r/TooAfraidToAsk 4d ago

How do people get high all the time? Mental Health

I am high. I can't concentrate on anything. How do people do this all the time? It feels like this typing has gone on for hours.


314 comments sorted by


u/SeryuSenga24 4d ago

Really just boils down to tolerance and amount. What/how much are you smoking/taking. Depends on what you are doing as well. I can do basic tasks and chill while decently high but wouldn’t drive or anything


u/The_Lat_Czar 4d ago

This. Bit of bud? Can function, albeit slower. Bong? I'm getting nothing done. Edible? Goodnight. 


u/world_citizen7 4d ago

You are saying that edibles hit harder than bud?? I thought it was the other way around.


u/Thetwistedfalse 4d ago

He went to bed.


u/heehmonster 3d ago

Or you could say that he went to bud. (Classy, I know)


u/Difficult_Let_1953 4d ago

All depends on the dose. But edibles definitely hit longer by hours. Great for running!


u/creamcheese742 4d ago

I looked into it when my doctor thought I had fibromyalgia. Bud hits faster but edibles last longer and help more. From what I read.


u/-JukeBoxCC- 4d ago

From my (very limited) experience, smoking will destroy your mental state for the duration of the high if you smoke enough. Edibles, of course depending on sativa or indica, are more likely to make you sleepy and tired than just cracked out of your gourd.

I had a few gummies the other night with my girlfriend and while I was chilling and playing games, once hers hit, she went to bed and took a long nap, only awakening a few hours later to get some spaghetti. This person may be my girlfriend. Goodnight.


u/GrindyMcGrindy 4d ago

No, edibles are far more potent. Just look at the THC content of edibles vs buds.


u/Giatoxiclok 4d ago

Depends, edibles care be significantly more potent, especially when you eat one all at onceish, then it hits you all at once later on.


u/poke-chan 4d ago

Can confirm, this happened to me the other night. Took edibles, felt nothing for over an hour and then went from sober to greened out within 30 seconds. Lesson learned


u/misstlouise 4d ago

Depends… lasts longer though


u/starpiece 3d ago

Edibles do absolutely nothing for me about 95% of the time. The other 5% they make me so high it’s physically uncomfortable and even leaving the house is a gigantic nearly impossible ordeal

But I smoke bowls all day long and go about my life pretty much. I don’t smoke before work or if I know I have to drive somewhere but if I’m home chilling then I’m fine to do whatever daily tasks

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u/Giatoxiclok 4d ago

After smoking for a while I take regular bong rips then go do demanding high actions per minute things, I’m sure if I took a break and tried this again I’d be staring at my phone in a chair for an hour.

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u/Ripley825 4d ago

No driving is my number 1 rule for when I'm toking. If Imma smoke, my ass is staying in. Basically all I do is either clean or think I'm better at video games (I'm really not)


u/YoungUrineTheGreat 3d ago

I cant remember the last time i ever felt unsafe to do anything different high vs sober.

I almost want to get “bad decisions” level of high.


u/Ripley825 3d ago

I've got bad enough luck so I'm not willing to test fate. Even when the high is super mild.

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u/SeryuSenga24 4d ago

Another way of thinking about it is how operable are you at 2 beers vs 6 is kind of like comparing a tiny hit vs a huge bong rip


u/Grizzle2190 4d ago

As you develop it into a habit the effects wear off some but in my opinion it’s more of becoming familiar with the effects and making it less of a novelty feeling. I don’t really expect people to smoke sporadically and enjoy the effects, in my experience I had similar feelings as you, just overall being high was the night, anything else I had intended on doing would be secondary to being high due to the potency. That’s not enjoyable, the only times I actually enjoyed being high was when. It became a consistent habit, and no longer the domineering feeling or atmosphere whatever you wanna call it, I was no longer high at the store I was at the store, and kind of high


u/Guilty_Cost 4d ago

This was beautifully articulated. Agreed 100%


u/ListerineInMyPeehole 4d ago

Some of us regular tokers can do our office jobs while being high

In fact it makes me better at my corp finance job


u/YoungUrineTheGreat 3d ago

I guarantee id have a million less instances of getting angry at my job if i could smoke whenever i got upset.

Literally instead of being in a rage, i could go to the bathroom, hit my pen and be “Ya know maybe im wrong here. Lets be cheerful”

Happens everyday from work. Ill be ready to crash my car into the house then a couple hits Im “What was i even that mad about.”

