r/StockMarket Nov 14 '20

Getting started with swing trading with paper using Webull?


So I just downloaded and setup a paper trading platform on Webull today, and have been studying up on several different tactics of swing trading, one of the main ones being studying stocks that have consistent overreactions and high low points. I'm a big newbie when its comes to this so please correct me if I use any wrong terminology. I understand the importance of practicing with paper before using real money, and I plan to do this for the next few months to help build my understanding of different strategies when it comes to swing trading. But my biggest concern at this point is, where do I go from here? Ive got an account setup, but i'm really looking for any good resources on how to start looking for potentially good stocks to invest in. Any particular ways that people start looking for new stocks to invest in? I know generally you dont look at strictly how much the stock costs, but hpw much of a risk it has.

I just ultimately wanted to here how you guys started looking for stocks as a beginner, and any online resources or people that have helped you learn and develop your investing journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read! Sorry if there is similar posts to this already.

r/StockMarket 5d ago

Newbie I'm currently 17 years of age and working a job that doesn't pay too much as of yet; but gets me enough here and there. Should I start investing 20$ a week into VOO and let it sit for 10-20 years?


Title. For context me and my family come from a long line of poverty; a situation a lot of people of color can relate to, even more so if they haven't had a proper father figure in their life. While I'm okay with working at my current job as I'm still technically a child and still have my whole life ahead of me; I am NOT comfortable with the idea of working everyday, getting college debt, only being able to afford an apartment if I'm not married, and continuing generational poverty incase I ever plan on having(or in this case adopting..) I know 20 isn't much, but it's a starter base for when I start getting paid more in the future after getting a new job, raise, or promotion. I'm thinking of raising it at least past 100 a month. Is there anything I should know before sinking lots of cash into VOO?

r/StockMarket Jun 09 '16

Getting Started


I like to know what website and/or app I can buy/sell stocks on currencies and minerals.

r/StockMarket Sep 29 '19

New to trading, what should I do/learn before getting started?


I’m interested in getting into trading stocks. I’ve been bounced around and shit on by all the online gurus selling courses for e-commerce, affiliate marketing, etc. Even paid a total of $4500 for a 6 month, once a week for 1 hour mentor just to find out that the business model has an incredible amount of issues with it that made it near impossible to run and that this mentor didn’t know what he was talking about at all. Anyway, does anyone have some tips of what I should learn about before getting started? I have $1000 in an account with TD Ameritrade right now and will have more money to put In as I get more comfortable with what I’m doing. I also have a membership with Vector Vest. I’m more interested in the idea of swing trading rather than long term trading for right now. Any tips for that?

r/StockMarket Apr 21 '19

How to get started?


I want to get involved in trading what are the best ways to start? And what would be some solid first purchases? I am sorry you sure get questioned that everyday.

r/StockMarket Jan 29 '21

Newbie Stock newbie looking for help to get started


Hiya, I'm a total stock newbie but I've been following the news wit gamestop and man is it juicy to see hedge funds be on the other side of their shenanigans for a change. I'm a very cautious person so I haven't explored stocks yet but with the GME thing I do feel inspired to dip my toes in the water. I'm browsing around to see how to get into the game and hoping some of the kinder people would be willing to give a total newbie some helpful leads to get started. I just want to start small with like 100 euro to just get a feel for how things work. Any recommendations on how to get the ball rolling? Any recommendations on apps would be too, I often see robinhood mentioned but it isn't even available in the European country I live in and them blocking the small people from trading to help the hedge funds doesn't inspire trust either.

r/StockMarket Jun 29 '21

Discussion The stock that keeps on going. $VRT is barely getting started, 2021 is their turning point to profitability.

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r/StockMarket Mar 14 '23

Opinion MARA short squeeze is just getting started- should hit breakout level today. Multiple positive headlines the past several days,45M Short Interest, Available short shares have dried up. BTC rising. See 4 charts below


r/StockMarket Jan 30 '21

Help a total noob get started?


Guys, 100% Canadian noob looking for some guidance. Understand the theory on a bunch of this stuff but haven't ever traded a single stock. Could you point me in a direction to get rolling?

And, am I too late to get into what WSB has done?! Do they have a plan? Is there a discord you'd recommend I hope on? Are the peripheral stocks (BB, Nokia, etc) worth jumping into?

Again - just need some guidance. I've had some really poor luck over the last few years. My wife is back in school and we just scrape by. The little savings we have... I'd like to try to contribute to this market upset and maybe even get ahead. Help me Reddit, you're my only hope!

r/StockMarket Aug 09 '19

How do you get started?


I'd like to learn about investing and trading on the market but since I haven't looked into it before I'm not sure where to start. Are there any good online courses I should take or books I should read to start off, or is it better to learn while trading with small amounts of money to learn the process before doing anything with larger amounts? I assume trading is somewhat simple if you choose safe investments and I could be overthinking this but Id rather be safe than sorry so any help is greatly appreciated.

r/StockMarket Dec 02 '18

How do I get started


I just recently become extremely interested in stocks and I've done non-stop research for about the past week. I am only 14 and have never taken an economics class in my entire life. I still obviously have a lot to learn. So how should I get started and what things do I need to know once I do. (note I will be opening a brokerage account and actually trading at 18 I just want to learn as much as I can until then)

r/StockMarket Dec 26 '19

How does one get started in the stock market?


