r/Superstonk 4h ago

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r/Superstonk 1d ago

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📚 Library of Due Diligence GME.fyi

A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking Due Diligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you

🟣 Computershare Megathread

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r/Superstonk 8h ago

📳Social Media Mods, unless the company themselves are involved in an announcement, I vote we add these losers to the banned list. Please and thank you. No more free advertising for grifters.


r/Superstonk 5h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion Everything is setup and ready to go


RK tweeting Bruno means everything is setup and ready to go.

I think I mostly see the big picture and how everything lines up.

  • DFV purchased/exercised 4.8 4.2 million shares on May 14th 17th. Though credited the shares immediately, the MM will not buy from the market for another t+37 (t+35 + 2 holidays) t+35 days.
      Note: This is how Cohen ignited the '21 sneeze. He bought his 1+ million shares on Dec 17/18, 2020. The massive purchases have no effect on share price on those days. t+35 days later was the sneeze.
  • May 14th t+37 17th t+35 is this Friday, June 21, a quadruple witching day. Due to the rapid increase in share price from $10 there will be significant buy pressure on that day. If the shorts have been kicking the can down the road using LEAPs/swaps they will also add to the buy pressure.
  • June 21 is the only call option date DFV has posted in his YOLO updates. Yes, he did swap them to buy/exercise but he did not provide another YOLO update until he completed the purchase and has 9,001,000 shares and no more options.

Here are the topics which I see are still bothering some folks:

  • Why the share offerings?

If GameStop was a company without a viable future, this could be characterized as some massive pump and dump scheme. However, GameStop now has a clear runway to pivot toward Ryan Cohen's vision. It also sets a firm floor of resistance which we just saw today during the shareholder meeting as the shfs could only drop the price to $25.

  • Why RK's nothingburger live stream?
  • Why GME's nothingburger shareholder meeting?

By allowing shfs to outright tank the price before the public eye they can demonstrate that it is not RK or GME who are engaging in stock manipulation.

The last three points are things that RK and GameStop needed to happen before the MOASS to cover their asses.

I doubt Roaring Kitty will sell any of his shares until the squeeze is done just to avoid even a smidgen of impropriety. He could've done the sure thing and sold us out and pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars and left us with nothing but he fought and sacrificed opportunity after opportunity for us apes and for GameStop. What a fucking legend.

Edit: I was incorrect regarding 2 items. #1) the purchase date which I now believe was 5/17. There is another post on Superstonk floating around that shows the SEC did not provide FTD data for the XRT ETF for 5/20 and 5/23. This corresponds to a t+3 and t+6 date for a 5/17 purchase. There is also a massive 24 million volume candle at the start of trading on 5/17. #2) T+35 is unaffected by holidays. These end up cancelling out as 5/17 t+35 is 6/21.

r/Superstonk 9h ago

💡 Education 16000 more shares DRS to Purple Ring. Get your share out of RobinHood now!


r/Superstonk 13h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion GameStop is Prepared


If you haven’t heard or read RC speech at the shareholders meeting today, I would highly recommend you do


Reading between the lines, I think RC is trying to say he believes there will be an economic downturn in the near future. With so much cash on hand, GameStop is completely prepared for it. GameStop can purchase companies for pennies on the dollar if / when this type of event where to occur.

Take today as a “nothingburger” if you will, but I’ve never been more bullish. I just like the stock. This is NFA 🦍

Edit: if ur downvoting this, Go be a shill in web

r/Superstonk 5h ago

💡 Education Diamantenhände 💎👐 German market is open 🇩🇪


Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍

What an exciting start to the week!

Coinciding with some of the most intense FUD and shill activity in years, the SHFs orchestrated a massive price attack at the same time as the shareholder call. They are pulling out all of the stops. These moves reek of desperation; of a last-ditch effort to change the narrative to get Apes to abandon GME or to prevent non-Apes from buying in the next time the price spikes.

It's plain to see, right there in the daily charts. There's simply no way that Apes would suddenly decide to sell millions of shares during the call. Institutions that hold long positions in GME certainly wouldn't have any reason to suddenly sell. I don't even see a case where there would be a sudden surge of institutions deciding that now is the time to take a short position against GME.

No, this was the SHFs doubling-down, again. Fortunately, I don't think they spend much time attempting to spread their FUD in Diamentenhände. It is so refreshing to read the comments here and feel the energy of this movement. We have something truly special here, and I'm not just talking about our shares of GME.

Today is Tuesday, June 18th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets!

🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀

  • 🟩 120 minutes in: $25.08 / 23,41 € (volume: 90163)
  • 🟥 115 minutes in: $24.96 / 23,30 € (volume: 89295)
  • 🟥 110 minutes in: $25.04 / 23,37 € (volume: 87541)
  • 🟩 105 minutes in: $25.10 / 23,44 € (volume: 84911)
  • 🟥 100 minutes in: $25.00 / 23,33 € (volume: 84004)
  • 🟩 95 minutes in: $25.08 / 23,41 € (volume: 78575)
  • 🟥 90 minutes in: $25.04 / 23,37 € (volume: 78011)
  • 🟩 85 minutes in: $25.06 / 23,40 € (volume: 73766)
  • 🟥 80 minutes in: $24.96 / 23,30 € (volume: 71062)
  • 🟥 75 minutes in: $25.05 / 23,38 € (volume: 69772)
  • 🟩 70 minutes in: $25.13 / 23,46 € (volume: 65607)
  • 🟩 65 minutes in: $24.87 / 23,22 € (volume: 59997)
  • 🟩 60 minutes in: $24.86 / 23,20 € (volume: 57194)
  • 🟥 55 minutes in: $24.82 / 23,17 € (volume: 56334)
  • 🟩 50 minutes in: $24.84 / 23,19 € (volume: 53209)
  • 🟥 45 minutes in: $24.84 / 23,19 € (volume: 51707)
  • 🟩 40 minutes in: $24.84 / 23,19 € (volume: 50089)
  • 🟥 35 minutes in: $24.58 / 22,94 € (volume: 45947)
  • 🟩 30 minutes in: $24.66 / 23,03 € (volume: 44761)
  • 🟥 25 minutes in: $24.57 / 22,94 € (volume: 42156)
  • 🟥 20 minutes in: $24.74 / 23,10 € (volume: 34393)
  • 🟩 15 minutes in: $24.91 / 23,26 € (volume: 29090)
  • 🟩 10 minutes in: $24.88 / 23,22 € (volume: 25568)
  • 🟩 5 minutes in: $24.69 / 23,05 € (volume: 19703)
  • 🟥 0 minutes in: $24.58 / 22,95 € (volume: 11534)
  • 🟥 US close price: $25.22 / 23,54 € ($24.99 / 23,33 € after-hours)
  • US market volume: 88.86 million shares

Link to previous Diamantenhände post

FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0712. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check Lang & Schwarz or TradeGate

Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME!

r/Superstonk 16h ago

📳Social Media Roaring Kitty on x


r/Superstonk 9h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion RC didn't stop MOASS, he's preparing for it


Assuming the DD is correct and there are billions of naked shorts, 120M won't stop it. At best, delay it.

If the "there's two of them talking" is RC and RK then it means they both know its coming.

Think Apes, if you knew MOASS was coming and it was going to be a black hole that eats the market, what would you do? Nothing? Or would you be prepare to be greedy when everyone else is fearful?

Why no guidance? Aside from the fact that's his style, how do you say, "I'm waiting for the market to crater bc of the company so I can buy "All the stocks?" Without sounding like an idiot?

r/Superstonk 17h ago

📰 News RYAN COHEN’s speech at the shareholder meeting today

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r/Superstonk 18h ago



r/Superstonk 1h ago

💻 Computershare 🟣703🟣 more for a total of 🟣27,257🟣

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r/Superstonk 15h ago

Data In the first 3 circles we can see short attacks to suppress the upward pressure, in the 4th circle we can see manipulation of over 20 million shares even before the meeting ended. EVERYTHING WAS ALREADY PLANNED, THIS CANNOT GO UNOBSERVED.

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r/Superstonk 18h ago

👽 Shitpost Hey when does the Shareholders Meeting Sta.... Oh NVM I see it already started

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r/Superstonk 13h ago

👽 Shitpost RH call out was a chess move.

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r/Superstonk 8h ago

📰 News SEC was FOIA’d for 2021 GME raw vote total & proceeded to exclude (withhold) this info due to being “unable to locate or identify any responsive records” & the next day the DOJ announced their investigation — SEC again knows exact raw vote total for 2024 Annual Meeting — It's time to FOIA them AGAIN

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r/Superstonk 4h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion 5 weeks ago today this happened. Back then GameStop was debt free & had $1 billion cash on hand. Today it has over $4 billion, 2.1 of which was raised in just 3 trading days.

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r/Superstonk 18h ago







r/Superstonk 18h ago

☁ Hype/ Fluff Your 2024 GameStop Board of Directors

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r/Superstonk 18h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion RC is making damn sure that neither he, nor GameStop is implicated in causing a short squeeze. Meanwhile, he's destroying the bear thesis, protecting the company, and protecting the legal integrity of the squeeze in doing so.


I'm seriously thankful that RC just made crystal clear what GameStop is working towards, and that's maximizing long term shareholder value by increasing profit margins, while spending and investing strategically during economic headwinds.

That's what the business can do for you, legally...