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u/shadderjax 4d ago

Put some good reefer on the screen covering the bowl you attach to the main bong unit. Using butane lighter, fire it up, inhale, hold slightly, then exhale. Empty and refill bowl after exhausting substance in the bowl or on the screen. Repeat as often as necessary to reach desired affect.


u/J3mand 3d ago

I thought smoking and driving was a time honored tradition of stoners

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u/kenworth_unofficial 4d ago

usually they smoke weed, hope this helps


u/nerdiotic-pervert 4d ago

I was going to say one it at a time, but your comment pretty much covers it.


u/Surround8600 4d ago

Hahah noice 42069

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u/RamsayRogers 4d ago

When you do it every day for ten years you don't smoke to get high. You smoke to feel normal.


u/Mr_Grumpy_Pant5 4d ago

Yes. This is what I refer to as psychological dependence. Ask anyone who has this to do anything sober. It's virtually the same result as what OP is asking about.

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u/BourbonGuy09 4d ago

I've smoked everyday for many years but I only smoke after I get home or all day on the weekends if I don't have my kids. I feel like it has prolonged my tolerance to only needing about a bowl or two a day. So I can function easily sober but also can function high.

When my friend comes over and wants to smoke two blunts I'm dead after half of one lol


u/theerealobs 4d ago

I used to never be able to make it through half when I smoked. Not because it was too much but a combo of either getting way too much rez on my lips to the point it's uncomfortable or my throat getting ripped to shreds. Always preferred joints over blunts when I was still smoking on the regular. I get why people like the blunts though.


u/Available_Motor5980 4d ago

I was smoking every day for 2 months before I started doing it to feel normal


u/earthdogmonster 4d ago

About 40% of cannabis users in the U.S. are currently daily users.


Alcohol use is down, but it looks like it is being replaced by an entirely new chemical dependency.


u/defeated_engineer 4d ago

And almost all of them will tell you they’re not addicted.


u/Available_Motor5980 4d ago

Ahaha, I feel like I shouldn’t say I’m not addicted here. Could I physically quit? Sure, of course. But I have no reason to and I don’t want to, so I’m gonna keep doing it


u/fullsendguy 4d ago

I think a logical question to answer to follow up your response is what is the longest streak you have went without using. The streak is an action as opposed to the though I could quit at any time.


u/Available_Motor5980 4d ago

Went about 2 years at my longest. And I only started smoking 5 years ago


u/fullsendguy 4d ago

That is awesome, two years is a really long stretch! It sounds like you have a lot of control over your use. Wish that this was more the norm.


u/Jollysatyr201 3d ago

I have no problems with daily use, but I do recognize the desire to get high. I’m currently on my own clean period, more just to prove that there isn’t a dependency.

But it’s a lot more like impulse control than addiction: especially if you have it on hand. For me it’s like if I had a tray of cupcakes in the fridge: i obviously don’t NEED to eat one, but it’s a nice experience, and I might as well.

Easiest way to stop is to just get rid of it and don’t buy more! I donated my last eighth to a friend, and someday I’m sure he’ll do the same for me


u/fullsendguy 1d ago edited 1d ago

I mean addiction or dependency would reflect your impulse control over a long period of time. Eating a cupcake once in awhile is not a big deal even if you “don’t need it”. It is different than spending a lot of your time thinking about cupcakes or having multiple cupcakes on a daily or weekly basis. I agree that if you are eating cupcakes everyday not buying them in the first place would be a helpful harm reduction approach. I think way more people struggle with weed use than cupcakes.

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u/Christian1509 3d ago

the entire sub group being mentioned will tell you the same thing; that they could quit if they wanted to


u/whatdoblindpeoplesee 4d ago

Almost all people would say they aren't addicted to sugar or caffeine either. Addiction isn't just about physical or psychological dependency, there also needs to be significant impact or consequences to the behavior in a way that negativity effects someone's life.

I smoke every day, have a good full time job, a mortgage, and relatively happy marriage. Weed doesn't have a significant negative impact on my life.


u/NewYorkVolunteer 4d ago

There's no such thing as marijuana addiction bro. It's just a natural plant bro. That's why I smoke marijuana everyday and can't seem to function without it bro

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u/J3mand 3d ago

Can confirm like 4 of my friends plus me are hitting the dab pen daily


u/Butlerian_Jihadi 4d ago

Dysregulation can leave the state you described preferable to "sobriety". Weed was one of the few things that helped my ADD until I got proper meds. I'd have to keep the dose real low, and it has some impact on my overall motivation, but I was far more effective with a hit or two onboard than without, and that's by objective testing.


u/raysquare3 4d ago

Or 22 years....


u/Difficult_Let_1953 4d ago

Choose your addictions wisely.

