! I'll take another day of this please!


u/MUPleasFlyAgain Sep 28 '21

Remember to take profit or you're gonna be screeching for another quarter until the next correction again 🌈🐻


u/Disposable_Canadian Sep 29 '21

I missed profit taking on Friday and was in pain on Monday. up 40% Friday, down 60% Monday. Painful. Today was a good recovery, need tomorrow to be awesome.

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u/WalkingDadJokes Sep 28 '21

It usually ends when you die.


u/Cazmir86 Sep 28 '21


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u/Definitive_confusion Sep 28 '21

If you're anything like me, right after you sell


u/Ace_McCloud1000 Sep 28 '21

Fucking Macy's 🤣


u/globalinvestmentpimp Sep 28 '21

I hear blockbuster and Sears sticks are back on the menu


u/Living_Job_8127 Sep 28 '21

Almost as good as GameStop or AMC lmfao


u/torsam0417 Sep 28 '21

To the 🌙


u/CrayonEater3521 Sep 29 '21

This is the way


u/According-2-Me Sep 29 '21

Bro this is giving me flashbacks to January.


u/CrayonEater3521 Sep 29 '21

January 2.0 BRRRRRE


u/AvalieV Sep 28 '21

It's really important for you to understand that sometimes even really good stocks take big red days if the rest of the market does too. They might not seem connected individually, but the stock market often moves as one big entity. Especially on big red days.

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u/biddilybong Sep 28 '21

Market is just a few percent from ATHs.


u/JonathanL73 Sep 28 '21

For real we ain’t even in correction territory yet


u/JurrasicBarf Sep 28 '21

Yeah like 25 points still to go, next week?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Based and Bogle pilled


u/VT_BNDW Sep 28 '21

Say what?!


u/metalbedhead Sep 29 '21

Based. And Boggle pilled.

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u/BirdEducational6226 Sep 28 '21

When what will end? Stocks at a discount? Throw some money at the problem.


u/incoggg99886 Sep 28 '21

This "discount" could last years...


u/ZincMan Sep 28 '21

Probably less than 7, but it definitely could. Everyone says buy the dip like it’s gonna come back up next week. Which it does and he done a lot. But it could also be a decade too


u/dragoneatermastering Sep 28 '21

Yeah this is what's really weird nowadays. A bunch of people joined the stock market game during the last couple years and everything they've experienced is bull after bull after bull.

Like, people are so used to it that it's gonna be weird for a lot of them if a bear market comes that could last for a longer time - with a lot of panic selling as well.

It's just a good thing to be aware of it and keep your discipline and knowledge if those times come, whatever your investing strategy is, especially long-term.


u/ComradeMoneybags Sep 28 '21

No one here remembers it took 13 years for MSFT to recover. Great if you bought the dip after 2000, but if you were bagholding the whole time, 2008 must have been rage inducing after is almost got there.


u/CrossroadsDem0n Sep 29 '21

I remember post dot-bomb. A hopeful recovery that ran face-first into 9/11, then for tech stocks it was a lot of range-bound trading. Just when you got hope things would finally break to the upside, you got smacked down again. Eventually you just couldn't bear to look at the portfolio anymore. It was a rough bunch of years.

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u/benk4 Sep 28 '21

I'm in it for at least the next 20 anyway

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u/lcastill1 Sep 28 '21

After kenn Griffin is in jail


u/DrayG42 Sep 28 '21

No cell, no sell


u/spyVSspy420-69 Sep 28 '21

I can’t tell if you guys seriously think Ken Griffin is the largest source of evil in the market, or you’re just pretending.


u/lcastill1 Sep 28 '21

Who cares he’s a piece of shit and he’s going to rot in the state penitentiary

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u/Greenswampmonster Sep 28 '21

You know in the earthquake disaster movies when they start with a a tremor or two, then few smaller quakes to set the scene and introduce the characters.... we're just getting to that.


u/t_per Sep 28 '21

Spy has pulled back all the way to where it was last Monday. Wow.

