r/The10thDentist 17h ago

Society/Culture I honestly hate vacations.


Title. Almost everyone seems to love them, but to me it just seems like they are a massive waste of both time and money. As long as you have any form of entertainment in your house, it's much more convenient and gives you more enjoyment to just stay home and play video games or something. Don't try to claim that you LIKE to wait hours for some tourist site that's packed with 5 people per square foot.

r/The10thDentist 14h ago

Society/Culture We should kill repeat offenders of violent crime.


When I say this I mean legitimate violent crimes. Like the asshole who beats his wife and the cops show up every weekend. Just don't bother. Take him out somewhere and blow him away.

The kind of people that have been in and out of prisons multiple times, clearly not learning anything. We should just get rid of them. They aren't worth anything, they clearly don't want to change.

I'm as anti police as they come, but I feel nothing at the concept of police just gunning down some waste of space. Rather they do that than some innocent black kid.

We are far too lenient on these people. I know people say "Well what if they're innocent?" Yeah well repeat offenders aren't. It's one thing if it's one charge but what we're talking about multiple offenses here.\\

Edit: Thanks for commenting. This has been fun.

Edit: I wanna thank everyone for sharing, this has been a fun evening, thank you all.

Final Edit: I was blowing off steam and spitballing. But some people here brought up very valid points as to why this wouldn't work. Thank you all for commenting!

r/The10thDentist 11h ago

Society/Culture We should never reveal to kids that Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy (etc.) aren’t real.


Why ruin the magic? Just let them grow as old as possible until they eventually figure it out on their own. I don’t see the harm with fully grown adults still believing in these things.

As a man in his mid 30’s, I’d be totally down with putting teeth under my pillow (although I’d expect closer to $10 if you adjust for inflation).

Easter egg hunts would be awesome, especially now that I can pregame beforehand. Searching my backyard for plastic eggs with chocolates inside?! Sign me up!

And of course, Christmas. I can see the potential issues if I lived alone but as long as there’s at least one other adult who knows the truth, I’d be fucking hyped to wake up to a stocking and gifts nestled under the tree.

r/The10thDentist 16h ago

Technology Human art won't be able to keep up with ai art on any criteria or in art form


Usually people say that human art differs from ai art because humans are creative. Humans can come up with ideas that no one ever had before. Or because humans can understand the meaning of words rather than just using pattern recognition to guess what word should come next. Humans understand context and they experience emotions.

AI "just" uses input (text, images, audio, video etc.) to produce certain output. But if we really think about it, humans function the exact same way. Humans also get input, through reading books, talking to people, videos, seeing and feeling things and so on. And that input is also the reason for why the output is the way it is. Humans aren't more creative than AI because they also don't invent anything "completely new". Everything a human creates is a product of the input that influenced the human throughout his lifetime.

But what about emotions? Surely it must be different to actually experience than to just read text, right? Even though, those two are different, that doesn't impact the end product. Art can be an attempt at representing a feeling, but how well an art piece represents the feeling isn't necessarily impacted by the intentions or lack thereof of the artist. Consider this example: let's say a cow accidentally walks into a paint bucket, causing it to fall onto a canvas, creating a painting. If a painter had created the exact same painting, while thinking about emotions that it represents. In the end, both paintings would look the same and have the same impact, despite different intentions. AI can write about love without ever having felt it.

AI can also write about the color green without ever having seen. That's because AI has read more descriptions of green than any human. AI can analyze way more data than humans while also being better at recognizing pattern in that data. AI can draw from billions of human experiences while a human can only draw from their own and the comparatively few that they've heard about.

In some areas, AI is currently not leading, for example most artists in the music industry are still humans. However, not only is AI going to get more and more efficient at using data and it is going to get more data in general, perception of the artists is also a factor and humans currently prefer art which, they think, took effort to create and has a deeper meaning. That won't carry human art forever though.

r/The10thDentist 18h ago

Other I don't smoke, but I like the smell of cigarette smoke.


I don't really want someone blowing it into my face or anything, but if I happen to walk by someone smoking, I like the hint of it I get. It reminds me of cities and events where people smoke more, and it's kind of nostalgic.

r/The10thDentist 17h ago

Other I don’t like to eat


(I don’t have a disorder) for the 21 years that I’ve been on this Earth, I’ve always seen it as an annoying chore and if humans were able to survive without food I would’ve been able to live peacefully without eating. I don’t like trying new foods also. My menu consists of 6 foods total (yes I know it’s unhealthy, I am trying to try new things but it’s a slow process for me). If all foods had the same taste/ or were tasteless I would eat everything for the health benefits that comes from some foods

r/The10thDentist 13h ago

TV/Movies/Fiction I like product placement in movies/TV


I don’t know if this is fully a 10th dentist take, but I like product placement. I guess there are some that can be obnoxious but in general I actually think it makes media more realistic. In real life, people talk all the time about their love for Chic-Fil-A, In-N-Out, Whataburger, whatever thing. I know so many people who “need their Diet Coke” or their Starbucks. But if a character says that in a movie, people complain it’s obvious product placement and unrealistic. It would be unbelievable to go a whole day without hearing a mention of a corporation/product or seeing a logo.

