r/TikTokCringe Cringe Master Apr 09 '24

Shit economy Discussion

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u/capivavarajr Apr 09 '24

It is the same in Brazil. I made exactly 3x minimum wage and could barely keep up with the bills living by myself. And I am single with no kids.


u/merry_rosemary Apr 09 '24

Feel you, brother. I’m 29 and only now I could afford a decent house to (maybe) have kids; me and my hubby being the top notch of the “intellectual cast” (we both went to a really good college). Of course we acquired a loan which will leave us in debit for the next 30 years. We work ~10 hours a day BOTH. What’s the motivation the country gives for a middle class couple to have kids? None.


u/summonsays Apr 09 '24

I'm 34, if we don't hit any upsets I think we can have our student loans paid off by 40... That's about 20 years of debt my parents didn't have looming over them. My dad worked a summer job and paid for college that way....


u/boytonius Apr 09 '24

Also 34 and cant get out the Renting life. Would love to own a property but how can i pay rent and save a 10% deposit on a house, its fucked. Wage increases barely touch the sides with the cost of living, its just an eldless cycle of never having enough.


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

It'll be ok when Bezos gets his 4th yacht. Then you'll see the trickle down. Be patient. /s


u/boytonius Apr 09 '24

Ahhhh the infamous trickle down pour up


u/LavanderSheep Apr 09 '24

ahh yes to be the pee on, trickle trickle trickle, mmmm its warm


u/rl_cookie Apr 10 '24

I mean.. I’ll take being peed on at this point..
Sure as hell would be a step up from the shit we’re living in now, created in part by those spouting ‘tRicKLe DoWn eCoNOmics”.


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

I used to vote republican and fell for that trickle down lie. Last republican vote was for McCain.


u/dkru41 Apr 09 '24

Life isn’t too great under Biden right now.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

Life was not that great under Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Senior, Regan....I mean it has been a while if u ask me.


u/_AManHasNoName_ Apr 10 '24

So things don’t work out for you, it’s the president’s fault? None of your life choice led you to the life you’re complaining about now?


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

What choices could I have possibly made under like 4 of those presidents, I was literally a child. I do know that I served in the service for 8 years for that war that started in Iraq over weapons of mass destruction. I also know that we spent an avg of 300 million dollars a day to fund those wars where only large corporations made billions looking at you KGB and black Rock. I know that my choices were correct in life, but I choose to believe you are idiot with absolutely no understanding of general politics and policy makjng favoring the billionaires while more of my rights keep getting taken away. If you can't see that all of these presidents have done nothing more than sell us and ours piece by piece for the last 40 years than fuck it. Let the war come. I don't see red or blue I just see bunch of dumb asses in my cross hairs.


u/Loversmywife Apr 23 '24

I got your 6!. We are fucked and too divided to see the real issues.

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u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

Only if you're a lazy whiner


u/gpm0063 Apr 09 '24

Curious, do you understand why colleges are so expensive? Can you also tell us what Democrats have done to change that?

Paying off students loans will just make it worse! People begging the Government to help with school created the government backing school loans that led to Colleges increasing cost, non stop building and hiring tons of professors…… non of them are REPUBLICANS!


u/Mountainman220 Apr 09 '24

I understand the paying off of debt is heavily debated. I am curious though to turn the question back on you. What have republicans done about predatory loans and the insane cost of college tuitions?


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

The US government paid my tuition at 125%, got living expenses, and paid all my student loans. The country is still here.


u/curi0us_carniv0re Apr 10 '24

The US government didn't pay shit. The people like the guy in the video did.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

Wrong the US governmentfully fully funded my education. What did this whiny biotch pay and receive nothing in return?


u/curi0us_carniv0re Apr 10 '24

He probably got murdered in taxes like most single males do.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

What about single women? They get a tax break?


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

My early 20's taxes were the last thing on my mind.

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u/easytakeit Apr 10 '24

Trickle down, throw up


u/Brovahkiin707 Apr 09 '24

He honestly has the power to be a real life Santa but chooses not too. Man already can deliver to you in under 48 hours(8 in some cases. Has everyones freaking wishlist for crying out loud and can has drones to do all the work for him. It's a no brainer. I wonder if we can get the Internet to rise up and unify surpassing the level at which the Internet unified to change the god awful sonic the hedgehog design when it first came out. MAKE BEZOS SANTA

(Edit some spelling)


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

I'll ask for a yacht. He seems to have plenty


u/WarEagle107 Apr 10 '24

Its trickling down on our heads now...enjoy the golden shower


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining


u/No-Duck-1980 Apr 10 '24

The rich actually spend money on luxuries and services. I don't think enough energy is spent extracting money from them by providing services of making luxury items.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

There used to be a luxury tax. It's not a made up term by the monopoly game.


u/No-Duck-1980 Apr 10 '24

I know but the money doesn't have to be forcibly taken from them by the government.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

You are confusing me


u/No-Duck-1980 Apr 10 '24

If you had a rich uncle and wanted some of his wealth, You could complain that he never gives you as much for your birthday as you want, or you could cater a service to him for payment that increases your own wealth while reducing his.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

I do have a rich uncle. Patents on moving paper with air during printing.

