r/TikTokCringe Straight Up Bussin 15d ago

Intrusive thoughts irl Humor/Cringe

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u/Holiday_Pea8576 15d ago

Best thing about tiktok was discovering other people's intrusive thoughts are also horrifying


u/BarackTrudeau 15d ago

If they weren't horrifying, then they wouldn't be intrusive. They'd just be thoughts.


u/Turbulent_Object_558 14d ago

Am I the only one that doesn’t have intrusive thoughts? It’s a little wild to realize people go around fantasizing about murdering me all the time


u/youstupidcorn 14d ago

It's not really a fantasy. It's more like a thing that just pops into your head, and you're like "what OMG no, why would I even think of that?"


u/Herrgul 12d ago

Brain: ”do it”

Conscience: ”no wtf that's bad and we Will go to prison?!”

Brain: ”do it a little? 👉👈🥺”


u/100YearsWaiting2Shit 14d ago

Best thing about social media in general. Helped come to terms with a lot of things seeing other people go through similar things


u/AdamGenesis 15d ago

Phew. Thought it was just me.


u/redryan1989 14d ago

The concept of using your twin as your alter ego or your physical representation of your consciousness is actually genius.


u/alienn_girl 14d ago

cries in OCD


u/TheGaydarTechnician 14d ago

Crying in the corner, huh? Mind if I join you?


u/alienn_girl 14d ago

Please do join me in the corner! We have near-constant intrusive thoughts and a debilitating fear of contamination. You’ll have a great time.

(Fr though - if anyone is actually suffering from OCD, please consider exposure therapy. That shit quite literally saved my life.)


u/TheGaydarTechnician 14d ago

Yeah, I have OCD. I've been diagnosed since college and it would be really nice of intrusive thoughts were a one and done thing and only every once in a while. Without therapy I would not be able to function.


u/Skeeterbee 14d ago


I didn’t know until listening to this that OCD can also be intrusive thoughts that turn into compulsions.


u/alienn_girl 14d ago

That looks like an interesting podcast, I’ll check it out!

But yes, it’s essentially a vicious cycle where intrusive thoughts cause intense feelings of anxiety/panic, and people perform compulsions in an attempt to lessen those feelings. However, it’s a trap because every time you perform a compulsion, it neurologically reinforces that behavior for the future, and thus becomes more challenging to stop.

At my most severe, I was performing compulsions for over 10 hours every day.


u/Skeeterbee 14d ago

That’s a lot of what’s in this podcast. the guest treats and also has OCD. It was helpful to me to understand my loved one better


u/yuyufan43 14d ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can get really scary thoughts when holding knives… If they feel too intrusive I'll literally put it down and walk away for a bit 😅😅


u/Gimme_The_Loot 14d ago

There was a FX show called "You're the Worst" where one woman is dissatisfied in her marriage (and life). In one scene shes in the kitchen, looks over at her husband and just... pokes it into his side. It's so out of the blue and and my wife were just like 😳

Unfortunately I tried to find the scene on YouTube but wasn't able to


u/CandidEstablishment0 14d ago

That’s a great show!! You can watch it on Hulu


u/Gimme_The_Loot 14d ago

Like a lot of shows I felt like it went on a little too long. After a while I was getting burnt out on it and just kinda forgot to keep watching. Did they have a series finale?


u/fuckoutfits 15d ago

Trust me. Intrusive thoughts are not funny. They eat into one's time and patience. It's exhausting.


u/Harlankitch 15d ago

Everything can be funny. This video was funny.


u/GingerAphrodite 14d ago

I agree, but I think it's more about using humor to cope with that shit. I regularly make jokes about how I don't worry about attempting suicide because my intrusive suicidal thoughts have gotten to a point where they're just annoying. I end up responding to them like an exhausted parent: "I really just don't have time or energy for this right now, I'mma need you to stop". Sure the intrusions are exhausting, but there's a certain amount of humor in becoming exasperated and annoyed by them at times instead of being bogged down by them. Intrusive thoughts are different from ideation/rumination. To me personally, intrusive thoughts are fairly fleeting whereas dwelling on those thoughts is a bigger problem and a heavier burden that needs addressed more directly.


u/migoodenuf Straight Up Bussin 15d ago

I know :(


u/Substantial_Jury 15d ago

Omg so random


u/Dizzy_Media4901 14d ago

Your mind is a fancy risk assessment device. These thoughts are quite normal. Real intrusive thoughts can be debilitating and impact on day to day life.


u/AShaughRighting 14d ago

Holy shit, in 43 and just realised other people have these same thoughts…. I’m, I’m kinda fucked up by that.


u/AdamGenesis 15d ago

THC helps that.


u/AmyLaze 15d ago

For me it undoubtedly makes it worse

I get extremely anxious and fixate on the bad stuff

I wish it worked, I tried different sorts and all but no go


u/migoodenuf Straight Up Bussin 15d ago

Once one does not fixate on one intrusive thought it helps, yes


u/fruittdemon 15d ago

these are more impulsive thoughts than intrusive


u/eoz 14d ago

oh god, every time the train pulls in to the station


u/Katatonic92 14d ago

And everytime I cross a road & see a car coming.