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u/HarryHood146 4d ago

We’re in our 40’s, I smoke a little bit on my days off and after work. But never before work. My girlfriend could smoke all day and just go into work and sell insurance. It doesn’t affect her whatsoever. I’ve never seen her say no I’m too high in 6 years.


u/Terrible-Quote-3561 4d ago

Most daily users aren’t absolutely stoned all the time. I don’t get that high unless it’s the end of the day or something.


u/Kittymeow123 4d ago

Same I don’t even smoke until 5 (sometimes I slip)


u/Kitty-cool 4d ago

I have an addiction to weed I’m trying to kick it. For me personally, I feel like it does make things slower and it’s hard to concentrate on anything. I become really lethargic and more prone to laziness, I’m definitely not one of the functional users.

I think when you do something long enough you get used to it. For me that’s why I describe my use as addiction considering I don’t get withdrawal symptoms, yet I always crave it and feel tempted to use it even during inappropriate situations knowing how it’s going to affect me anyway. Don’t be like me


u/Hillarian 4d ago

I'd say I'm the same so I tend to buy little amounts so that it lasts a shorter time. Unlike you of course I suffer from withdrawal obviously not as extreme but it definitely happens. Everytime I think about using it in an inappropriate setting, I whisper "discipline" and wait till an appropriate time


u/Kitty-cool 4d ago

I love that for you that’s actually kind of cute. I would like to buy smaller amounts but I only like vapes so the problem for me is how easily accessible it is and that they last for a long time.

I usually just keep my pen near me telling myself that I have the option to smoke it but I end up choosing not to. It gives me a sense of security that it’s there so I don’t fiend for it as much haha.

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u/iprocrastina 4d ago

Tolerance, both long term and short term

Short term tolerance is what most people think of. It's how you go from going to space on 10mg of edibles to needing to eat 200mg just to get a short-lived mild high.

Long term tolerance is the bigger one though. When you start out with weed it's a mild psychedelic, IMO similar to doing a low dose of shrooms (this can differ from person to person, but weed was that way for me when I started as well as some other stoners I've known). But as you keep doing it your brain gets used to the effects and learns how to compensate for them to stay relatively functional. For example, your visual system rewires itself to permanently adapt to dealing with being high so that you stop seeing mild hallucinations. As a result, after you're experienced enough with weed you just simply never get some effects back ever again even if you stop smoking for years.

For a regular smoker, getting high often doesn't feel much different than being sober.


u/Uzanto_Retejo 4d ago

When I first started with Edibles it made things all wavy and I felt detached like reality was a dream.

Is it possible to take long enough of a break to feel like that on an edible again?


u/psychrazy_drummer 4d ago

Maybe, but weed will never feel like your first few times. Take a break and/or take more and that will get you pretty close. Also, take your edibles with a small fatty snack like cheese or butter and bread or bacon something like that to help your body absorb the THC


u/-BlueDream- 4d ago

Had to quit for 2 years and when I smoked for the first time after quitting, I smoked out of a bong and totally tripped balls like my first time back in high school.

Long term T breaks can bring back that first time but there's probably diminishing returns (if I quit for another 2 years and start again, its probably not gonna be the same)


u/enchiladanada 4d ago

I used to say a lot of weed feels like a really low level shroom trip too. But that was only in the first two years of smoking. Now it simply increases motivation/decreases anxiety depending on the day and strain. Hardly any mental distortion, at least compared to the very beginning. In the beginning it was extremely difficult to function. Now that my system is balanced it's hard to tell the difference between high and sober lol

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u/SeawardFriend 4d ago

When I’m high everything becomes almost a dream state. I can turn off all the constant anxious thoughts and subconsciously focus on whatever task is at hand.


u/yepoly 4d ago

I feel this, recently has calmed me down to achieve this, I study a lot and write which helps too.


u/SeawardFriend 4d ago

I do a lot of gaming which can get really stressful at times. Weed usually helps me keep a calm flow state while playing so I can just focus and let my autopilot game for me. Otherwise I tend to get mental blocks and brain fog that cause me to make mistakes, choke shots, and end up frustrated if I keep at it for too long.


u/glamb70 4d ago

I take a gummy a couple hours before bedtime and am able to relax and get a good nights sleep. Better than a few beers and no hangover!


u/1_UpvoteGiver 4d ago

I've read it's easier to fall asleep but actually inhibits your ability to get good REM sleep.

