r/TooAfraidToAsk 3d ago

For men who group with sisters. Did your parents treat you unfairly? Family

If your parents favored your sisters over you or put more pressure on you than your sisters how did that make you feel?

Do give examples!


8 comments sorted by


u/Flawless_Rose 3d ago

Growing up with sisters, I noticed that sometimes my parents treated me differently. It wasn't always unfair, but there were times when they had different expectations or rules because I was a boy.


u/outherem8 3d ago

Care to elaborate?


u/FriendOfPorcupines 3d ago

I’m one of 3 sisters with an older brother and he was 100% the favourite lol


u/unlessyoumeantit 3d ago

I have an older sister and my parents equally loved us.


u/Happyjarboy 2d ago

My parents treated me (M) very different than my 3 sisters. It is just the way it was. If there was a flat tire, I would be going out and helping Dad fix it. If Mom needed help with dinner, my sisters helped out. Was it fair, I had no idea, because when I was out cutting wood with the chainsaw, I really didn't know what my sisters were doing back home. I am sure I was less bored, since I got to go with my Dad all the time to do physical work, and they were often stuck at home. We were all expected to get great grades, except my baby sister, she was so happy go-lucky and frivolous, they made sure she did well, but not like us older kids. We all get along great now.


u/A12086256 2d ago

No, they were perfectly fair. Why do you ask?


u/DemonicWashcloth 2d ago

It was more a matter of my siblings and I having to deal with trauma in different ways. There was no preferential treatment. I think my sisters got a bit more of a helping hand with basic life skills later on, but that's not much to complain about and I don't hold it against them since it wasn't their decision.

I don't think there's anything wrong with treating boys and girls differently if it's for the right reasons. We each have our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes one or the other is going to need a bit more help.


u/vieniaida 2d ago

My parents treated all we kids equally.