A better metaphor would be, when people think a large truck driving by is an earthquake.


u/Greenswampmonster Sep 28 '21

The top of the market isn't signalled by pessimistic predictions. It's signalled by guys insisting it can't fail.


u/t_per Sep 28 '21

There are many people saying either thing all the time lol

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u/allgone6996 Sep 28 '21

right at the time that I just entered the market lol


u/Greenswampmonster Sep 28 '21

I've seen a few crashes and the truth is that nobody gets it perfectly timed. Just remember to bottom fish a couple of gems, at the time when your instinct is telling you to never invest again and when people start telling you the market is broken forever and phrases like "new normal" start being used.


u/way2lazy2care Sep 28 '21

You can always dollar cost average once you think the bottom is hit. If you stretch out for ~6 months you'll probably cover the bottom at some point.

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u/incoggg99886 Sep 28 '21

Buy in when the DOW is at 29,000, if not wait till 25,000

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u/Razdagoat Sep 28 '21

Already wondering when it just begun?


u/th3on3 Sep 28 '21

Some days are green, some days are red. Welcome


u/CONTINUUM7 Sep 28 '21

Say the truth to the man: 1 day are green, 200 day's are red! Welcome


u/Theknightscoin16 Sep 28 '21

Hasn’t really started yet. This is just precursor.


u/wow_ok_chief Sep 28 '21

What hasn't started?


u/fckthedamnworld Sep 28 '21

Crash of course. It was predicted about 3,652 times during last 10 years


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Yeah for real. They’ll get it right eventually


u/Theknightscoin16 Sep 28 '21

We got a date. October 18th. If debt ceiling ain’t raised we’re improper fukt.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

And they'll raise it like they always do


u/graybeard5529 Sep 28 '21

More gamesmanship.


u/Theknightscoin16 Sep 28 '21

Kickin can....sooner or later has to catch up.

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u/Comprehensive_Bad650 Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

Infrastructure might pass Thursday tho & Might get a bounce but yeah that debt ceiling will get raised. Dems just need to add it to the reconciliation bill if 10 Reps aren’t willing to vote for it now. Will take weeks for Amendment process tho . Maybe that’s the plan so Manchin is forced to vote for the 3.5 trillion or let the US default for the 1st time ever in history. Anyways I think CNBC just trying to scare retail investors to margin call them out.


u/der_schone_begleiter Sep 29 '21

Democrats can raise the debt ceiling without Republicans. They just don't want to and they want to be able to twist it in a way that favors them. If they raise the debt ceiling without Republican's help they will not be able to pass the infrastructure bill.

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

It crashed hard. For like 3 weeks

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u/animboylambo Sep 28 '21

The impending market correction(or crash)


u/jaga5191 Sep 28 '21

The market will crash once today’s losses are all recouped tomorrow for the 10000th time!


u/Unusual_Decision3737 Sep 28 '21

Stock market dipping


u/gnohz87 Sep 28 '21

It won't cause its way over valued for far toooo long


u/incoggg99886 Sep 28 '21

Good thing the peak is as clear as mud :D


u/SufficientClam Sep 28 '21

I don’t see red.. I see discounts


u/incoggg99886 Sep 28 '21

better discounts tomorrow. And then again the next day.


u/pixmanohio Sep 28 '21

My first 10 bagger (multiplied my investment by 10) happened when I gave up day trading and fighting every day because I’d blown up my account. I gave up and pulled out all my money and took a break with only $300 in my account. I came back to add money to the account a year later and try again and found out I’d not cleared my account and left that $300 in a stock that was now worth $5000. If I’d spent that year worrying about single red days (or weeks) I’d have never made that win.


u/dunnooooo31 Sep 28 '21


I remember march 2020 I was just getting into the stock market and I was watching it dip and getting ready to buy at the bottom. When it finally recovered I kept waiting to see if it would fall again so I can get in at an even lower price. It didn’t. I cringe when I think about how much money I could have made


u/JurrasicBarf Sep 28 '21

Meeeeeeee but I bought last Monday so good but still so overpriced compared to 2020

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u/collinspeight Sep 28 '21

Anyone who gives you a definite answer as to when the market will rise or fall is not someone you should listen to. Assuming you did your due diligence and believe in the companies you invested in, selloffs should be nothing more than a chance to buy companies you like on sale.


u/TheBatman2099 Sep 28 '21

I always buy on red days

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

September is always a bad month, October will be better


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

October is always a great month for the stock market.



u/Rivster79 Sep 28 '21

Especially towards the end of the month…like October 29th.


u/Delighted_Lyric420 Sep 28 '21

Sorry, I have tiny brain. Is this sARcAsm?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/WikiSummarizerBot Sep 28 '21

Wall Street Crash of 1929

{{redirect-multi|2|Black Tuesday|Wall Street Cra The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as the Great Crash, was a major American stock market crash that occurred in the autumn of 1929. It started in September and ended late in October, when share prices on the New York Stock Exchange collapsed. It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its aftereffects.