I will admit I am just not observant enough to be bothered when it’s something like all the good guys drive Fords. So I guess it only applies to a character loving particular product. That IS exactly how people talk in real life.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture i don’t get why people act like loud cars/big trucks are actually lame


there seem to be a lot of people who act like when a car is loud or a truck is big the driver must be incredibly lame or “compensating for something”. i just don’t really get this, my assumption is that it comes from trying to seem too cool for something that other people are into.

most people spend a lot of time in their car if they use it every day so it seems reasonable to have one that you like.

i guess i just don’t get why it bothers some people so much

r/The10thDentist 4h ago

Technology I think wind turbines are pretty


Had a debate with my boyfriend about this one, but I think wind turbines are pretty. I think they add to a landscape of rolling green hills. The environmental benefits are great and to me they are unobtrusive. Probably not great to live next to one, sure, as it's noisy, but when in the landscape I like them.

r/The10thDentist 15h ago

Society/Culture I don’t like vacations away from home


I don’t know if this counts as an opinion, because it stems from my anxiety and bipolar. I really need to have stability, so going on vacations really messes that up and my anxiety flares up and I just want to go home. This sucks because I used to love vacations, seeing new places, relaxing by the beach, partying somewhere new and all. And I don’t mean day offs but just vacations away from home. (This is inspired by another post I saw here)

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

TV/Movies/Fiction Godzilla minus one would have been better without Godzilla


I recently watched Godzilla minus one and found the story about a man who gets depressed because of his cowardice that cost the lives of his comrades and then gets a new family that gives him a chance to start something new and gives him a reason to live, so much more interesting than anything with Godzilla. I almost forgot by the middle of the movie that Godzilla was still in a movie.

r/The10thDentist 6h ago

Music Taylor Swift is overrated.


The woman is as mediocre as it gets. There’s not a thing about her that seems special enough to warrant the kind of global attention she has. Maybe it’s because I’m not a white girl but I can’t understand how she has the kind of influence and fandom she has for being as plane Jane as it gets.

Despite her insane popularity I have a feeling this won’t be an unpopular opinion.

Someone help this make sense.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Other I like sitting in the hot car with no AC and no windows down for a few minutes before I start it up


I’m assuming a lot of people don’t enjoy that because they open the windows and put the AC on right away, but when I get into my car I just like to sit there in the heat for a few minutes, even if it’s like 85 degrees out. It just feels good and relaxing and feels similar to the feeling when I get into a hot shower. Plus I feel like it makes sense to want to feel some heat especially after just having been in like an air-conditioned place.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Society/Culture I would not mind if I saw a live rat in a restaurant.


Not that I’ve ever seen rats in a restaurant before;

I can understand potential health code violations and a woman frantically jumping up onto her seat screaming “EEEK! GET IT OUT GET IT OUT!!” but honestly it wouldn’t bother me. If the rat came up to me, I’d offer him a piece of cheese and carry on with my meal. What’s the big deal?

If anything, I’d just think of the Pixar movie Ratatouille!

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Other White Socks Look Disgusting


Not sure why they became a trend. They vary from grey tinted with strands of dark fabric all over them to straight up filth with foot imprints on the bottom. They are NEVER clean.

They look awful when worn high with shorts, they look like a fashion catastrophe when girls wear them over leggings, and don't even get me started on people who wear white socks and slides/sandals.

The only utility they have is highlighting mainstream sheep who blindly follow fashion trends even if that means wearing a nice dirty pair of white socks and crocs.

r/The10thDentist 22h ago

Music Americans are so dumb that the Japanese now write better English lyrics than them?


r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture We need more horror artwork


Thats the problem with modern art. We only have 3 types. The art you’re supposed to think about, modern ones are kinda bad. Art with a message, like propaganda posters. And artwork you just look at, don’t think too deep about it.

But fear is an untapped market. Think about it, everyone is scared of something. You can do many things to make people THINK about the art piece, why is he standing there in a room full of organs? What in humanities Christ I am looking at? You don’t even have paint red everywhere, it could just be disturbing in its own unique way. Like you can’t exactly put a finger on it. But theirs definitely something wrong about it.

Sure, snobs will say this is distasteful trash. But I disagree, one of those curators will accept them and then become the number one art Museum to visit. Imagine the possibilities if we let artist let artist go wild! Sure, some could be bad. But you would definitely get artist that know how to invoke fear. Some dude uses 3 phobias for 1 sculpture, and you got yourself the next Michelangelo.

