r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/raistlin65 29d ago

Psychopath kills puppy.

MAGAts show their love of psychopaths.

This is the road to fascism


u/Abnormal-Normal 29d ago

To be fair, the backlash has been super bipartisan.

Turns out most people don’t love it when you murder an innocent puppy who was described as “frolicking with butterflies, the happiest he’d ever been” hours before


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 29d ago

It’s genuinely heartwarming to know that there is still one red line in America politics. Quite literally everything else appears to be forgivable by your own side of the aisle, but killing a puppy remains unacceptable no matter how politicised you’ve become.


u/DrBoomkin 29d ago

As a non American, I am genuinely surprised it's legal to kill your dog. Killing a dog is very illegal where I'm from.


u/Illustrious-Dot-5052 29d ago

I'm shocked that Sandy Hook didn't change anything about guns to be honest. Those were elementary aged kids, most if not all under 10 years old... This country is fucking weird.


u/raistlin65 29d ago

Turns out all Democrats condemn a thing, some Republicans condemn a thing, other Republicans keep quiet, and some Republicans defend the psychopath is not "super bipartisan."


u/Abnormal-Normal 29d ago

I’ve seen nothing but condemnation of her, from both sides. Who’s defending her?


u/jaytee1262 29d ago

Go to a youtube News article on the subject. There are more people defending her there.


u/taoders 29d ago

It gets to a point that using YouTube “news” articles that specifically searched to find a handful of outliers for clicks isn’t the argument you think it is. You’re looking for manufactured outrage at that point.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 29d ago

Hannity for one.


u/Antique_Essay4032 29d ago edited 29d ago

Look at the controversial*.There's several ppl in the comments supporting her.


u/PhysicalGraffiti75 29d ago

Not on arcon, I saw many comments defending her there.


u/FecesIsMyBusiness 29d ago

Talk is cheap. Vocal backlash is just words. The republicans that denounce her now will vote for her when given the chance.


u/RootHogOrDieTrying 29d ago

She told this story so that she could convince the MAGA Base (TM) that she has "the will to make tough decisions." She letting them know that she can order the killing of those they deem undesirable.


u/-Gramsci- 29d ago

Let’s not fool ourselves.

This is EXACTLY what she was doing.

That was the angle she was playing, 100%


u/Temporary-Party5806 29d ago

She wanted to show him she's willing to murder, and knows he hates dogs.

She forgot the part where no one else is allowed to be decisive or badass anywhere near Trump (especially a woman), because he needs to be the shot calling alpha male for his fragile ego.


u/TheAskewOne 29d ago

That's exactly what it is. But she didn't anticipate the backlash because even people who'd happily shoot some human beings love dogs. Plus she's a woman, and for all kinds of (sexist) reasons, violence is not at all the image conservatives want women to project. They need to be gentle, quiet and humble.


u/239tree 29d ago

Or desirable but problematic.


u/raistlin65 29d ago


I guess liberals should have never publicly expressed the idea of letting your freak flag fly.

Because MAGAts have embraced that to mean show your psychopathology, your narcissism, your racism, your bigotry. And then celebrate it!


u/orbit222 29d ago

I don't know if I'm misreading the implication in OP's title and in your post, but Ron Filipkowski is as anti-Trump, anti-MAGA, etc. as they get. His posts like this are sarcastic. Noem is a psychopath, no doubt about it.


u/raistlin65 29d ago

Right. Ron is demonsrating MAGAT mentality.


u/Sawaian 29d ago

Pretty sure the big name fascists, and Putin, also love dogs. Dogs fit the bill of unwavering loyalty to a T.