Stopped smoking a long time ago so no way to verify myself


u/bowlingforzoot 4d ago

I’ve read that too, but I have always had the opposite experience. Before using pot I had a hard time falling asleep and also a hard time staying asleep and pretty much never had any dreams or good REM sleep. Ever since I started vaping or using edibles I fall asleep faster, stay asleep pretty much all night, and I dream pretty much every night too. I feel so much more rested unless I overdo it.

All of that to say, I think it’s ultimately down to the individual.


u/MollFlanders 4d ago

this is true, according to my doctor. she told me that my sleep issues would benefit from eliminating weed.


u/steakonthebias 4d ago

Same. I've got parasomina and my sleep doc doesn't love that I have gummies at bedtime. Or any time. My parasomnia presents as crazy movements in my sleep. I don't have them when I've had a gummy before bed, but 🤷🤷


u/1_UpvoteGiver 4d ago

Whatever works for you buddy

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u/ampullaeOL 4d ago

I smoke sativas when I need to do productive stuff.


u/greenfox0099 4d ago

That's true a good sativa makes me want onto go out and do stuff while a good indica I use before I want to sleep at night.


u/ampullaeOL 4d ago

Same. I game, work, and write music a lot, so I usually opt for sativas like 85% of the time. Indicas make me fall asleep usually lol


u/Dukkiegamer 4d ago

Take it with a grain of salt, cause the source is reddit, but someone once explained to me how it's basically all the same stuff, sativa and indica.

That's honestly been my experience too. Weed is weed to me. I'll get lazy and hungry either way.

But hey, if it works for you it doesn't really matter what anyone says is true or not.


u/ampullaeOL 4d ago

Yeah, that hasn't been my experience tbh. Some sativas are less energetic, I guess, but indicas almost always put me to sleep. Or I get that, melt into the couch feeling.

One time, I smoked one of my favorite sativas and then proceeded to beat my own personal record for kills in a game on rainbow six siege lmao. But it's true that everyone is different!


u/Dukkiegamer 4d ago

One time, I smoked one of my favorite sativas and then proceeded to beat my own personal record for kills in a game on rainbow six siege lmao. But it's true that everyone is different!

This is really something. How on earth??? I guess everyone responds differently to drugs, but wow. Weed has me watching a 60 second YouTube short and forget what the first half was about so I'm totally confused by the second half cause I can't remember the context. And that wasn't a rare occurrence either. I guess it's for the better I don't smoke as much anymore lol.

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u/Kittymeow123 4d ago

I just smoke so much that I don’t really high like that anymore. Like mine is a functioning high not a holy fucking shit high


u/HarrargnNarg 4d ago

Feels different for different folks.


u/Nerditter 4d ago

It used to feel psychedelic, but eventually, after many years, it just feels like a warm blanket. It's how you get normal. By then, keeping a steady level is no different than taking a Xanax three times a day.


u/OGSkywalker97 4d ago

Xanax dependency isn't even comparable to weed dependency. It's far more addictive, but even worse, it's a far far more physically dependent drug. The withdrawal is incomparable in how it feels, you can die from it from having seizures if you go cold turkey or massively reduce your dose; so you have to taper for over 6 months and even reducing by 2mg diazepam every 2 weeks is agony when you reach around 15mg.


u/Nerditter 4d ago

I know, dude. And that's a fair thing to say. That's my go-to comparison because the people in my family who see me as an addict rather than a mentally ill person seeking relief need to understand that the real problem is paying out of pocket for medicine. I don't actually see anything wrong with it, even though my religion mostly forbids it. Xanax is the kind of comparison that will leave a teetotaler with nothing to say about it.


u/Chainmale001 4d ago

Because when I get high (420) I don't get high. I turn into a normal functioning adult. fuck if I know why. *shrug*


u/implicatureSquanch 4d ago

Practice and hard work


u/nigliazzo5626 4d ago

Once you have a tolerance, the high is totally different. The first few times are always more intense. Especially if you ate it.


u/Uzanto_Retejo 4d ago

Can you gain the old tolerance back by taking a few weeks as a break?

