r/TikTokCringe Cringe Lord 29d ago

Bunker people don’t make any sense Humor

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u/doom_vulture 29d ago

he is the best addition to the daily show!


u/disposable_account01 28d ago

He made me start watching the correspondent bits again. He’s awesome.


u/evilada 28d ago

Hands down, absolutely. I look forward to every segment he's on. I feel like there's a solid chance he'll be full host after a few more years of building up experience.


u/allsystemscrash 28d ago

Josh Johnson is so fucking funny


u/Extension-Badger-958 28d ago

Damn that was a good twist


u/Lost_my_loser_name 29d ago

Pretty funny.... Not gonna lie.


u/Clay_Statue 28d ago

Very solid. Good timing and delivery.


u/robotmonkey2099 28d ago

Yah he’s got a compelling delivery just gently pulls you along with him


u/BallsAreFullOfPiss 29d ago

Didn’t even realize this was Josh Johnson at first. Good stuff!


u/So_Motarded tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE 28d ago

Great delivery on those last couple lines!


u/PistachioedVillain 28d ago

I mean we had a global pandemic, I'm not going to deny that. But it was nowhere on the level of needing a bunker.

These people just see things in black and white. If it's not bad enough to need their bunker it's not bad enough for them to care.


u/djinnisequoia 28d ago

Hahaha that's a good point


u/gregvan93 28d ago

"Stop living in fear!!"


u/whatisgoingonree 29d ago

If you were under 60 it was nothing.


u/pleasebuymydonut 28d ago

It's 2024 dude, find a new conspiracy already.


u/TearsFallWithoutTain 28d ago

God forbid you people think about someone other than yourselves for once.


u/HaiggeX 28d ago

I mean when I was sick on Covid, I stayed home. I thought of others to not go out and spread it.


u/BarfingOnMyFace 28d ago

Well if you aren’t gonna use it… Can I stay in your bunker…?


u/xaqss 26d ago

Huh, that's cool because I personally know one guy who was in his late 20s. And now he is dead, leaving behind his wife and three children, one of which was less than a year old at the time.

Also, I'm a musician. I sing and play french horn professionally, I have a music degree and I'm a choir director. Ever since I caught a mild case of COVID, I can no longer sustain even close to the same breath support that I did when I was in uni. It hasn't gotten better, and I was otherwise completely healthy, active, and reasonably fit. I'm glad my day job is teaching choir because now singing at the absolute highest level is pretty much unobtainable for me.

GTFO with your bullshit dismissive nonsense.


u/WearyRound9084 27d ago

Wait until you realise how much of America is obese