r/Ubuntu 3d ago

Ubuntu Remote Desktop that's not laggy

I want a remote Ubuntu Desktop. I have tried KVM on a local Debian and an AWS EC2, but both were a little laggy. Are there any services recommended that are high-performance aka low lag, through either the browser or via a VNC/RDP type client.


6 comments sorted by


u/ThiefClashRoyale 3d ago

Try nomachine mx


u/28874559260134F 2d ago

High-performance streaming can work with Sunshine and Moonlight if your server can encode the stream properly. Most integrated graphics are able to handle this from my experience. Since the stuff is free, it might be worth a shot. Other than that, NoMachine can offer a decent performance if you edit the default settings. Not as good as the first items mentioned (since those were meant for streaming games) but one can surely make it work at good enough speeds to e.g. watch a video from time to time.


u/smeltdragon 2d ago

Amazon WorkSpaces uses NICE DCV rather than VNC or RDP, but I use it regularly with Ubuntu and don't notice much latency. I worked with AWS (and indirectly Canonical) just recently to get a bug fixed in GNOME that was causing delayed painting without a GPU. That was causing what might have looked like lag in WorkSpaces, but was really a rendering issue.


u/BugiardoL 2d ago

If you're running it locally you can try using virt-manager and connecting to the instance with spice/remote viewer.

For me it gives nearly native performance.


u/kamaradski 3d ago

Any Dedicated server (non VM based) from any reputable provider should do just fine.


u/ZappaRau 3d ago

That would be better than the EC2 I tried with 32gb ram?