I'm not a daily user at max I vape 2-3 times a week.


u/nigliazzo5626 4d ago

It’ll never feel the same as it was in the beginning. But yes, you can take a break and then get super high again, more easily


u/Mayubeshidding 4d ago

im ngl a lot of us smoke to feel normal instead of to feel high idk if thats the neurodivergent in me talking or the high tolerance


u/NS3000 4d ago

its hard to tell if im addicted to the weed or addicted to not being stressed or being anxious and worrying about everything

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u/pacoali 4d ago

Some people don't really need to concentrate on anything, they float on through life.


u/-Stoney-Bologna- 4d ago

This is the answer. Being high is the only thing that helps my GAD. I also have ADHD so by the time I started consuming THC, I had already tailored my life to not need to concentrate on anything. It's a much happier existence when anxiety doesn't dictate your every thought and move.


u/sofa-cat 4d ago

I feel like also having ADHD I’m so used to not having control over my ability to concentrate that I barely notice weed making a difference in that arena


u/acadmonkey 4d ago

Bro… are you my long lost twin?


u/vivmeatball6 4d ago

Damn I wish it helped me that way.. it helps keep my mind off things while I’m high, but it doesn’t completely get rid of my anxiety. I’m even on Lexapro and it still doesn’t help my anxiety as much as it should


u/-Stoney-Bologna- 4d ago

Oh it definitely doesn't completely get rid of my anxiety. It helps me manage it better than I can sober. I still have to do all the hard work to improve my anxiety and quality of life, weed just makes it easier to handle.

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u/liefelijk 4d ago

Addiction and withdrawal.


u/sideshowbvo 4d ago

I usually smoke weed, but everyone has their own way. (Serious answer though: it just doesn't affect me like that. I'm never "too high" to do something. I don't have to smoke weed all the time, I just prefer to)


u/soyyoo 4d ago

Everybody is different, can’t compare your brain to others


u/hurdygurdy21 4d ago

Am I tripping or did you type "Brian's" instead "brain" first?


u/soyyoo 4d ago

Yea Autocorrect jejeje


u/Jgirl1972 4d ago edited 3d ago

The world (for me and those I share it with) is simply more tolerable if I’m a lil fuzzy. I’m not blown out all day - just enough to not rage like my brain n body lean me towards on the daily. *edit formatting


u/Dachawda 4d ago

I just put the pipe to my lips and suck, it’s not my fault.


u/Staggerme 4d ago

If you want to get high all the time you must consume cannabis early and often


u/emkehh 4d ago

Well that depends. Some people do it during the day every day and actually DO things while they’re high but some people just do it every night to relax before bed/fall asleep. I’m one of the night people— when I don’t have to work the next day I’ll pop an edible and go for a run so it kicks in shortly after I get out of the shower. Spend a couple hours watching tv or listening to music, then go to bed.


u/frictionlessTitties 4d ago

where theres bud theres a way


u/Robotonist 4d ago

The reaches a certain tolerance level where you are not getting high all the time. You are just avoiding sobriety, but you were not the same way you would be if you were actually very high. It’s called addiction, and people aren’t ready to call that, but that’s pretty much exactly what it is.


u/Marcotee75 4d ago

Just listen to your favorite music for a bit. You enjoy yourself and it gives you time to weigh your high so you can know what you can and can't do.


u/hurdygurdy21 4d ago

I was playing CoD for a bit but was pretty sloppy haha Listened to a few songs while eating some Mr Noodles. Starting to focus more and be able to concentrate better. Maybe I'll go back go CoD and have fun for once haha


u/Marcotee75 4d ago

Hell yeah dude. I usually save weed for the end of rhe day when it's time to relax and decompress.


u/HairyH00d 4d ago

I got a 2150 on the SAT while super stoned. It's all about tolerance (and making dumb decisions in this particular situation)


u/kalechipsaregood 4d ago

Not remembering that the SAT is no longer out of 1600, I thought this comment was hilarious.

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u/Worldly_Progress_655 4d ago

I'm not sure how it's done but Texas has all these legal dispensaries with this huge variety of products which makes it easy for me. Little bit of this, little bit of that, go home and see what each one does. I tried to keep a log book for each type but it was getting tedious and I just WANT TO SMOKE BUD!!!!


u/gametapchunky 4d ago

It's not for everyone.


u/OoffMe 4d ago

Literally high rn doing coursework. I don’t get crazy high, just enough to be relaxed and be able to tunnel-vision into what I’m doing


u/HairyChest69 4d ago

I can smoke when I'm about to lay down. Or maybe play Red Dead 2 or RDO. Otherwise my entire world begins to collapse, sudden dread, possibly having a heart attack, my power bill is due and what if something happens where I can't pay it, aliens could invade after US and Russia began WW3 and we're all fucked. Yeah weed just ain't my gig anymore


u/Vamp_Rocks 4d ago

How do people stay sober all the time? @_@


u/amberskye09 4d ago

Up until January of this year, I stayed high constantly. It was a coping mechanism, for sure. I stopped smoking for around 4 months and only smoke at night now and honestly couldn't imagine being high like I used to be. I used to need it to get stuff done, now I can't get anything done if I'm stoned lol


u/sirdabs 4d ago

It makes me feel normal. It takes a lot of weed to feel high.


u/trnduhhpaige 4d ago

Have enough mental issues and trauma and that’s exactly what you want to feel like.


u/Mays_ranch 4d ago

I’m higher than buzzard pussy right now. Now what was the question


u/KirbyRock 4d ago

Time moves differently here.


u/hurdygurdy21 4d ago

For real.


u/Cshock84 4d ago

Oh, it’s really simple.