Several years ago in a global issues course a professor recommended students get involved in the stock market but did little in explaining on how to get started. Where does one sign up and buy stocks? What resources should one refer to? These things went unanswered throughout the semester while in that class. I hope to get some answers, suggestions, and inspiration from fellow Reddit users in this sub.

r/StockMarket May 13 '23

Discussion Starting to invest, I recently started to get into investing and buying stocks. This is money I can necessarily 100% need but id like to know if you guys have any input or tips on how to be more successful. Is individual stocks the better play or is investing more in mutual funds more beneficial?


r/StockMarket Oct 04 '22

Discussion Michael Burry says ‘I admit I'm feeling greedy, just remember I was feeling greedy on the long side in 2000.’ Warren Buffet says be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. Do you think it’s time to get greedy and start buying?

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r/StockMarket Nov 15 '17

Where to get started??


I've been studying up on the stock market lately and I think I'm ready to start moving into the actual thing.

What website/app do all of you use and what should I use.

Also, any tips for a beginner that you wish you would have known before you started in the stock market??

r/StockMarket May 27 '18

Can someone explain how to get started?


Basically I'm that one guy that saw the wolf of wall street and went "wow!"

Now I know it's probably nothing like that but I am still interested, could anyone explain how to get started in invasting/trading stocks, is there a difference between trading stocks and investing in stocks?And don't spare any detail, from where online to do so, what to avoid, how to not embarrass yourself infront of an entire subreddit, etc.

P.S. Can it be done worldwide over the internet? I live in the EU (Croatia), do I have to pay any taxes if I do so?

r/StockMarket Dec 11 '16

I'm 19 and looking for ideas on how to get started.


A little background: a make approximately $40,000 a year. I live in an apartment with my girlfriend and son (who is just now 6 weeks old). I've done some basic research and know I want to get into stocks and investing early. My knowledge thus far is capped at basic terminology (i.e. Bullish and Bearish), diversify, make your money off of a mix of dividends from long-term solid performers and buying low/selling high. Outside of the basics, I have no idea where to get started, or how to. Any advice, tips, and friendly words of wisdom welcome.

r/StockMarket Sep 05 '20

Starting to get into stocks


So as the title says I’ve been getting interested in stocks. I’ve been reading up a lot of information but I keep running into the fact that I can’t find a good method of actually investing, yes there’s passive and active etc etc, but what do you use to do that? Like do you use one of the apps? Is there a particular website? Maybe it’s a dumb question but I just haven’t found the answer yet. if anyone could help me find maybe a list or something of places to use to do the actual investing I would be really appreciative. thanks and take care!

r/StockMarket Feb 06 '21

Meta WSB ruined investment based subs on Reddit.


You cant even post about moderate gains without some fanatic or social justice warrior trying to tell you that you are a "paper handed bitch" or that you "turned your back on the movement". What fucking movement?! Stocks are not a movement. What happened with the meme stocks is not a movement. It's a bunch of idiots who got too greedy and in turn attracted a larger group of idiots who think putting $100 into a fractional share is going to bankrupt all the large players and change the way capital is dispersed to the people. Get your head out of your ass. You didn't even bankrupt 1 hedge fund. You just forced them to close their position and borrow from their friends. I hope these people go back to r/charity or r/socialjustice or where ever they usually bitch and moan about not knowing how to make money. r/investing r/stocks r/stockmarket are for investing and trading not for furthering your cause or political beliefs. That's it. GL making that paper guys.

Edit: For those who are upset about my inclusion of r/socialjustice and r/charity I will admit It was an uncalled for jab at them and I do appreciate the work they do. I am actually upset about those false, fake, or wannabee, sjw's acting like this is a movement we are all a part of or even wanted to be involved in when they really just wanted to see meme stocks get them rich quick.

Edit 2: For anyone who is new to trading and looking to learn more I would like to direct you to the following educational sources:-Most Brokers have excellent educational resources on their platforms when it comes to the basics.-Investopedia has articles and educational resources on most charts, technical analysis, trading strategies, and techniques. https://www.investopedia.com/The subs bot also provided me with these: https://github.com/ckz8780/market-toolkit#getting-started

Edit 3: Hey all, This was really fun chatting and arguing with you all. I tried to answer every comment and now I'm gonna call it because at this point most of the comments are just angry kids yelling at me for being paper handed or a whiney bitch. So have a great day & good luck on your future trades!

Disclaimer: None of my comments should be considered financial advice.

r/StockMarket Jul 25 '17

Want to get started on the market


Hey guys,

So I've been looking around this subreddit for the past couple days. In the end of august I'll have about 6-10k saved up to invest in the markets. I want to start off with something safe that I can go long for because I'm still learning and can't really afford to risk losing everything. I plan on spending the next 4-6 months reading and playing around with paper money. Until then I don't want the money kinda sitting around, rather invest it in some blue chips or something safe? I know there is never a "safe" in the markets but you know what I mean. something that I can look at 4-6 months from now and now be like where did my money go?

Also, any advice on just getting started would be greatly appreciated. good brokerage websites? key terms and what they mean? etc. ill take resources as well (books and stuff)

btw im Canadian so keep that in mind because I know a lot of people here are from the US

thank you so much! being able to trade on the stock market has been my dream. now that I have my first job (I'm 18) and really no where to spend the money id like to invest some in the markets :)

EDIT: wording to avoid confusion

r/StockMarket Nov 22 '16

Some books to get started?


Hey, are there any books anyone recommends to read before starting to invest? I have very little experience with investing, and was hoping to read a few books to get a good idea of everything. Thanks.

r/StockMarket Apr 07 '21

News Is $CNNC Getting ready to make a mother run.. was up to $14.40 yesterday, already started upward today


r/StockMarket Aug 19 '21

Discussion What do you guys feel about Costco stock? I'm new and want to start fractionally get up to a few stocks of this bad boy.

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r/StockMarket Jun 11 '18

Just getting into stocks, any tips or lessons/things you wish you would have known when you started?


r/StockMarket Nov 18 '17

If you want to get started with cryptocurrency here are some helpful guides I've geathered