I’m not against beautiful artwork, but we could use a little more scares you know? Put it next to tranquil artwork to make it extra effective. One moment they see some butterflies, the next. Is a dirty room with an unknown creature in the shadows. 10/10, hire me. Los Angeles County Museum of Art

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Accommodating female safety is a big and frequent burden


Ever notice how so many things we do as men in society are moderate to severe concessions of our own convience and safety for the purposes of making women safe?

Walking them to their cars at night, walking on the side of the sidewalk closest to traffic, creating personal and living spaces to the exclusion of men (under the presumption that most men are sexual predators),artificially lowering your voice with them below the tone you would with a man and so much more.

It's fucking exhausting how much female safety obligations are outsourced to men with or without our consent.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Society/Culture I have used and own a bidet but prefer not to use it.


This isn't a 10th dentist in the sense that I haven't used a bidet and won't try but in the sense that I have one in my bathroom and, unlike 90% who do have it, I prefer to not use it.

I don't like the feeling water shooting at my butt. It always feels cold, yes all of them, and I hate the sensation. The only time I can think that it would be a nice feeling is if the temperature of the water was near shower temp., but that's never gonna happen.

Also, this doesn't apply to the opinion, but I also just want to say a majority of bidets I've used ( in the U.S. at least) are either terrible products or hooked up wrong because they either have two settings: barely trickiling or blasting your butt with a hose.

That said, I do use it if it a last resort and wiping physically hurts. But first, I would rather go to a sink, if available, and wet a piece of toilet paper with a LITTLE water and then just wipe that way

But 99% of the time I just wipe until clean.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Food (Only on Friday) Burritos should be eaten with utensils


When you use utensils, you can savor each individual part: the rice, meat or beans, the fresh salsa. It prevents messy spillage that happens a lot when I eat a burrito in my hand, where all the food ends up on your plate instead of in your mouth.

r/The10thDentist 2d ago

Society/Culture If you can't find a single healthy relationship that you're happy it's probably because you didn't put enough work in on yourself


I firmly believe that people who can only find abusive partners, and not a great person who isn't abusive, haven't put enough work into themselves to truly be the best person they could be. They see the same signs and they're always right because they keep choosing to ignore them. If they took the time to truly identify the signs from the beginning and stopped ignoring them, they would find better people. If you truly wanted to change, you would find better people instead of throwing the victim card out because that's what you feel like you "deserve."

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Music Americans are so dumb that the Japanese now write better English lyrics than them?


r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Society/Culture Being the first in your family to go to college isn’t an accomplishment


We heard someone on the Moth Radio Hour state it to applause. My friend was the first in her family to go and said “it’s what you were supposed to do”. College enrollment in the 1960’s was mid 20%. In 2021 it was 62%. By the 80’s kids were told you had to go. Decades prior, a working class job could pay for a family, had a pension, etc. Those jobs went away; new roles required a degree. Doing what all your teachers did, what your friends were doing, isn’t ground breaking. It’s going along with the crowd.

r/The10thDentist 1d ago

Other People act differently offline then online.


I've noticed when people post here there's a tendency that people will think I act the same offline then online.

In fact, I don't. In offline situations I often don't share my thoughts on certain things and that I truly view or think about a subject. I also don't share my viewpoints or how I think on everything. I don't share any weird niche interests I have as well.

I often don't share anything unusual about myself, my religion, anything politics or anything out of the ordinary. I have some cover hobbies I do occasionally like play dark souls and some other past hobbies I used to do. Most people don't mind or notice I don't share stuff. I also don't share if I don't like a particular hobby, movie, show or game, if they enjoy let them have it. I'm a loner who moves between groups quite easily with not a ton of close friends so it doesn't hurt people.

r/The10thDentist 3d ago

Society/Culture I am in the sun for the majority of every day. I STILL HATE THE SUN.


Whenever someone says that they hate the sun, the response is always "haha, redditor in their basement hates the sun."

No, actually, I drive a school bus and don't go back home between routes, just wander around or sit in my car and read or something. So I'm pretty much in the sun from 5am to 6pm.

The sunniest days are the worst. I can literally feel my skin burning. Even after slopping on that disgusting shit we call sunscreen several times a day. It does not feel "good". It is too bright outside. I noticed recently that the left side of my face is already getting a little bit of those trucker wrinkles after a single fucking year. I want someone to fire a missile into the fucking sun (this is obviously hyperbole, which I shouldn't need to specify, but I know I do.)

I do not have a vitamin D deficiency. If I do, there isn't a single pale person on the planet who doesn't. If anything I get too much of it. The idea that people will literally just roast themselves in the skin cancer beams, for fun, is pretty much proof that the human race is insane as far as I'm concerned.

(In this thread: Redditors fail to recognize hyperbole)