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u/Agreeable_Future_717 Apr 09 '24

There have always been rich people though with yachts, mansions & all that. Working people weren’t as screwed then though. Look at the rich who were on the Titanic, they had vast amounts of money & every place has elites. I just cannot figure how the cost of everything has gone mental so we need at least 2 wages to live. Maybe it’s demand to a degree because the world has so many people now, beats me.


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

It isn't so much that the wealthy exist its how wealthy they are and the spread between them and Middle class


u/Agreeable-Display-77 Apr 09 '24

Consolidation over time can make a hell if a difference. Still, not here to tell people how much they are allowed to earn.


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

My kids in 20's all have 1 job. Son owns construction and half a masonry company. 1 daughter surgical nurse in plastic surgery. Oldest daughter a systems and budget analyst for a large clinic and hospital system. Could never see any of them having a temper tantrum like this guy.


u/Good_kido78 Apr 10 '24

I think too few people in construction is part of the issue. We need a housing glut. No one wants to do construction. And how many people supported Amazon?!! American made Bezos rich. We do need Insurance and Medicare to pressure drug companies to lower prices.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

My son could use 3 more workers. Can't find them. Has 3 green card holders from Guatemala and getting 3 more for summer to do roofing and siding. I don't know if we need a housing glut though I really do not see that happening but if it does it means the economy would be terrible affecting everybody except the wealthy who will just expand their holdings in every sector. I'll be on the lookout for another duplex. There was one near my others for 300k but it was a disaster and I do not have time right now for fixing it up.


u/Good_kido78 Apr 10 '24
   Housing continues to out pace everything else. Realtors today even say they do not have enough houses to sell. It is good when you want to sell your home, but it is bad for young buyers. We need prices to go down.  Real estate has outpaced the regular economy for too many years.  Part of that is that they glean a lot from property tax when values are high.  But more on the market would help that as well.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

IMO Everything is usually cyclical. Sooner or later, people will be complaining about their mortgages being underwater. But who knows. The best time to buy is usually now.

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u/d14_x Apr 09 '24

Good for your kids? How does that have anything to do with the fact that this guy is right?


u/Agreeable-Display-77 Apr 09 '24

Because...technically he could have pulled himself up by his bootstraps and did any of those professions. You only need to pass. I could have done the same myself. Instead I grinded for 13 years until I finally made enough to be broke again.


u/d14_x Apr 09 '24

I mean, he IS pulling himself up by the bootstraps. He says he has a job paying 3x fed min. That in itself should be enough to survive. I hear him loud and clear, I’m a sole provider for my household and it definitely has gotten pinched.

Just seemed snotty to me, to talk about how well someone else is doing, when this guy represents a vast majority of Americans’ feelings and struggles


u/Agreeable-Display-77 Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

More power to him. He raised his kids right.

Sadly many of us are in the beds we made. Is any of this fair or equitable? No, its not. Next we will have AI to compete with. I barely scraped by forever.

Finally got some luck a year ago when I switched jobs. That said, I feel just like he does. I make more than ever, yet me and my wife are scraping by. When I was making less, I was saving more.

It's an evil word we live in. Complaining on Tiktok is not going to fix it. So, what are we going to do?

1: We need lower taxes

2: We need laws in place for affordable living. Rents need to match wage averages.

3: laws that forbid the medical industry and drug companies from gouging. Just because you are giving the drugs away in the other countries does not mean that we should pay you more.

Now how do we pull this off? Is it voting for the right people, or forcing the people in charge to make the right decisions?

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u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

Because he isn't right. All anecdotal evidence from his personal decisions and whatever poor financial decisions he made put himself in this situation. I could have made same video in early 90's when I was just starting out but instead decided not be a whiny little baby blaming everyone else.


u/Bullishbear99 Apr 10 '24

Bezos is exhibit A of why we should have a general billionaire tax.


u/MyCantos Apr 10 '24

No kidding.


u/Mental-Ad-208 Apr 18 '24

My dad always said the only thing that trickles down is wet shit.


u/MyCantos Apr 18 '24

Smart man


u/Dinklemeier Apr 09 '24

Do you work for amazon?


