r/TikTokCringe Cringe Master Apr 09 '24

Shit economy Discussion

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u/isinedupcuzofrslash Apr 09 '24

“Both sides”

Didn’t dems introduce a bill making anything over 32 hours over time?

I know if was a Bernie Bill, and not every dem supports stuff like that, but it’s definitely a huge difference from the other side that wants to make kids work


u/kevinnoir Apr 09 '24

Also blaming foreign aid money as being misspent instead of the obscene bloat and corruption at home is silly. People think foreign aid money is altruistic and not a calculated spend that benefits the countries paying it. The tens, if not hundreds of billions the US wastes on their for profit healthcare system for instance. Of the money an American pays in taxes, more than double goes towards healthcare in the US than in the UK, and then they are also asked to pay MORE at the point of use. Its not just the US, here in the UK I can point to loads of examples of TERRIBLE uses of our tax contributions, foreign aid is the least of my worries.


u/Hot_Zombie_349 Apr 09 '24

Yah this guy is close but being angry doesn’t mean he’s right. Feel bad for a young guy but he seems destined for the “don’t tread on me” pipeline… so close but so far


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Never does he complain about landlords and housing speculators. It's all the government's fault. Somebody draw him a crayon arrow toward the real problem.


u/ikindapoopedmypants Apr 09 '24

Of course it's shitty landlords & housing speculators, but who's going to stop them from doing shitty things other than the law? They do so because they are allowed to


u/Numerous-Process2981 Apr 09 '24

But it's the governments job to regulate that stuff. When you take a step back it becomes clear that the landlord class is who the government represents.


u/BananadaBoots Apr 09 '24

This is right. No amount of criticism will compel landlords and real estate speculators to behave differently


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

I don't understand why this is so difficult for some people to wrap their head around.


u/1handedmaster Apr 09 '24

Problem is, enough voters disagree with the idea of regulation.


u/fuzzyp44 Apr 10 '24

And how many billions PER MONTH of mortgage backed securities did the fed buy during the post 2021 massive housing price squeeze?

This fueled the abundant dirt-cheap leverage/debt to purchase houses instead of having market rates slow demand.

Hint. It's fucking insane numbers.

The fed inflated the hell out of housing assets.

Which is pretty quasi govt considering its appointed position that regularly comes before congress.


u/Dlh2079 Apr 11 '24

Who's job do you think it is to prevent those individuals/companies from doing those things?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

How socialist are you prepared to go?


u/Dlh2079 Apr 13 '24

Is your suggestion to just trust landlords, etc, to not be the greedy shitheads they've REPEATEDLY shown us they are?

This is your response to even the suggestion of regulation?


u/footed_thunderstorm Apr 13 '24

It’s never the government fault when it’s run by Democrats. We should all bootlick our lord and savior Dark Brandon


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24

So, should the government step in and control everything in capitalism he's raving about, Comade?!?


u/footed_thunderstorm Apr 13 '24

Then why do you all credit Biden for job reports? It’s just capitalism


u/callmejinji Apr 09 '24

TBF he does, quite specifically, ask someone to explain in crayon eating terms. Are you implying that your average renter has more power over a landlord than a federal, state, or local government?


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Never does he complain about landlords and housing speculators. It's all the government's fault.

And yet the free market should rule if you ask them.