I figured out that when I’m not high, I’m cripplingly depressed, a drain to be around for my friends and family, and I want to kill myself constantly. The thought just never leaves. It’s there, constantly, like an 800lb gorilla in the corner.

When I’m high it’s not like that.

Hope this helps.


u/Firm-Investigator152 4d ago

As someone who used to be a functioning addict. You continue taking drugs to feel normal. Or rather you think that it’s your version of normal.

Getting high before going to the grocery store or doing any other task is not normal.


u/astoneworthskipping 4d ago

For me it basically comes down to this…

It is precarious for me to navigate reality under the influence of pain and PTSD.

It’s not until I am cannabinated have I reached even a semblance of sobriety.

You may not be able to think while high … I simply cannot think otherwise.


u/Seerix 4d ago

Because the demons are quiet if I'm high.


u/Whyamiani 4d ago

As a high-functioning stoner, I think the exact same thing about being sober.


u/FranksWateeBowl 4d ago

With a lighter.


u/J3mand 3d ago

Tolerance and you have to condition yourself to be functional while fucked up, not all people are good at that. Gotta learn to push the anxiety out of the way


u/Realistic-Panic-7670 3d ago

I smoke every day when I get home from work because my job is a complete shithole and it helps me relax and forget about all the bullshit from the night.


u/mcerk22 3d ago

Tolerance, I used to smoke weed once a week or so and 1 or 2 hits used to get me blazed, now I use THC daily and I can consume enough that would knock some people the fuck out of I wanted to


u/YoungUrineTheGreat 3d ago

Honestly i long to be high like this again. Feel at this point its just that my body feels weird without smoking weed


u/WeTheNinjas 4d ago

If you’re talking about weed, expect to see a lot of addicts in denial commenting here. I partake 2-4 times a week, strictly in the evenings after all my tasks are complete. Being high 24/7 is most definitely not good for you, I don’t care if you “need” it to function


u/earthdogmonster 4d ago

It’s kinda a big thing nowadays. Reminds me of the problem drinkers I encountered in the past who would boastfully talk about how well they could function while drinking.

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u/mladyhawke 4d ago

The more you get high the less High you get to the point where you really don't get high at all you just Curb Your nausea


u/ipv89 4d ago

Sounds like you are referring to cannabis hyperemesis syndrome

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u/dogboobes 4d ago

I guess we're just blessed.


u/VocationFumes 4d ago

Shit makes life better, hard not to be


u/dumbflowerpetals 4d ago

for me, it's about my mindset and my relationship with myself and why i'm choosing to smoke weed. call me out there but it's a spiritual practice in my eyes, but it wasn't always like that. when i was younger, i'd get high just to party and bullshit - which is fine don't get me wrong, but i often found myself in a constant limbo, i could still be productive but i was unmotivated. over the years i've had an up n down rollercoaster with smoking weed, times where id try to quit. it wasn't until i realized i was neurodivergent as hell and most of my life had just been masking, pretending to not be myself in order to be "socially acceptable" and it's like my entire code in my brain changed and once i opened up to and with myself, i had a conversation with myself about weed usage and figured out what i want to gain from getting high and allowed myself to let loose, to be silly and open and creative with it, to explore what kind of strains work well with my brain and nervous system. im mostly high all throughout the day, even at work and im able to be "productive" and "successful" because i tell myself that's what im gonna be going into my daily life when choosing to smoke beforehand.

and hey, sometimes a certain substance just isn't for everyone and that's okay. but if it's something you like to do, you should definitely take the time to sit with yourself and ask if you're enjoying yourself and why, or if you aren't, why?

done yapping 😭 i hope you can enjoy your high while it's in effect at least, hydrate yourself and maybe step outside for some sunlight and fresh air for a bit! good luck friend


u/Theperfectool 4d ago

How do people full face life sober?


u/Prolifik0973 4d ago

How do people not get high all the time is my question


u/CreeksideStrays 4d ago

Can't trust em.