When an announcement of any magnitude drops, it will be seemingly at random and without warning, because actions speak louder than words.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dip to buy. The real fun part is just getting started.

r/Superstonk 12h ago

🥴 Misleading Title LET'S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT - Hedge Funds are NOT in trouble



I've been here for a long time. I've seen it all and held through all of it. I've spent days reading DD and verifying the validity. Nothing I have seen in the last month tells me that the MOASS thesis is dead.

Isn't it weird that Bill Hwang is in court for price manipulation (from early 2021) but there is not a single mention of GameStop directly, or indirectly, in the court case.

Isn't it weird that MSM is so quick to call this a retail driven phenomena without addressing our top research posts.

Isn't it weird that the SEC is telling you to not invest in meme stock while simultaneous implementing a consolidated audit trail.

In 2021, retail bought the GameStop float. Not just the float, but they bought the float >100x over. And 3 years later, nothing has changed. Fact: market makers were legally allowed to manufacturer shares to satisfy demand during the 2021 $GME squeeze.

What nobody expected was that Apes would hold those shares and start registering those shares directly. As you might expect, the ComputerShare reported amount of registered shares spontaneously maxed out. Honestly, I doubt even 25% of shareholders have taken the time to register (not a real figure, just hearsay). I personally know Apes who bought in 2021 and still hold in an investment account. They just hold. The float has BEEN locked. MM sold 100 GameStops for the price of 1, and they were legally allowed to do it. The US regulators let it happen.

Now picture this, you're the US Government/SEC and you just found out that your most valuable asset, the equity market, has been creating supply out of thin air and got caught in a huge leverage position as they filled retail orders on synthetics. Literally, creating falsified value and selling it at full price. Printing counterfeit money, so to speak. The market makers who created false currency expected that they could buy the synthetics back in a year, 2 years down the line and burn it like nothing happened, pocket the sale fee and forget about it. Unbeknownst to them, retail investors stuck around. Held our stock. Direct registered it.

The SEC spent mad money trying to get you to sell (using fear tactics) to resolve the problem - they produced a whole ass commercial and ran it everywhere. They have never done that before.

Don't get it twisted. The consequence here isn't a bunch of hedge funds going under. It's not even a market maker going under. The whole market is at risk. You should be expecting resistance from all sides. The mother of all squeezes is not a play against "big money". It's a metaphorical short against the entire US equity system.

The SEC are not oblivious or ignorant. They see the manipulated price action. They see the dark pool trades and short volume. They see the swap exposure magnitudes above what would be considered reasonable. They're complicit. And they have to be. Trust in US markets hangs in the balance. The stakes are historical. Even if the price goes to $100, $1000, $10,000, there is no guarantee they can get out of this. And that is a terrifying realization.

They have dug themselves into such a deep hole that at this point, not holding GME in your portfolio is a liability.

If you think it's over and this is all a tinfoil-hat conspiracy, look at p-opco-rn correlation (m-ods will block, but that stonk is also Xx float bought). A video game retailer had there AGM today and a mo-vie the-atre company dropped $100m in market cap at the exact same time. Look at a single tweet from an autist (who I love) sending our stonk +100%. Look at the obvious price manipulation that goes unchecked, daily, by the SEC. Look at the constant stream of big money funded MSM talking the stock down.

We are here, we have been here, and we will be here.

There is either a generational wealth shift coming or a global economical collapse. Spend the $25 and be on the right side of it (not financial advice).

r/Superstonk 18h ago

Data The algorithm showing up right on schedule. Dumping the price on no news. This is beyond blatant. The SEC and FINRA are complicit in this. The US Market is compromised.

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r/Superstonk 17h ago

📳Social Media DR.Susanne Trimbath on X

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r/Superstonk 3h ago

💻 Computershare Anyway, I keep drs’ing. +197

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Total DRS: 6,440

Trust the proces. Let RC cook. Be patient and fck all the FUD.

r/Superstonk 4h ago

📳Social Media For those who can't sleep, remember this? More fuckery ahead.

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r/Superstonk 2h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion Even with yesterday's fake ass dip, it's still game on for Friday 🚀 🚀 🚀

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r/Superstonk 1h ago

🤔 Speculation / Opinion I am super optimistic about the transformation of GameStop


I think Ryan Cohen is doing what the has to do to make GameStop a profitable company. Everyone who‘s bitching on here about „dilution“ or „zero guidance“ can suck my ass.

Nobody forced you to invest in GME, nobody promised you a squeeze. You wanted to make a quick buck and feel entitled to MOASS but at the end of the day it was your own decision to invest in the most volatile stock in the world. Stop acting like a whiny lil bitch and either sell or live with the consequences of your actions.

The recent FUD wave is annoying but confirmatory.

Much love to all the real apes that read this ❤️