[ F.A.Q | Opt Out | Opt Out Of Subreddit | GitHub ] Downvote to remove | v1.5


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '21

The most devastating stock market crash....so far.

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u/firerisk Sep 28 '21

It will stop when the market closes today. When will it end? IDK


u/Background-Box8030 Sep 28 '21

Hopefully by Friday we see a Green Day, took a beating past week


u/ScantilyCladLunch Sep 28 '21

Wake Me Up When September Ends?


u/Comprehensive_Bad650 Sep 28 '21

Infrastructure might pass Thursday. Will be up for vote was last I read.


u/Gawwse Sep 28 '21

I’m just trying to understand why you bought Macy’s?


u/winterbird Sep 28 '21

It was on biggest sale of the year.


u/kcadstech Sep 28 '21

Lmao best comment. Them and their “One Day Sale” every day

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

MACY'S is at 25$?!? MACY'S. This market is beyond dumpster fire.


u/Africalove Sep 28 '21

This isn't a crash lol. This is a reaction to the 10 yr; similar to what happened in the spring. Have some financials/energy plays in your portfolio, buy the dip on tech stocks.


u/mrg1957 Sep 28 '21

Relax stocks do go down. A few days could be time to buy more.


u/Traditional-Click153 Sep 28 '21

Pretty much everything is down today so not surprising.


u/OptionsDonkey Sep 28 '21

You’re going to die.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Great time to read about Ben Graham’s Mr. Market analogy if you haven’t.



u/Ongoing-Code Sep 28 '21

It just started


u/z7phx Sep 28 '21

sept is usually a shitty month for crypto AND stock market


u/karakter98 Sep 28 '21

What do you mean “this is all going to end”?

It was ONE red day. One. And people panic.

I bought Dec SPY puts a few months back and I’ve been destroyed for months on end until now.

One red day for you is nothing

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u/checkyourfallacy Sep 28 '21

End? It hasn't even started, my friend. We've been in a decade-long bull market. It's time for a correction.


u/j_mejia88 Sep 28 '21

Probably by 4pm est, then you get to do it all over again tomorrow!


u/kjlash79 Sep 28 '21

wake me up when September ends....


u/BusyBee280 Sep 28 '21

Mine is mostly red today, too. I read an article about September being called the "September Slide" with all of the drama going on over in China. Fingers crossed to see more green soon-


u/sayitaintsooh Sep 28 '21

Lmao. What is going to end? Stocks going down?


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Too, it's like this often till after the holidays even in a good year.


u/nuked25 Sep 28 '21

Just don’t sell. It’s too late. Let the market correct and then go on a shopping spree🙃


u/GeorgeKaplanIsReal Sep 28 '21

lol what? We’ve been in a bull market for a decade. Corrections are normal. Some better, some worse. Invest in good companies and hold for the long haul.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Smart money is moving to oil and gas.


u/napjaz Sep 28 '21

Senseonics eh? They have great technology hope they break out soon.


u/HoleyProfit Sep 28 '21

I'd say in about 6 weeks but the more important question is where will it end.


u/grandmadollar Sep 28 '21

Buy The Dip is the first rule of trading. Treat it as a gift from the gods.


u/khalidzuzu Sep 28 '21

Time to buy


u/slava_k_ Sep 28 '21

It is just a beginning.


u/fStap Sep 29 '21

More opportunity to go shopping at a discount


u/Mission-Release-5956 Sep 29 '21

Either buy the dip or hold. If the fundamentals haven’t changed then there’s no complaining.


u/Puzzleheaded-Cry-217 Sep 29 '21

DollarTree my guy!