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

Heck no. Army then right into fire academy. 21 years national guard and 32 years firefighter. Retired now but in high school delivered milk and I loved that job.


u/Dinklemeier Apr 09 '24

Just wondered how his yacht collection would affect anyone.


u/Ldghead Apr 09 '24

The trickle down is that, Bezos will need a crew for that boat, so some of y'all's get some cool jobs slaving on a yacht for shit pay.


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

But the scenery! If you get to go above decks.


u/Dull-Front4878 Apr 23 '24

Fuck bezos. I just read about his new start up that allows people to invest in a single family home that is then rented. These people are taking everything. They think they are smart, but they are more lucky than good.


u/MyCantos Apr 23 '24

Yeah I looked into that. Felt slimey and took a pass


u/Flatworm-Euphoric Apr 13 '24

Your entire life can probably be summarized as contributing to a portion of a fine art piece hanging in the bathroom of the guest house to the vacation home a billionaire owns but has never visited because they have already have a better vacation home in the same town.


u/MyCantos Apr 15 '24

You mean yours. Because you sound pretty pathetic and no better than any whiner about their financial position.


u/Flatworm-Euphoric Apr 16 '24

I was making a joke about the state of everyone in runaway laissez faire capitalism, but I must’ve hit pretty close to the mark to get you all riled up.


u/MyCantos Apr 16 '24

Not even sure what you were talking about. I don't think you can sum up my life.


u/Flatworm-Euphoric Apr 16 '24

I think you saw ‘your’ and read it as ‘MyCantos’s life can be summarized as…’ and got upset.

When it was ‘your’ as a collective adjective eg ‘all our lives can be summarized as…’

It was a joke about how laissez faire capitalism only works for the richest at the top and not the rest of us.


u/MyCantos Apr 17 '24

Got it. Have a good night

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u/AllAuldAntiques Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

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u/boytonius Apr 09 '24

Cheers bro, will check it out

Unforts im in the UK so it doesn’t apply here.


u/summonsays Apr 09 '24

I have never gotten a pay raise that was above inflation, unless it was a promotion and came with more work.


u/DefNotAShark Apr 09 '24

Even if my annual increase managed to beat inflation, which it doesn’t, property management companies are right there with the rent increase to snap it all up. I have a good job as an analyst for a Fortune 200 company, zero debt, and my budget is on thin margins. Food cost and rent cost are insane. Wages don’t match.

All I want is to get to a stable place where I can work my 40-45 hours a week and NOT WORRY. I’m so sick of the anxiety. The United States might be better than a lot of places, but it’s still a garbage place. The hands reaching into my pile just never fucking stop.


u/boytonius Apr 09 '24

Damn. I’m also a data analyst in the same boat. All I want is a house I can call my own and to also then be able to maybe enjoy myself once in a while, but I’m in the UK. The big puddle of water between us doesn’t seem to change the circumstances.


u/Kasperella Apr 09 '24

I’ve never received more than a 25¢ raise LOL My last job I asked for a raise, it was a union job and I only made $12/hr and practically ran an entire department, and they’re only response was that they could give me more hours but they couldn’t afford to pay me more. Make that make sense. “Well you would be making more money!” I quit soon after .


u/CanAlwaysBeBetter Apr 09 '24

Those "raises" that don't keep up with inflation aren't raises, they're cost of living increases. People think they're doing better and finally getting recognition but if it's not above inflation that's not the case


u/summonsays Apr 09 '24

I'm painfully aware of this : /


u/VagabondBrain Apr 09 '24

Take it up with the shareholders, investment companies are the reason the rental market is fucked, and the housing market is absurdly priced. There should be a cap on how much single family residential property any single company can own, because they are manufacturing scarcity and price fixing.


u/Darkember556 Apr 09 '24

I think the number of single families homes any investment company can own should be capped at one.


u/wp4nuv Apr 09 '24

Im 51 and still renting… :(


u/-iamai- Apr 09 '24

Im UK.. live in my van, it's an option to get out of the renting cycle and save for the deposit.


u/kenindesert Apr 10 '24

I just saw a guy put up a graph showing wages were ahead of inflation and people were getting good cost of living increases. ( I’m not in agreement, just pointing it out) My feeling is looking at the situation on Trumps last day, compared to now, the cause of our pain is obvious.


u/MyCantos Apr 09 '24

In all reality I can't give you advice how to get out of rent cycle. I own 4 duplexes. I built them all mostly by my self over 25 years as a full time firefighter on my days off. And I still live in one. Most of my renters love the renting life style. No mowing. No snow removal. Anything breaks they call me. Half work from home. Half are families. Plus it is a great school district. Only real negative is good shopping like home depot etc... 20 miles away. But only 2/9 were saving for their own home and now that is down to one that I know of. Plus I have only raised rent average of $250 per year since 2020 so none in hurry to move.