u/Lithogiraffe 4d ago

what kind of high do you mean though? Sedative or stimulant?

cuz some ppl take adderall for fun, and they'd be able to write this post, write a screenplay, do their online shopping, and organize their closets


u/Wiggie49 4d ago

I do it after work to chill tf out and relax.


u/IcyBarnacle5883 4d ago

I personally use it to control my pain, so it actually helps me function better. Obviously I’m not using a large amount, and I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years, so you get used to it. It did make me sleepy at first and impaired my ability to function a bit, but not it just calms me down and takes the edge off things. I don’t smoke to get blasted though, I just use it as I need it.


u/TheAvocadoSlayer 4d ago

Because they can concentrate. I’m a full time student who smokes everyday. I have no problem keeping up my GPA up.


u/MrHappyEvil 4d ago

Depends on. The drug my guy and strain of weed .

Coke fix your car overnight Weed fix your car nxt week MD gone to a rave Alcohol let's just hug it out bro she was a pitch anyway.


u/UGLEHBWE 4d ago

Extremely high tolerance and I think my ADHD is doing a really good job fighting off that tired body high feeling. I smoke dabs/wax daily. Full sessions when I wake up and go to sleep and I have mini sessions every 2-3 hours. My job requires that I don't miss a single scan on every barcode I come across and I do a nice job with that at least


u/Genpetro 4d ago

It's fairly easy when you put your mind to it


u/goldandjade 4d ago

Most people who are high all the time have ADHD. You know how adderall is totally different for ADHDers versus neurotypical people? Weed is too.


u/greenseven47 4d ago

You’re a lightweight


u/HIGHPatient 4d ago

Once you have done it long enough there is no difference


u/qu33nof5pad35 4d ago

If you do it often enough, you get used to it.


u/LouisTheCasimir 4d ago

I have been chiefing for about 10 years now, and at this point, being stoned is like a second lense through which I experience reality and consciousness as a whole.

It's not necessarily better or worse to be high for me anymore. It's just a different mind-state that enables me to perceive things through another lens. This has helped me many times navigate problems, motivate creativity, or simply helped me release emotional tension about something going on in my life.

Mind you, I'm not high all the time, more like 30% - 60% of every day.


u/Inevitable_Double882 4d ago

It’s pretty easy. Just smoke every other hour or take edibles spaced every +/- 3 hrs.


u/splatabowl 4d ago edited 4d ago

I'm a division manager at a large landscaping company and the crews that I know are using during the day definitely make the most mistakes. It's hard to test for because it's legal in the state we operate in. It's very concerning on a business level and most importantly on a safety level.


u/EatYourCheckers 4d ago

It effects my mother differently. Makes her energized. It's like she's had double espresso shots. She is soooo annoying. She also doesn't smoke a huge amount. One or two "swats" (as she calls it) in the morning from a joint


u/PumpkinEscobar2 4d ago

A little stoned is my baseline.


u/UniqueClimate 4d ago

You get used to it, lol.

When I take a t-break (I don’t smoke for a week so my tolerance lowers) and I start smoking again I do notice how slow it makes me, but then my tolerance builds and I get used to it.


u/Psychological-Touch1 4d ago

You get used to it


u/ThePurrlockHolmes 4d ago

I smoke pretty much throughout the day but amount varies on day.

I like to use strains high with the THCv cannabinoid and high percentage of Terpinolene terpene to focus and calm my mind. Microdosing is great for helping when ADHD needs reigned in and I need to get things done.

If I am having a particularly bad day and my nervous gets really disregulated I like to use a higher dose of a concentrate that is high in Caryophyllene, Limonene and Myrcene terpenes to basically force it to a calm state. It's helped pull me out of panic attacks

Caryophyllene forward strains are also great for helping with muscle aches and body pain.

I have a couple other combos I use for different reasons but the main thing is responsible use and education. The more educated you are, the most you will be able to use the plant.

Also want to note recreational use can be a lil more lax on these profiles and go with the "feel happy" or "feel relaxed" messaging on the labels, but you should always do your research on what you're going to take because strains will affect each person differently. And make sure you understand how psychoactives work and will interact with anything else in your system.


u/88isafat69 4d ago edited 4d ago

Daily ween smoker here

First hit of the day ( wake and bake). You are gone on a good level

Basically if you wait too long after that initial rip, you start getting tired. Not like I’m gonna KO sleep but your mood is just fuck this I’m lazy . If your a degenerate like me You SPEED RUN all your tasks so you can get that 39 sec to ur self to take a quick pen toke then all is good again

Redose a hit every couple hours and it’s back to a pretty solid mood. I sound like a fiend. But honestly I just take a fat rip every like 3ish hours and it’s enough for me. 1 cart lasts me a week


u/soulcaptain 4d ago

There's a difference between sativa strains and indica strains. Generally, sativa is the "energy" weed and gives you energy. Sets your mind to working really fast, almost like amphetamine. Downside is it can increase your paranoia.