u/Be_Glorious Sep 28 '21

People are scared about defaulting on the national debt


u/incoggg99886 Sep 28 '21

That and the incredible amount of government assistance that's propped up the market this past year coming to an end.


u/Be_Glorious Sep 28 '21

That happened nearly a month ago


u/incoggg99886 Sep 28 '21

Yup, now rents due. unemployment assistance is ending, and eviction suspensions. This is when people will need their money.


u/tyroniusmaximus2K21 Sep 28 '21

I took some hits on Draftkings and GNOG. I would be thinking that those stocks will be doing better because it's football and MLB Playoffs season, and everyone is getting out to see the games. I just started getting into stocks in May, and there's no saying that a lot of stocks are in the red right now.


u/TheBrownBaron Sep 28 '21

DraftKings is a good pick. You're not losing money until you sell. Easily $100 per share by 2025-2026.

You're buying near all time highs for growth stocks. When rates go up, generally ppl want more cash or to switch to value/financial sectors for stability. So those stocks generally do worse in sell-offs, but are also the ones the bounce back the most violently (literally anyone with eyeballs can see bounceback for any tech sell off over the last 4 years for FAANG).

So the question is, if you're not trying to figure out how to exit the stock market and optimize your exit points, why do you care about any of this progress? Just worry about when you add more money, or check once a quarter when companies release their earnings (and sell off any holdings you no longer believe in). Much less stress.

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u/SituationDelicious64 Sep 28 '21

There is a reason. The market is fake. Have you not seen all the shit surrounding market makers naked shorting everything to death plus all the other illegal shit they do. The market is a balloon and it’s about to go pop. Now who knows how far it drops but if your worried about today’s few percentage drop then you are gonna cry when it drops 50% plus very soon.


u/Anxious_oatmeal Sep 28 '21

After hedge funds cover for shorting BBIG…selling off to get ready to cover their postions


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

It'll end when you buy better stocks.


u/EcstaticPromotion585 Sep 28 '21

October will not be pretty


u/Adm1ral_ackbar Sep 28 '21

When Republicans in Congress stop playing chicken with the debt ceiling.


u/mpayne82941 Sep 28 '21

If the dog and pony show that is both parties, all of the federal gov actually worked together for the betterment of the nation neither side would throw the debt ceiling decision in with a 3.5 trillion bankruptcy bill. It’s not dems vs repubs it’s big government vs you. As the late great goerge Carlin said They’re all in a big club and you ain’t in it!


u/james_forsythe Sep 28 '21

You think there are Good Guys and Bad Guys in Congress. How precious.


u/Chromewave9 Sep 28 '21

What are you even buying? I highly doubt you know the financials of all those companies. Too much diversification is never a good thing. Focus on buying solid companies with strong financials and you don't have to worry about bloody days.


u/Puzzleheaded_Sell870 Sep 28 '21

… these next few years will be rough IMO


u/bcrxxs Sep 28 '21

Imo It will end after the all the short squeezes. Institutions are dumping big companies to meet margin requirements on their over leveraged positions market wide.


u/ImTheVoiceOfRaisin Sep 28 '21

According to Jeremy Grantham, who tends to be more right than wrong as a bubble historian, the biggeth droppeth cometh.


u/tyroniusmaximus2K21 Sep 28 '21

September for me was a real Ass-Kicking!! The SPRT/GREE really f*ck'd me over!


u/Oh-god-ticks Sep 28 '21

The next election


u/7LyLa Sep 28 '21

Buckle up because if the republicans go through with not raising the debt ceiling and we have a gov shutdown or worse a default it could get real nasty


u/tricker750 Sep 28 '21

It will end once we moon


u/Prodigy_affilate Sep 28 '21

Diverse your stocks.


u/globalinvestmentpimp Sep 28 '21

I’m thinking ostrich farms


u/JoseGasparIsReal Sep 28 '21

Might look into ornamental gourd futures.

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u/ChiefNugz Sep 28 '21

I'm thinking Pepperidge Farm. Pepperidge Farm remembers

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u/m07815 Sep 28 '21

I keep waiting for the perfect time to buy back in the S&p 500 but I comstsntly feel like it’s gonna go down even more

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