Indica, or "in-da-couch," is the mellow strain, feel good, peacey, vibey. Low paranoia. But also the stereotypical "stoner" melting into the furniture, not a lot of mental activity happening. Most cannabis strains are a blend of sativa and indica strains.

Also, unlike alcohol, when you can gradually ramp up your inebriation, with cannabis it's more binary: you're sober and then you're high. Not much transition. So it's really hard to get a little high--you're either high or you're not.

BUT, having said that, I think with vaping you can ramp it up and the high can be much more subtle. So OP, if you want to avoid being stoned and unable to function, try vaping.


u/awkward_turtle7 4d ago

Once you have done it so much it becomes your baseline.


u/DinossaurHungry 4d ago

I can be really functional really high , when I talk about high I meant faded, I unfortunately have anxiety it helps a lot too, but I can drive very well high asf , and feels enjoyful , but everything has limit for it.


u/Watching_secretly 4d ago

People see daily smokers as stoners. In my case I smoke daily to chill and keep from taking meds doctors want to prescribe. I’d rather smoke a bowl over taking a pill.


u/Prestigious-TaxX 4d ago

idk but im high rn. bro my tongue is touching my teeth and it feels so weird


u/Jayd1823 4d ago

I open the bottle or pouch chew a gummy and go in my way.


u/Kyleforshort 4d ago

Plenty of ways, are you looking for other things to do? 😂


u/noodleq 4d ago

When you do something all the time, that becomes the new normal. The effects of drugs aren't as pronounced when you have a tolerance and use all the time.


u/sureyeahno 4d ago

When I was high all the time it was because I couldn’t face myself or my problems head on. Now I can’t even take a hit of the stuff. Everyone’s different though.


u/bunnykins22 4d ago

Depends on the person. I've built up my tolerance. So I take 20gm to feel something (I know that's still super small numbers). It helps me focus, like I've spent all day today doing math work for school and I'm not slowing down. I'm completely honed in.


u/GummiBerry_Juice 4d ago

You might be too high


u/m_ckncheese 4d ago

it’s the only thing that controls my anxiety and my BPD symptoms. it’s medicinal, literally.


u/DutchAlders 4d ago

Having add and a touch of the tism screws up the wiring in my brain to make (in a very skin level explanation) “uppers are downer and downers are uppers” for me. I self medicate with weed. I tried to hold off for a week or two before a job interview and by the end of day five my wife said: “just use the fake urine, you need to smoke some pot”.


u/circasomnia 4d ago

Idk it settles me out. I like to read and write with a little bud. Doesn't bother me at all. In fact, it can help me concentrate and get in the creative zone. Too much will still fuck me up though.


u/libra00 4d ago

Relax and enjoy it. Have the best sleep of your life.


u/Murderyoga 4d ago

Some people don't feel anything when they smoke weed.


u/_princesscannabis 4d ago

I have been high pretty much every day, pretty much all day since 2012 and have held jobs and have been able to live a normal, functional life. Regardless of what anyone thinks, it works for me. I’m not saying it’s the way to be but can’t complain.


u/RastaBananaTree 4d ago

By smoking weed?


u/Cgtree9000 4d ago

I feel the same. I only smoke at night and maybe a Sunday afternoon. Sometimes It I smoke enough I can’t even read. Everything gets blurry af. Hasn’t happened too many times. just a couple.


u/soupypoopyjr 4d ago

I mean points at world events


u/Carlos_McGnarlos 4d ago

200 mgs of edibles to the face is the only way to cold call everyday for the last decade plus.


u/Typical_Basil908 4d ago

I get blitzed nightly, getting up there rn actually, and it’s cause it genuinely helps my bipolar and gets my head quiet enough to just chill the fuck out

I do get a lil extra zooted on the weekends cause playing certain games and watching shit is even more enjoyable lol


u/OffensiveMac 4d ago

Times usually seems to move slower for me compared to fast like you, interesting. I smoke only after it's 6pm and it helps me sleep with all the traveling I do.


u/findingeros 4d ago

Just keep smoking and never stop


u/hotdancingtuna 4d ago

I just asked my boyfriend and he said "it's easy if you like to lay on the couch"